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商家炒“末日商机” 船票大卖(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  在灾难片电影《2012》中,2012年12月21日是传说中古玛雅文明历法预言的世界末日记者发现,虽然所谓“末日”的说法早已被科学家否认,但很多精明的商人并不想放过这个商机,随着21日的临近,越来越多的灾难产品和末日产品横空出世,商家借势狂炒“末日经济”商机。 In the disaster movie[2012]in,On December 21, 2012 is the legendary middle mayan civilization calendar predicted the end of the world.Reporter discovery,Although the"end"That scientists have been denied,But a lot of shrewd businessman and don't want to miss this opportunity,With the approach of the 21,More and more disaster products and end products birth without notice,Business taking advantage of crazy Fried"The economic"Business opportunities.

图/东方IC Diagram/Oriental IC
   电商热销“末日”产品 Electric business sell like hot cakes"end"products

  羊城晚报记者昨日在淘宝搜索“诺亚方舟船票”,得到176079个结果。在一家销售创意礼品的天猫店铺,记者看到诺亚方舟船票月销量超过5000张,分为VIP版与标准版,还可以定制。一张完整的船票中包含六样东西,分别为信封、授权书、PVC卡、附卡、船票以及三折页卡槽。记者从淘宝店主处了解到,大多数买家都是因为好玩而送给朋友的,“很多一买就是十几份”。 The yangcheng evening news reporters yesterday in taobao search"Noah's ark tickets",By 176079 the results.In a sales creative gift day cat shop,The reporter sees Noah's ark on the ticket has sold more than 5000 copies,Divided into VIP version and the standard version,Can also customize.A complete tickets contains six things,Respectively for the envelope/authorization/PVC card/Add card/Tickets and three folding card slot.Reporters from taobao in the know,Most buyers are for fun and present for my friend,"Many a buy is a dozen".

  船票和求生书籍大卖,各种相关产品也纷纷贴上“末日”标签。记者在淘宝关键字里输入“末日”,得到63451个结果,排名第一的是价格为875元的生存救生专用包,这个并不便宜的救生包月成交量37笔。同类产品中,价位在300元左右的救生包基本销量破百。连普通的家庭急救箱都被包装成“末日必备急救箱”,对关键字进行比对后不难发现,贴有“末日”“灾难”等标签的产品确实销量较高。 The ticket sold books and survival,All kinds of related products have been labeled"end"label.Reporter in taobao key word in the input"end",By 63451 the results,Number one is the price for 875 yuan survival life special package,This is not cheap life la carte volume and pen.Of similar products,The price is in 300 yuan or so rescue package basic sales break the.Even the ordinary family first-aid kit is packaged into"For the end of the first aid kit",The key word to than it is not hard to find,stuck"end""disaster"And label the product is higher sales.

  天猫某户外运动客服告知记者:“最近来买救生用品的人特别多,十一月的销量是十月份的将近三倍,很多客人更愿意购买一些日常生活中也能用得上的,像救生药包和防护工具等。十二月的销量还一直在涨。” Day cat a outdoor sports service told reporters:"Recently to buy life-saving supplies people much more special,November sales in October is nearly three times,A lot of guests are more willing to buy some daily life also can use,Like life charge and protection tools etc.December sales still rise."

  此外,一些与末日看似无关的产品也做起“末日”宣传,打出“末日大促销”“末日到了不赚钱”等促销标语吸引顾客。 In addition,The end of some seemingly unrelated products is also made"end"propaganda,hit"The big promotion""The end of the don't make money"And promotional banners to attract customers.

   “末日”概念刺激消费 "end"Stimulate consumption concept

  世界末日说传开之后,“末日体”在微博上流行玛雅人靠谱么,如果靠谱我就不工作了;如果是真的我就不还银行贷款……这些看似开玩笑的微博确在一定程度上真实地促进了部分产业回暖。白领王小姐日前发微博称,她的一个同事,平时工作认真,但近日却突然向老板请辞。一周后,她接到了这个同事从阿姆斯特丹发来的明信片,上面写着:“世界末日要到了,我要开始我的环球旅行了。” The end of the world said after the spread,"The body"In micro blog popular mayan by spectrum yao,If, by spectrum I will not work;If that is true, I will not pay the bank loan……These seemingly joking micro bo it to a certain extent promote the real part of the industry milder.White-collar miss wang has FaWei bo said,One of her colleagues,At ordinary times the work is earnest,But recently suddenly to the boss resignation.After a week,She received the colleagues from from Amsterdam postcard,It says:"The end of the world is coming,I want to start my journey around the world the."

  虽然像王小姐同事这样辞职去环球旅行的人并不多,但“末日来临、及时行乐”的心理确实影响到部分人的消费行为。记者周末走访广百中怡、太阳新天地等大型商场,不少专柜柜员向记者表示,确有不少顾客在购买时向同伴表示,应该好好慰劳自己一下,不然以后遇到天灾什么的,就太“对不住”自己了。而导购小姐也经常以此作为促销说辞,据说“挺有效果的”。 Although like miss wang colleagues such resignation to travel around the world not a lot of people,but"end/Carpe diem"Psychological really affect the part of people's consuming behavior.Reporter in the GuangBai weekend visit/The sun new world and other large stores,Many shop clerk told reporters,There's a lot of customers in the purchase to peer said,Should take a treat yourself,After natural disasters or meet what,is"sorry"himself.And managed to miss is often as promotion rhetoric,It is said that"Quite have the effect of".

   “灾难心理”刺激保险热卖 "Disaster mental"Stimulation or insurance

  除此之外,保险行业也受到“灾难心理”影响。着名保险经营管理专家何四炎更是认为“世界末日是保险业新生命的启程”。 In addition,The insurance industry have also been"Disaster mental"influence.The name of the insurance business management expert what four inflammation is thought"The end of the world is the new life's departure".

  记者采访到一位前不久刚买过车险的张小姐,她说:“我是忠实的保险购买者,老公的意外保险、家庭保险还有每一辆车的车险我都在到期的第一时间再次购买,原来家人很不理解我,说我乱花钱。最近这段时间各种灾难片和末日论,让我的家人都感慨人生充满了意外,也对我买保险的行为给予了支持。”在她看来,末日概念给人们带来的保险意识让更多的人开始关注保险。 Reporter to interview a recently bought a car's miss zhang,She said:"I am faithful insurance buyers,Husband's accident insurance/Home insurance and each car auto insurance I due the first time to buy again,Original family is not understand me,Say me not to waste money.Recently this period of time all kinds of disaster film and doomsday,Let my family are all feeling life is full of accident,Also I buy insurance behavior gives support."In her eyes,The concept of the insurance consciousness, brings people make more and more people begin to pay close attention to insurance.

   消费者咨询“末日游” Consumer advice"The swim"

  “末日到来,抓紧时间观赏日后将不存在的美景”成为海外一些旅行社吸引游客的噱头之一。“末日游”最先由美国人提出,他们想以这种新方式感受地球正面临的危险,于是率先前往阿拉斯加、北极和南极正在融化的冰山等地游览,并将这种旅游称作“末日游”。 "Come the end of the,Take the time to view and admire the beauty of the future will not exist"Become overseas some travel agencies attract tourists one of the stunt."The swim"The first put forward by the American people,They want to feel in this new way of earth is facing danger,So to take the lead in Alaska/The North Pole and the South Pole is melting iceberg, visit,And this kind of tourism called"The swim".

  记者就“末日游”致电广州市几家旅行社,其均表示“没有做过与末日游有关的策划”,但表示“最近来问询旅游的人不少,特别是马尔代夫,很多人说再过50年就看不到了。但直接推出末日游线路不大可能。” Reporters were"The swim"Call guangzhou several travel agencies,It is said"Have done and the swim about planning",But said"Recent inquiry to travel a lot,Especially in the maldives,Many people say another fifty years can't see the.But directly out of the tour line is unlikely."

   相关报道 reported

   中美日俄“诺亚方舟”订单不俗 China and the United States, Russia"Noah's ark"Order not common

  中国义乌商人杨宗福制作的“诺亚方舟”是一个可以耐1700℃高温、承受350吨撞击力,可以在水面上航行,隔离核辐射和宇宙射线的直径4米的不锈钢大圆球,单个售价从100万-500万元不等。据有关媒体报道,杨宗福透露其客户“有山西的煤老板,也有旗下拥有几家上市公司的”。 China yiwu businessmen YangZongFu made"Noah's ark"Is a 1700 ℃ high temperature resistance/Under 350 tons of bump,Can on the surface of the navigation,Isolation nuclear radiation and the diameter of the cosmic rays 4 meters large stainless steel ball,A single price from 1 million - 5 million dollars.According to the media reported,YangZongFu revealed its customers"Have shanxi coal boss,Also has the company now owns several of the listed company".

  俄罗斯工程师和发明家叶夫根尼·尤比耶库研制出了一种可供4个人生存40天的密封舱,并且声称可以躲过末日引发的一切自然灾害、恐怖袭击。据了解,这个家伙每个造价9.2万美元,折合人民币58万元左右。 Russian engineer and inventor, especially YeFuGen · BiYe library developed one kind of available for four people live forty days of chamber,And claims to be able to avoid the cause of all natural disasters/Terrorist attacks.It is understood,This guy each cost 92000 dollars,Conversion of RMB 580000 yuan.

  自“3·11”日本大地震后,日本设计师就着手开发地震海啸时逃生的装备。2011年11月日本CosmoPower公司开始出售一种黄色球形迷你胶囊版的救生舱。这种诺亚方舟价格为315000日元(约合人民币23874元),已接到超过600张的订单。 since"3. 11,"Japan's massive earthquake,Japanese designers began to develop the tsunami escape equipment.In November 2011 CosmoPower Japanese companies began to sell a yellow ball mini capsule version of the escape capsule.This kind of Noah's ark price for 315000 yen(23874 yuan),Have received more than 600 copies of the order.

  美国版“诺亚方舟”更像“末日地堡”,位于地下约9米的地方,据称足可抵挡里氏10级的强震、时速达700公里的强风,面对室外677℃的大火,也可抵挡10天。每人入住一年的价格高达5万美元,目前已有上千名富人预订。 The United States version"Noah's ark"More like"The bunker",Is located in underground about 9 meters place,It's ten feet from the quake/700 kilometers per hour winds,In the face of the outdoor 677 ℃ fire,Also can resist 10 days.Each person in a year of the price is as high as 50000 dollars,There are thousands of rich reserve.
