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  12月17日,中国旅游媒体年会珠海开幕。届时,国内知名旅游媒体齐聚珠海,来自全国30多家媒体的近百名记者、编辑将在珠海采风三日,为珠海献计献策。 On December 17,,China's tourism media conference opened in zhuhai.the,The well-known domestic tourism media in zhuhai,From all over the country more than 30 media nearly journalists/Editors will paint in zhuhai for three days,For zhuhai of zhenhai.

  本次活动由广东省旅游局、珠海市政府、羊城晚报主办,广东省旅游协会、珠海市文体旅游局协办,羊城晚报珠江西岸传媒有限公、珠海市珠澳旅游集散中心承办。 This activity by guangdong tourism administration/Zhuhai municipal government/Yang cheng evening news host,Guangdong province tourist association/Zhuhai tourism style assisted,The yangcheng evening news media co., LTD., and the pearl river west bank/Zhuhai, zhuhai and macau travel the distribution center.

  本次中国旅游媒体年会的主题是“城市和旅游中国城市旅游进入X.0?”。这是珠海首次邀约全国旅游业媒体对城市休闲旅游发展话题进行深度交流的盛宴,这一盛大的活动除了将汇集旅游媒体,还会吸引到旅游业各领域、各环节的行家的积极参与与关注,从而引发广大民众的热情参与和热议。 The China's tourism media is the theme of the conference"City and tourism city of China tourism into X. 0?".This is the first national tourism media invitation of urban leisure tourism development topic in depth the feast of communication,This grand activities besides will bring together tourism media,Will also attract the tourism areas/Each link expert active participation and attention,Raising the people's enthusiasm to participate in and hot debate.

  本次年会与以往专家论坛、研讨会不同的是,年会的来宾是全国各主流媒体旅游版的编辑、记者,是专业旅游杂志的编辑记者,借鉴国际旅游媒体年会的做法,来宾将在珠海采风三日,采风的收获将被反应在各自的媒体上。同时,通过研讨,媒体人以记者的独特视角畅谈城市休闲旅游,探讨旅游城市如何借旅游媒体推广自身品牌,为珠海献计献策,并在此基础上形成中国旅游媒体年会白皮书,指导城市休闲旅游发展,逐步形成以年会为平台的城市旅游产品交易会,培育根植珠海的品牌活动,推动区域经济升级发展。 This annual meeting and previous experts BBS/Seminar is different,Meeting of the guests is the national mainstream media travel version of the editor/reporter,Is a professional travel magazine editor,Reference to the practice of international tourism media conference,Guests will be a three days in zhuhai,A harvest will be reflected in their media.At the same time,Through the discussion,Media reporters with unique perspective of talk about urban leisure tourism,Discusses how to borrow tourist city tourism media promotion own brand,For zhuhai of zhenhai,On the basis of China's tourism media form annual white paper,Guiding urban leisure tourism development,Gradually formed with convention as a platform of urban tourism products fair,Cultivate the grounding zhuhai brand activities,To promote the regional economic development upgrade.

  参与本次年会的嘉宾将在珠海体验到丰富多彩的行程:可以沿着情侣路观赏珠海浪漫的海岸线,可以在唐家感受珠海的特色文化,可以踩着单车在绿道上感受珠海的休闲气息,可以在斗门的御温泉洗去一身的疲惫当然,更可以吃到珠海各式各样的美食。 Participate in the annual meeting of the guest will be in zhuhai to experience colorful stroke:The way couples zhuhai romantic view of the coastline,Can feel wealthy tangs zhuhai's special culture,Can on the bike in the green path feel zhuhai's recreational flavor,Can be in doumen of royal spa wash a tired of course,More can eat to zhuhai all kinds of food.

  记者还获悉,以后每年的12月都将在珠海举办中国旅游媒体年会。通过记者的采风,展示珠海的城市形象和休闲元素,通过考察珠海人的生活,充实、活化幸福城市的概念,通过旅游媒体的报道,大大提升珠海城市的影响力,提高其知名度和美誉度,让更多人知道珠海是个适于休闲、会议的旅游城市,助推旅游经济发展。 Reporters also learned that,A year after 12 months will be held in zhuhai China tourism media conference.Through a reporter,Show the image of the city of zhuhai and leisure element,Through the investigation of zhuhai people's lives,full/The concept of city activation of happiness,Through the tourism media reports,Greatly improve the influence of zhuhai city,Improve the visibility and reputation,To let more people know zhuhai is a suitable for leisure/The meeting tourist city,Boosting tourism economic development.

  旅游年会官方网站:http://lynh.okzhuhai.com/ Tourism conference official website:http://lynh.okzhuhai.com/

旅游2.0:一夜看不尽珠海花 Tourism 2.0:Night to see not zhuhai flower
  中国旅游媒体年会是珠海首次邀约全国旅游业媒体对城市休闲旅游发展话题进行深度交流的盛宴,将会受到全国旅游媒体及其工作者的关注与传播。这一盛大活动除了汇集旅游媒体,还会吸引到旅游业各领域、各环节的行家的积极参与与关注,从而引发广大民众的热情参与和热议。一个城市的休闲旅游要发展好,离不开这个城的人,能引起民众参与和热情的话题与事件就正好证明了所做之事是切合实际发展需求的,是符合科学发展观精神的。 China's tourism media conference is the first national tourism zhuhai invitation media for urban leisure tourism development topic in depth the feast of communication,Will be the national tourism media and its workers attention and communication.This grand event in addition to tourism media together,Will also attract the tourism areas/Each link expert active participation and attention,Raising the people's enthusiasm to participate in and hot debate.A city of leisure tourism to develop well,Leave this city,Can cause people to participate in and enthusiasm topic with event is proof of the doings is practical development demand,Is in line with the spirit of the scientific concept of development.

  今年5月,珠海市人民政府与广东省旅游局签订合作框架协议,共同推进珠海滨海旅游大发展。这是珠海贯彻落实汪洋书记提出的“科学发展走新路,"十二五"崛起看珠海”指示精神的具体行动,也是为了加快珠海建设国际商务休闲旅游度假区的步伐。而珠海邀请众多旅游媒体到珠海采风、探讨城市旅游相关问题,可作为珠海市政府与广东省旅游局落实战略合作协议的具体项目。 In may this year,Zhuhai municipal people's government of guangdong province tourism bureau and sign a cooperation framework agreement,Jointly promote the development of zhuhai coastal tourism.This is the implementation of the ocean is put forward"The scientific development go new road,"1025"Rise see zhuhai"The spirit of instructions specific actions,Is to speed up the construction of zhuhai international business leisure tourism resort pace.Zhuhai and invited many tourism media to zhuhai to paint/To research the urban tourism related problems,Can be used as zhuhai municipal government and guangdong province tourism administration implement strategic cooperation agreement of the specific project.

  城市和旅游中国城市旅游进入2.0版? City and tourism city of China tourism in version 2.0?

  旅游当何如?不过是买张门票,看个景点,走得精疲力竭便可打道回府仅此而已,便足够了吗? Tourism when see?But is to buy tickets,Look at a scenic spot,Go out can go back home that's all,Is enough??

  珠海不是一个传统意义上有着具体“热卖”景点的旅游城市。珠海整座城就是一个景点,这也正是国际上城市休闲旅游的特征。在很多境外城市休闲旅游中,这一点已是很平常并被高度接受的一种休闲游城市特质,但在国内的城市休闲游中却还是非常罕见的。珠海如何将自己这一特质传播出去,在这个纷繁芜杂的“旅游生活化、生活旅游化”的年代脱颖而出,是个值得大家关注、探讨并付诸行动的话题。这也是举办这次年会的目的。 Zhuhai is not a traditional sense has specific"hot"Attractions tourist city.Zhuhai whole city is a scenic spot,This is the international urban leisure tourism characteristics.In many foreign cities in the leisure tourism,It is very common and are highly accepted a leisure city characteristics,But in domestic city in the leisure is still very rare.Zhuhai how to this trait spread out,In this part of numerous and complicated"Tourism life/Life tourism change"Out of the s,Is a worthy of attention/The topic of discussion and action.This is also the purpose of this conference held.

  春风得意马蹄疾,未使不是旅游,但只能算“旅游1.0”,而珠海要升级的“旅游2.0”将不会让你“一夜看尽珠海花”。 Prosperous water chestnut disease,Not make not tourism,But can only calculate"Tourism 1.0",And zhuhai to upgrade"Tourism 2.0"Will not let you"Night to see all zhuhai flower".

  何为城市?一座城市应该具有哪有魅力要素,发展何去何从?人对城市的感受是什么?珠海应该是一座怎样的城?是人在规划城市,还是顺势而为依从自然的规划,将城市融入自然,应该是怎么的城市发展观来指导我们的和谐生活?建筑作为城市不可或缺的元素,是巧夺天工用工业文明去推进改变生活,还是因地制宜融入环境创造和谐人居环境?珠海,你站在哪里?你要往哪里去? What is the city?A city should have which have charm elements,Development what course to follow?People in the city feel what is it?Zhuhai should is a what kind of city?Is the person in the city planning,Or take advantage of an opportunity and to listen to nature of planning,The urban blend in nature,Should be how to city development to guide our harmonious life?As an indispensable element of city building,Type is with industrial civilization to promote change life,Or adjust measures to local conditions into the environment to create a harmonious living environment?zhuhai,Where you stand?Where you are going?
