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合肥旅游大巴变身班线客运 只售旅游票(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

乘客所带行李显示他们并非游客 Passengers with luggage shows that they are not tourists
  合肥客运旅游汽车有限公司有两辆跑旅游线路的大巴车,却跑起了“合肥-毛坦厂”的班线客运。12月15日,记者在接到读者举报后,在合肥旅游集散中心登上了其中一辆旅游车 Hefei automobile passenger travel co., LTD. Has two cars run tourism line DaBaChe,But ran up"Hefei - MaoTan factory"Class line of passenger.December 15,Reporters from the readers in the report,In hefei tourism distribution center on the one of a coach.

   不少乘客已成“常客” A lot of passengers has become"regular"

  12月15日一早,根据举报人提供的联系方式,记者拨通了旅游车驾驶员的电话,自称要乘车前往六安市毛坦厂镇,接电话的男子很热情地说:“每天早晨8点,你到胜利路旅游集散中心,我们从那里发车,下午两点从毛坦厂返回。还有一辆大巴车是对开的。” On the first morning of December 15,According to the informer provide contact information,Reporter dialed touring bus driver's phone,Claims to want to ride to luan MaoTan factory town,The phone man very enthusiastic said:"Every morning at eight,You to sheng li road travel distribution center,We start from there,At two o 'clock in the afternoon MaoTan return from factory.And one DaBaChe is folio."

  早晨7点钟,记者提前来到胜利路旅游集散中心,在院内找到车牌号皖A41191的旅游车,这是一辆橙色大巴车,车身上写有“合肥旅汽”的字样。 The morning at 7 o 'clock,Reporters came to ahead of sheng li road travel distribution center,In the court find the license plate number A41191 anhui the coach,This is a car DaBaChe orange,Car body writing have"Hefei a steam"".

  不一会儿,几名中年男女拎着大包小包的行李,来到车前。记者询问得知,这些人都是在毛坦厂中学陪读的家长,他们边等待发车边抱怨:“上次一看人少就不跑了,害得我转车。” Not and in a short while,A few middle-aged men and women carry suit cases of luggage,Came to the front.The reporter asks that,These people are in MaoTan factory middle school parents or relatives can apply,They side waiting for the grid side complain:"At last a few will not run,Caused me to change."

  众人上车后,驾驶员点了一下人数,“还不错,有十多个了!” They get on the,A pilot point number,"Is good,Have more than ten the!"

   没有车票只有旅游票 No ticket only LvYouPiao

  “车票多少钱?”记者询问售票员,他回答说:“去(毛坦厂)30(元),回来25(元),比其他车便宜多了!” "Ticket how much money?"The reporter asks the conductor,He answered and said:"to(MaoTan factory)30(yuan),Back 25(yuan),More than any other car much cheaper!"

  记者了解到,“合肥-毛坦厂”的客运班车有两种票价:从旅游汽车站发车的票价为37元,从客运南站发车的票价为32元。旅游车发车后,一路上,记者听到驾驶员接到很多电话,都是询问车辆的当前位置。在明珠广场、上派镇和花岗镇,驾驶员每见路边有乘客等车,就放缓车速打开车门,售票员伸出脖子大喊:“到毛坦厂的,可有到毛坦厂的!”记者数了一下,中途搭乘该车的有十多名乘客。 The reporter understands,"Hefei - MaoTan factory"There are two kinds of passenger train ticket:Start from the tourist bus station ticket prices for 37 yuan,Start from the passenger station of the ticket price for 32 yuan.Coach after the start,the,Reporter heard the driver received a lot of phone,Is asking the vehicle's current position.In the pearl plaza/The pie town and granite town,Each driver see roadside a passenger car, etc,Will slow the speed to open doors,The conductor stretched out his neck Shouting:"To MaoTan factory,Can have to MaoTan factory!"A number of reporters,On the way of more than ten passengers.

  途中,记者在将车票钱递给售票员后,向其索要车票。售票员给每人发了一张旅游票,票上写有“合肥旅游集散中心”“合肥-东石笋一日游”“价格30元”等字样。 way,Reporter in the ticket to the conductor after money,To ask for the ticket.The conductor to each hair a LvYouPiao,Ticket has written"Hefei tourism distribution center""Hefei - east stalagmite day tour""Price 30 yuan"Words such as.

   自知理亏不敢竖牌子 Know it be in the wrong can't vertical brand

  “你现在刚开始跑,不能三天打鱼两天晒网,最好在车前(挡风玻璃)竖个牌子!”途中,有乘客建议道。“哪能竖牌子啊,我们跑客运本来就是违规的。”售票员说。 "You now just began to run,Can't three days fishing nets are spread two days,In front of the best(windshield)Vertical a brand!"way,A passenger advised."How can vertical brand ah,We ran passenger was illegal."The conductor said.

  上午10点40分左右,该车抵达“终点站”毛坦厂中学东门。有一辆车牌号为皖A25958的旅游车停在附近。“这辆车上午没跑吗?”听到记者的疑问,售票员回答说:“可能上午没什么人吧!” Ten o 'clock in the morning about forty points,The car arrived in"terminal"MaoTan factory east middle school.Have a car license plate number for anhui A25958 rides in the nearby park."The car running in the morning?"Heard reporter's question,The conductor said:"No person may morning!"

  这两辆车与合肥客运旅游汽车有限公司是什么关系?旅游车可否中途带客?昨天下午,记者拨通该公司一位黄姓经理的电话,他称对此事并不清楚。记者又与车主杨先生取得联系,他却说车上都是游客,中途带的客人则是散客。得知记者曾经上车暗访,杨先生又改口称确实存在一些乘客并非游客的情况。 The two cars and passenger travel hefei automobile co., LTD. Is what relation?The coach can take the guest?Yesterday afternoon,Reporter went to the company a HuangXing manager's telephone,He says it is not clear.Reporters and contact the owner Mr Yang,He said the car are tourists,With the guest is individual traveler.That reporter once get on investigations,Mr Yang said 45-day do exist some passengers are not of tourists.

   运管部门称涉嫌违规 Pipe agencies say suspected violations

  在毛坦厂镇,一些“合肥-毛坦厂”班线客车的车主称,对这种情况,“我们曾向合肥、六安两地运管部门反映多次,但一直没有结果。” In MaoTan factory town,some"Hefei - MaoTan factory"Class line bus's owner said,In this case,"We have to hefei/Luk on both pipe branch reflects many times,But there has been no results."

  “旅游旺季,有班线车跑旅游;旅游淡季,有旅游车跑班线。这两种车有冲突,我们经常接到双方相互举报。不过,旅游车中途带客,且车上乘客并非游客,这种情况是违规的。”省运管局一位工作人员介绍说。记者昨天向运管部门的投诉热线反映此事,工作人员表示将联系相关人员进行调查。 "Tourist season,A class line car run tourism;Travel off-season,A coach class line running.The two cars have conflict,We often received the report each other.but,The coach with the guest,And the passengers are not tourists,This kind of situation is illegal."Provincial bureau of pipe a staff said.Reporter yesterday to pipe department complaint hotline reflect it,Staff said will contact the relevant personnel were investigated.
