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驴友驾车雪地探险被困 老伯开拖拉机冒死相救--亲稳网络舆情监测室
中新社赤峰12月18日电 (任晏黎)“能有张床睡觉真好!”18日上午,记者在宾馆见到了“越野e族”沈孝全一行6人。他们之前被困雪地15小时,于18日凌晨4时许获救。
China news agency chifeng December and report (RenYan li)"It's nice to have a bed to sleep!"And the morning,Reporters saw at the hotel"Cross-country e family"ShenXiaoQuan a line 6 people.Before they trapped snow 15 hours,In the morning, at about 4 were rescued.
ShenXiaoQuan introduced,They are"Cross-country e family of chifeng"players,He is the captain,This adventure is for 29 chifeng winter capture section of the collective cross-country activity units.
17 afternoon 1 o 'clock,A line of six people driving a double standard on sport utility vehicle.For playing stimulation,They choose snow cross-country route.Start didn't take long for them to have found stuck in the snow,Front is a budao edge of the snow.5 PM,The two cars are fell into a very deep pit,Thoroughly can't walk anymore.
start,The players take active self-help,They dig side edge refueling doorway impact."We experience a lot of sand,But the snow was the first time,33 degrees below zero,Also BaiMaoFeng blowing,Make an effort of fierce cut is very wrong,Soon our breath is difficult."ShenXiaoQuan said.Not only that,Everyone's physical strength are serious overdrawn.
After inspection,The whole car only three bags of the cold hard small ham and two bottles of cold beer."I drink it after earthquake more cold,But can't find something else,Is really hungry."The units of another teammate David said.Save work continued to eighteen day at 1 am,Finally everyone exhausted,One of the car is almost out of gas.When the wizard called contact a Mongolian old man,He is the only man near a tractor.
The whole dug three hours later,Finally clear out a way to,Open tractor in front for their pressure snow ground way,At four o 'clock the two old man successful suv zhen out with.
"It's so kind of you that the old man,The somebody else that's risk their lives to save us,More than one meter high snow,He is a person want to be trapped in the didn't recruit,Than we the;Even a tractor shed all have no,Or freeze to death,Either have to be eaten by the Wolf."ZhuHui said.
"If it weren't for salvation,The six men will be frozen ice lolly."Save the old man said,"So the cold weather,Don't play stimulus".(finish)
中新社赤峰12月18日电 (任晏黎)“能有张床睡觉真好!”18日上午,记者在宾馆见到了“越野e族”沈孝全一行6人。他们之前被困雪地15小时,于18日凌晨4时许获救。
China news agency chifeng December and report (RenYan li)"It's nice to have a bed to sleep!"And the morning,Reporters saw at the hotel"Cross-country e family"ShenXiaoQuan a line 6 people.Before they trapped snow 15 hours,In the morning, at about 4 were rescued.
ShenXiaoQuan introduced,They are"Cross-country e family of chifeng"players,He is the captain,This adventure is for 29 chifeng winter capture section of the collective cross-country activity units.
17 afternoon 1 o 'clock,A line of six people driving a double standard on sport utility vehicle.For playing stimulation,They choose snow cross-country route.Start didn't take long for them to have found stuck in the snow,Front is a budao edge of the snow.5 PM,The two cars are fell into a very deep pit,Thoroughly can't walk anymore.
start,The players take active self-help,They dig side edge refueling doorway impact."We experience a lot of sand,But the snow was the first time,33 degrees below zero,Also BaiMaoFeng blowing,Make an effort of fierce cut is very wrong,Soon our breath is difficult."ShenXiaoQuan said.Not only that,Everyone's physical strength are serious overdrawn.
After inspection,The whole car only three bags of the cold hard small ham and two bottles of cold beer."I drink it after earthquake more cold,But can't find something else,Is really hungry."The units of another teammate David said.Save work continued to eighteen day at 1 am,Finally everyone exhausted,One of the car is almost out of gas.When the wizard called contact a Mongolian old man,He is the only man near a tractor.
The whole dug three hours later,Finally clear out a way to,Open tractor in front for their pressure snow ground way,At four o 'clock the two old man successful suv zhen out with.
"It's so kind of you that the old man,The somebody else that's risk their lives to save us,More than one meter high snow,He is a person want to be trapped in the didn't recruit,Than we the;Even a tractor shed all have no,Or freeze to death,Either have to be eaten by the Wolf."ZhuHui said.
"If it weren't for salvation,The six men will be frozen ice lolly."Save the old man said,"So the cold weather,Don't play stimulus".(finish)
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