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CNN recently judge"The world's ten largest unique city across the years",Hong Kong with famous New Year fireworks display over Victoria harbour on the top.December 31 is Hong Kong tourism board(Referred to as the HKTB)The sixth consecutive year New Year countdown activity held,will"The New Year•New world"As the theme,The first present melting sea/lu/Empty in the integration of the fireworks of the event"The most".


 最盛大: The most grand:今年的烟花汇演,将首度以香港会议展览中心为核心,实现融海上、陆地、空中于一体的同步表演,全长达8分钟时间,成就前所未有的全岛璀璨。

This year's fireworks display,It will for the first time in Hong Kong convention and exhibition center as the core,Realize melting sea/land/The air in one of the synchronization performance,Total length of eight minutes,Achievement unprecedented bright island.


最特别: The most special:烟花汇演将延伸至整座城市,维港两岸多幢重要楼宇将参与汇演,今年还特别融入更强的音乐元素,届时音乐、激光及灯光特效将与盛大烟花交相辉映。

Fireworks display will be extended to the whole city,The house more than an important building will participate in joint performance,This year also special into more music element,The music/Laser and light effects with big fireworks in photograph reflect.


最浪漫: The most romantic:最受欢迎的“许愿流星”,将从倒数前一小时开始,带着人们的新年心愿划过星空。6座著名建筑物楼顶每隔十五分钟发出“流星”——银色象征事业,绿色象征健康,金色象征财富,红色象征爱,浪漫满香江。

The most popular"Meteor wish",From the bottom one hour before the start,With people's New Year resolution across the sky.6 a famous building roof out every 15 minutes"meteor"Career - silver symbol,Green symbol of health,Golden symbol of wealth,Red symbolizes the love,Romantic full xiangjiang.


最热闹: The most popular:首次采用带有声音效果的烟花,烟花绽放时会发出“爆竹”和“口哨”等各种声音,将令本次烟花汇演热闹非凡。

For the first time with the sound effects of fireworks,Fireworks will blossom out"firecrackers"and"whistle", etc. Various kinds of sound,Will the fireworks display very busy.


Hong Kong HKTB greater China regional director YeZhenDe lady said:"Hong Kong New Year countdown activity was named as the world's most anticipated event,Is called a.With all this year‘The most’breakthrough,Hong Kong will be our New Year countdown to the world,Including the mainland passengers a most special New Year gift."

  今年,“香港缤纷冬日节”首次将四个圣诞夜景加入Google地图,在Google地图街景搜索景点时,将看到缤纷冬日节推介的中环皇后像广场、尖沙咀海港城、1881 Heritage及尖东百周年纪念公园的璀璨夜景。

This year,"Hong Kong profusion winter day"For the first four Christmas night scene to join Google map,In Google maps vista search tourist attractions,Will see profusion winter festival promotion of central statue square/Tsim Sha Tsui harbour city/1881 Heritage and east tsim the centennial park bright at night.
