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中国休假制度成奢侈品 五成人没享受过带薪休假--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Our country[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees]January 1, 2008 start implementation.Almost 5 years,The implementation regulations?"now,The most luxury is not LV but leave."Users of this sentence ridicule became many workplace of regrets.You go on vacation this year?Chinese holiday system when can from"luxury"to"commodity"?Can leave in units of assessment indicators for compulsory execution?

  休假难 “权益”和“饭碗”要舍一 Vacation difficult "rights"and"Rice bowl"Up to a


From nanjing labor inspection team figures show,In 2012, paid vacation TouSuLiang reached more than 600 up,Increase in the number of complaints last year than half.Despite the increased worker rights consciousness,There are due to report and lost"Rice bowl"case.

  在内蒙古一家私营企业工作的赵海燕,去年向老板请了两次年假都遭到了拒绝,而且受到威胁:如果实在想休假,就别再来上班。老板给她算了笔账:“我付给你的工资,365天减去115个休息日,还剩下250天,再休息5天的话,相当于拿了250天的工资干245天的活,我们小企业都是一个萝卜一个坑,你休假谁替代? ”

A private enterprise in Inner Mongolia ZhaoHaiYan work,Last year to the boss please two annual leave have been refused,And threatened:If you really want to leave,Don't come to work.The boss gave her forget it bill:"I paid your salary,365 days minus 115 a day of rest,250 days left,Then rest 5 days words,Equivalent to took 250 days of wage dry 245 days to live,Our small businesses are a radish a pit,You're on holiday who replace? "


False difficult Hugh phenomenon are not only in private enterprises,In some administrative institution is widespread."Peacetime work well done is normal,Only work overtime/Throughout the year without Hugh can obtain the leadership of the recognition."In Shanghai some authority personnel department work little told reporters,Work overtime and holiday have a group psychology,Everyone is working overtime,You must have to add,Leadership is not on vacation,You also don was ashamed to ask.


In hunan TV industry in the smile told reporters,Vacation will be button performance,So almost don't consider it.


In China's workplace,Like smile such sub-health more and more.A white-collar health survey,Two-thirds of respondents thought their own physical condition of sub-health state.Punishment difficult


劳动者底气不足难维权 Workers should be difficult to rights


[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees]provisions,Each year in the workplace paid vacation days in five days to 15 days.however,The reality of the system and has not been fully implement.recently,The China youth daily social survey center of a survey,Fifty percent of workers didn't enjoyed paid vacation,Nearly seventy percent of employees to submit to humiliation.


Tsinghua university holiday reform in his CaiJiMing said,The market economy of the western developed countries implement paid vacation,France/Germany have decades of history,We and the national legal holiday almost,The main difference is that implementation is not enough.


Paid vacation encounter difficult to execute,The main reason is:


- labor supply over demand,Laborer rights should be.Yunnan province federation of trade unions legal security minister WangZhengGang said,Paid vacation right and as working eight hours a day,Unit of choose and employ persons often don't abide by.Our country Labour relations between the two sides, such as wrong,The relative strength,Especially in the Labour supply over demand situation,Laborer competition pressure,Worry for vacation was snatched away your job,Don't worry about leadership to influence their treatment.Few people through the legal means of rights.


- most of the unit of choose and employ persons exist misunderstanding,Think vacation influence efficiency.CaiJiMing said,If the enterprise managers active suggest the employee paid off,More can increase staff to enterprise's identity/Ownership and cohesion,The working efficiency can be raised.Germany and France paid vacation mean twenty-eight days,The United States is an average of 14 days,DE/Method of production efficiency and not so low than the United States.


The government level, not enough attention,Supervision department"Law enforcement"Strength weak.[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees]Executive has nearly five years,Rarely have heard of the enterprises and institutions for not implement this system and punished.Reporter to some relevant organizations to understand the various industries and regions of the implementation of paid vacation,say"Don't know".


- the labor inspection department/Trade unions and other functional departments of the limited function.In a foreign country,If the employer does not handle affairs according to law,Employees can look for Labour union or citizens around the office for help,Also can appeal to labor arbitration institution.Beijing's supervision department person in charge when accepting a reporter to interview also said,In our country,The right of the worker and peasant workers unpaid wages/All sorts of labor dispute than up,And is not the most important thing,Basically belongs to the people don't lift,Officer let bygones be bygones.


 补偿难 Compensation difficult三倍补偿工资单位“忘”了 Three times the salary compensation unit"forget"the

  按照 《职工带薪年休假条例》规定,如果企业确因工作需要,经职工本人同意,不能安排职工年休假的,除了应当支付职工正常工资福利待遇外,还应当每日按照该职工的日工资300%的标准给予补偿。而记者调查发现,多数单位不仅没有让职工休假的意识,也没有按照规定进行补偿。

According to the [Regulations on paid annual leave for employees]provisions,If the enterprise really need because of the job,I agree to the worker,Cannot arrange worker year vacation,In addition to shall pay the worker normal salary welfare treatment outside,Should also be daily according to the worker's daily wages to the standard 300% compensation.And the reporter survey found,Most of the unit did not let a worker vacation consciousness,No compensation in accordance with the relevant provisions.


Any deprivation worker paid Hugh annual leave behavior are openly illegal,Should be in accordance with the labor law/The labor contract law and other related laws and regulations shall be punished.CaiJiMing think,Vacation is conducive to the preservation of the rights and interests of every worker,It is necessary to"enforcement",Can put it into the government administrative management/An important indicator of the achievements appraisal,Even a ticket veto.


China's health education MAO qunan, director of the center said,The paid vacation system into effect,Not only need all kinds of enterprise/authority/Group change ideas,Respect employees' rights,More from system security.State organs/institutions/The state-owned enterprise must lead the implementation of paid vacation,Party and government leading cadres must take the lead in observing the more,The private enterprise more to change the eye myopia,Change overtime culture.


"Enforce Hugh annual leave with pay"How difficult it was?Kunming lawyer of the Pacific LiChengWei think,System from"paper"Into the"action"Could not accomplish in one move,Still need to support social environment,Only when the social and economic development of various conditions are mature,Paid vacation to from the system into a habit of it.He suggested that relevant departments should implement the paid vacation as important responsibility,Employees must be good at maintaining rights,When necessary for collective action.


 《职工带薪年休假条例》全文 [Regulations on paid annual leave for employees]Full text

  第一条 为了维护职工休息休假权利,调动职工工作积极性,根据劳动法和公务员法,制定本条例。

Article 1 in order to maintain the right to rest and vacations,Arouses staff's work enthusiasm,According to the labor law and civil servant law,This regulation is formulated.

  第二条 机关、团体、企业、事业单位、民办非企业单位、有雇工的个体工商户等单位的职工连续工作1年以上的,享受带薪年休假(以下简称年休假)。单位应当保证职工享受年休假。职工在年休假期间享受与正常工作期间相同的工资收入。

Article 2 organs/group/enterprise/institutions/The people-run non-enterprise unit/Have hired worker individual and industrial and commercial door, and other units of the workers work for more than one year,Enjoy the annual paid vacation(Hereinafter referred to as the annual leave).Unit shall guarantee that its staff and workers enjoy annual leave.The worker is in during the annual vacation enjoy and normal during the work the same wage income.

  第三条 职工累计工作已满1年不满10年的,年休假5天;已满10年不满20年的,年休假10天;已满20年的,年休假15天。

Article 3 the worker total work is full with 1 year ten years,5 days annual leave;Already full ten years with the twenty years,10 days annual leave;Already full twenty years,15 days annual leave.


National legal holiday/Day off not included in the annual leave vacation.

  第四条 职工有下列情形之一的,不享受当年的年休假:

Article 4 the worker has one of following cases occurs,Do not enjoy the annual leave:


(a)A worker lawfully enjoy summer and winter vacations,The vacation days more than the annual leave days;


(two)Staff please leave the accumulated more than twenty days and unit according to the regulation of the real wage;


(three)Accumulative total job full 1 year and less than ten years of worker,Sick leave accumulated more than two months;


(four)Accumulated work full ten years with the worker of twenty years,Sick leave accumulated over three months;


(five)Accumulated work full twenty years of worker,Sick leave accumulated more than four months.

  第五条 单位根据生产、工作的具体情况,并考虑职工本人意愿,统筹安排职工年休假。

Article 5 according to the production unit/The specific circumstances of work,And consider the individual preference,Overall arrangement in the annual leave of employees.


Annual leave within one year can focus on arrangements,Can also block arrangement,Generally does not split year arrangement.Because the unit production/Characteristics of several is definitely necessary arrangement worker year vacation,Can cross 1 year arrangement.


Units that need because of the job cannot arrange worker in leisure vacation,I agree to the worker,Can not arrange worker Hugh annual leave.To the worker should Sue time-off annual leave days,Units shall, in accordance with this worker, 300% of the wage income paid annual leave salary reward.

  第六条 县级以上地方人民政府人事部门、劳动保障部门应当依据职权对单位执行本条例的情况主动进行监督检查。

Article 6 of the local people's government at or above the county level personnel department/Labor safeguard branch of functions and powers shall be based on unit of execution of this act actively carry out supervision and inspection.


In accordance with the trade union organization safeguarding workers' rights in vacation.

  第七条 单位不安排职工休年休假又不依照本条例规定给予年休假工资报酬的,由县级以上地方人民政府人事部门或者劳动保障部门依据职权责令限期改正;对逾期不改正的,除责令该单位支付年休假工资报酬外,单位还应当按照年休假工资报酬的数额向职工加付赔偿金;对拒不支付年休假工资报酬、赔偿金的,属于公务员和参照公务员法管理的人员所在单位的,对直接负责的主管人员以及其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;属于其他单位的,由劳动保障部门、人事部门或者职工申请人民法院强制执行。

Article 7 units do not arrange worker Hugh annual leave and not to the regulations in holiday pay remuneration,The local people's government at or above the county level or the personnel department of labor and social security department according to the functions and powers shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit;To make a correction overdue,In addition to order the unit pay year holiday pay the remuneration,The unit also shall, in accordance with the amount of annual leave pay pay to the workers and pay for the damages;Annual leave to refuses to pay the wages/compensation,Belong to civil servants and reference civil servant law of the management personnel of the unit,The leading persons directly in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be given sanctions;Belong to other units,The labor and social security department/Personnel department or the worker may apply to the people's court for compulsory enforcement.

  第八条 职工与单位因年休假发生的争议,依照国家有关法律、行政法规的规定处理。

Article 8 worker and unit for annual leave of disputes,In accordance with the relevant state laws/Administrative regulations processing.

  第九条 国务院人事部门、国务院劳动保障部门依据职权,分别制定本条例的实施办法。

Article 9 the personnel department of the state council/According to the functions and powers of the state council labor safeguard branch,Respectively formulate measures for the implementation of these regulations.

  第十条 本条例自2008年1月1日起施行。

Article 10 the regulations since 2008 on January 1,.
