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元旦催生旅游热 目的地机票涨幅高达80%--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  随着近日关于元旦放假安排的出炉,年末旅游市场迅速走热,原本处于淡季的机票市场也提前迎来回暖期。记者从去哪儿网、携程旅行网、艺龙网的数据看到,哈尔滨、成都、西安、昆明等地成为元旦国内游最热门目的地,曼谷、新加坡、首尔等地成出境游最热门目的地,热门目的地机票涨幅高达80%。 With the recent New Year's day holiday arrangement about a,By the end of the tourist market rapidly away heat,Originally in the slack season ticket market also advance have warmed period.Reporter from and where to go/ctrip/Elong data to see,Harbin/chengdu/xian/Kunming as New Year's day is the most popular domestic tourism destination,Bangkok/Singapore/Seoul, etc into outbound tourism the most popular destination,Popular destinations ticket or as high as 80%.

  记者从去哪儿网了解到,受年底机票市场淡季影响,元旦假期旅游市场并未出现明显升温,最新假期安排的出炉无疑是年末旅游市场的催化剂,“上班族只需请一天假就可以拥有6天假期,安排一次跨年旅游。” 来自去哪儿网的机票搜索预订数据显示,元旦放假通知出炉当日,机票搜索预订量上涨超过30%并持续攀升。其负责人指出,元旦假期催生出游小高峰,不少热门旅游目的地机票价格出现不同幅度上涨,部分热门航线价格上涨80%。

Reporters from where to network to know,By the end of the year the ticket market off-season influence,New Year's day holiday tourism market did not appear obvious temperature,The latest holiday arrangement is undoubtedly a tourism market by the end of the catalyst,"An office worker just take a day off can have 6 days holiday,Arrange for a New Year's tourism." From where to go and search ticket reservation data display,New Year's day holiday on a notice,Search YuDingLiang ticket rose more than 30% and continue to rise.It is pointed out that the,New Year's day holiday travel gave a small peak,Many popular tourist destination ticket price rising in different range,Part of the popular route prices 80%.


Influence by season,Winter ski tour has been hot,Ice and snow tourist resort Harbin winter has once again become one of the most popular destination,Harbin airline ticket price also appears more modest.At present Beijing fly Harbin route price about 400 yuan of less than,At the end of December, up to more than 700 yuan,Or close to 80%.The traditional tourist destination in chengdu/xian/kunming/xiamen/Sanya, ticket prices also appears more modest.Taking chengdu as an example,At the end of December, Beijing to chengdu route up to about 500 yuan,Increased by 25%.


Outbound tourism in,Ctrip person in charge told reporters,During the New Year's day this year,Bangkok/Singapore/Seoul/Taipei/Kuala Lumpur/Macao and other short tour of the most popular destination.At the end of December, Europe and the United States into the Christmas season and discount season,New Year at the end of travel has become the most popular way outbound tourism office worker.In addition,Into after the winter,Island tourism and reverse season swim quickly back to the temperature,Southeast Asia and the nearby island pleasant climate/Travel moderate price,Many Chinese consumers to become the first choice of short outbound tourism.Ticket price(Not tax),Compared with early dec.,Before and after the New Year's day in Beijing/Shanghai return Sydney about 3100 yuan,The increase of about 15% in the;Beijing round Bangkok about 1000 yuan,Shanghai and Bangkok about 600 yuan,Guangzhou and Bangkok about 800 yuan;Beijing and Singapore about 1300 yuan,Shanghai and Singapore about 600 yuan,Guangzhou round Singapore minimum of about 200 yuan……

  携程旅行网提醒消费者,旅游高峰也是机票诈骗分子猖獗的时期,消费者在预订机票时一定要提高警惕,应尽量选择有安全保障体系的正规品牌网站预订。不要轻信特价诱饵,对400、800开头的电话要提高警惕,并且在支付时选择在线支付,银行转账或当面交易往往是骗局。本报讯 (记者李岩)

Ctrip remind consumers,Peak tourist season ticket is fraud molecular rampant period,Consumers in the book the ticket must be vigilant,Should try to choose to have safety guarantee system of formal brand reservation.Don't take the bait on sale,400/800 the phone to alert,And in the choice of payment online payment,Bank transfer or the transaction often is the scam.Report from our correspondent (Reporter li yan)

  作者:李岩 (来源:今晚报)

The author:Li yan (source:JinWanBao)
