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北京出租车“乱象”引热议 需破体制“痼疾”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

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  "你愿坐就坐,不坐滚蛋,排队挨冻去吧."说话如此蛮横of,是一个在北京站广场趴活儿of出租车司机.从北京站到北京西站,这位出租车司机张口就要120元,是打表价格of六倍.如果不坐,那就只能像他说of那样,"滚蛋","排长队挨冻",因为北京站根本打不到车.据记者近日调查发现,如今在北京打车很难,在一些热点地段,比如王府井/东直门等地区,由于Take a taxi to,出租车竟然奇货可居,出租车基本都是漫天要价.记者将这些问题投诉给出租车公司时,得到of回复是"10个工作日内答复",问题基本得不到解决.(综合xinhuanet/[新京报]/中国广播网等媒体报道)


  【网民声音】  [网民声音]

  网友吐槽,北京出租“拒载”严重该好好整顿   网友吐槽,北京出租"拒载"严重该好好整顿





  杨保全律师:北京打车真得看司机脸色。近的不去,或拒载或抱怨;远的不去,说得空车回市里。挑肥捡瘦,满肚子对社会的不满。虽然油钱、份子钱 、养家糊口的钱都不容易,但这个职业秩序必须好好整顿一下了。

  杨保全律师:北京打车真得看司机脸色.近of不去,或拒载或抱怨;远of不去,说得空车回市里.挑肥捡瘦,满肚子对社会of不满.虽然油钱/Member's money /His family money is not easy,But this profession order must be good to consolidate.


MercedesBenz - HK:Beijing rent often refuse at will,Website forty minutes can't hit the car is very normal.Can play on the black car count yourself lucky.The driver will be locked the door and then rolled down his window ask you to go there,If see you in your hand luggage or go to the station of road block place,Will not hesitate to say to you:"no"!


  “个别不能代表整体”,多一点包容和理解 "Individual does not represent the overall",A little more tolerance and understanding


Happy new mom:In fact, if have a sincere with taxi drivers chat through words,Be more sympathy for their hard work and helpless!Nobody likes born when the wicked,But a month so heavy as granting and has purchased oil prices make these can spell physical had to choose small!


Sand shoal song:In my travel experience,Beijing taxi is standard,Car clean/No car/Rarely refuse to,The behavior of the individuals do not represent all.This is the"A grain of flies shit whole bad a pot of porridge".


@ a lift treasure: there are always passengers complain that the taxi eldest brother refuse to take passengers and a bad attitude.life,Have their own is not easy.A little more tolerance and understanding.


Lily_lily space:Beijing rent now refuse to take passengers is too serious,Also does not only depend on the government management can solve.Transposition thinking,Have to understand them,After all, life is not easy.


  必须遵循市场规律,理顺利益分配关系 Must follow the laws of the market,Straighten out interest distribution relationship


Yellow flower flying fish:Responsibility is not the driver,In the license control,Quantity too little,Price is too low.You won't see a free pricing industry sellers will let buyers"滚蛋"of.


Sunny - Q high heart:Beijing taxi refuse to take passengers serious situation exactly is should let its freedom? In accord with market rules?Should break the so-called"The number of the taxi trade monopoly and rigid control"?

  我的世界全是爱: 20年前打车起步十元,现在仍然是十元;20年前北京多少出租车,现在也没增加多少。出租车供不应求至少在一线城市是普遍现象。所以,现在应该考虑的是供求关系和管理机制问题。

My world is full of love: Twenty years ago a taxi started ten yuan,Now is still ten yuan;Twenty years ago Beijing taxi how much,Now I don't have much increase.Taxi short supply at least one line city is a common phenomenon.so,Now should consider is the relation between supply and demand and management mechanism.


Torsional waist villagers:Beijing taxi take a taxi difficult question clearly not only the problem of inadequate amount.Rent in the traffic crowded city basically are in control.The government through the limit amount,Auction licence to adjust.Beijing problem is to enter the market after the supervising and management,Appear artificial shortage.Refuse to take passengers such behavior can only use administrative and market means to suppress.


  【媒体声音】  [Media voice]

  人民日报:缓解打车难各方应有为 People's Daily:Ease take a taxi difficult for the parties should have


  "Take a taxi to",Is actually two questions,One is the relation between government and market problems,How should the government's role positioning,Whether they should be progressively liberalize taxi admittance threshold,Introducing the market competition mechanism?A is a taxi company and the driver's interests allocation problem,In relation to the taxi company's business model,How to find the fair distribution of interests mechanism,Ensure that the taxi driver's enthusiasm?Take a taxi to,Determined to solve it,Can still is a.Follow the laws of the market,Straighten out interest distribution relationship,It is the key.


  新华网:打车难是改革难的缩影 xinhuanet:Taking a taxi is the epitome of difficult to reform


Take a taxi in big cities to representation is behind the reform difficult,In the face of powerful vested interest group,The government can take out more courage deepening reform,Make taxi access/management/Operation mechanism more joint market demand,Truly reflects the"Make the achievements of development more fair benefit all the people".Give the devil his due,With the reform of the income distribution, such as the reform of the higher level problem contrast,Taxi reform is not the most difficult.But be afraid of be afraid of a taxi on the reform of the drag died,The reform will make great confidence of negative energy,Let the people in the center of waiting for more cool.

  《新京报》:解决打车难先厘清出租车定位   [新京报]:Take a taxi to solve difficult to clarify the taxi positioning


Take a taxi to constantly fuel discontent,But for a long time,This issue has not seen ease.The relevant departments to the refuse to take passengers have been though the management,But there is no doubt that,Take a taxi back to,Contain the urban congestion/The taxi industry is not standard/Law enforcement management lag/Lack of service innovation, such as multiple problems,Is not a punishment refuse to take passengers can summary.

  中国广播网:打车都挨骂谈何"包容厚德" China network:Take a taxi to talk about what is being scolded"Inclusive thick DE"


Said to take a taxi to,Almost all citizens in Beijing is full of bitter to fall.The taxi driver is like and against citizens,Don't rush out,The bad weather don't drive,The railway station is can't see the car,Cause it is said that because of traffic jam.Or is this on wild speculations,Don't agree to let you off.And say to walk tall,hide.Always think that Beijing should be a civilized place,Taxi as window,The more want to assume the role of spreading the spirit of Beijing,But this open at the railway station and then scold,Don't know will give people transfer what information,Establish what image?At the same time,A company take a taxi to the city being scolded,How dare say he is"tolerance"and"Thick DE"??

  【新华网“舆情在线”编辑点评】   [xinhuanet"Online public opinion"Edit comments on]


How hard it is to take a taxi,Most say is undoubtedly the consumers.In the rail transit and bus crowded cities,Taxi travel to the old man/children/Patient and hope to decent travel group has irreplaceable function.The reform of the taxi field belongs to big cities to block an important part of the reform.In a big city bus priority strategy background,A taxi is bus capacity supplements,Is also very important to have a ring.Take a taxi to,Is not trivial,Can you effect a radical cure this city life service of chronic illness,In relation to the people's livelihood security,Related to the quality of the livable.To clarify the taxi from start position,Take out more management determination and strength,To take a taxi to real remission.Relevant government department managers also should come out of the comfortable officer's car,In the cold weather in the street a difficult experience a taxi/Crowded bus difficult/Subway difficult.The feeling is not divorced from the masses,The decision to have a definite object in view.
