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[提要]: [abstract]:连接苏州无锡两地、斥资数千万元建成的望虞河大桥建成2年后却因配套道路未建成一直被封堵闲置,备受质疑。近两年,网上关于该桥建成不通的投诉不断。[ Connect suzhou and wuxi/Spend tens of millions of yuan built at YuHe bridge,Built two years later but have not been completed for supporting road has been plugging idle,Been questioned.Nearly two years,Online about the bridge built not complain constantly.[我来说两句 Me two sentences] >> ] >>更多旅游资讯 More tourist information


Connect suzhou and wuxi/Spend tens of millions of yuan built at YuHe bridge,Built two years later but have not been completed for supporting road has been plugging idle,Been questioned.After the media exposure,Jiangsu provincial communications department has involved in coordination,The bridge is expected before the end of the year to open small vehicles.

  “强行开通会带来隐患” "Forced open brings hidden trouble"


It is understood,Hope YuHe bridge connection wuxi and suzhou two cities,Suzhou period of supporting project for 312 national highway shunt line,Wuxi section supporting project put airport following connections,The whole project investment of nearly 300 million yuan.the,The bridge is about 104 meters long/30 meters wide,In the construction began in 2009,By the end of 2010 through the acceptance,The suzhou/Wuxi each pitched cny 20 million.


But from the date of built,The bridge was human plugging,Bridge on both sides of the suzhou/Wuxi is the entrance of the set obstacles such as stone,Cause nearby residents and logistics vehicle drivers etc question.Nearly two years,Online about the bridge built not complain constantly.this,Suzhou phase city traffic department reply,Said according to"Traffic impact analysis",For bridge suzhou period of supporting road, 312 national highway shunt line and other supporting engineering is still not completed,Still do not have open condition.


"Hope YuHe bridge near suzhou section at the pavilion international logistics park often have large truck intercourse.Bridge did not open,Mainly because after bridge connecting suzhou period after the sun road is secondary road,Hard to bear big truck load large vehicles."Xiangcheng district traffic transport bureau chief GuYinFu said,If the bridge opening force will not only lead to the damage of rural highway in the region,Still can give a nearby residents and pedestrian bring traffic safety hidden trouble.

  有望年底前对小车开放 Before the end of the year is expected to open the car


This week,The bridge was built two years idle plugging news media exposure was again,Caused wide attention,Jiangsu province traffic department then involved in coordination.


It is understood,25,The province transportation hall invitation suzhou/Wuxi traffic transport and the relevant person in charge of project meeting held,To establish improvement scheme,Suzhou area is determined according to the existing rural highway capacity,By the end of the year to conform to the road use safety standard of small and medium-sized vehicles opened,Guide the heavy and large vehicles reasonable shunt.


Suzhou phase city traffic bureau deputy director DaiWeiZhong said,At present the traffic department has began to YuHe bridge at the barricade to clean up,The bridge will realize open before the end of the year,But heavy/Large vehicle still need to make a detour,At the appointed time will add temporary traffic signs to guide.


The comprehensive director, plant division chief ChuNaDong is introduced,The bridge phase city section supporting engineering in the process of implementing met with some difficulties,Make progress is slow,But at present, the construction work has begun,Part of the construction units have approach,The western plan in the first half of next year to start,Is expected to split line in 2015 completed,At the appointed time will normal open to traffic.

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