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门票涨涨涨景区堵堵堵 新一年假期你准备好了吗--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
The 2013 New Year's day holiday,A lot of people choose travel to open the New Year.However,,Tickets for the"The second"even"three"rose,Scenic spot always blocking,Becoming a hot spot in China"Business card".In public leisure of the New Year,Are you ready to travel holiday?
门票涨价不停步 Ticket prices don't stop
The national development and reform commission in order to curb rapid price growth,Provisions of the scenic spot ticket price only can be adjusted 3 years,And now"3 years ban"Seems to be the excuse of the price of scenic spot.In the"The second"even"three"The point of,A lot of scenic spots is no exception to declare the price.
Zhangjiajie tourism group has announced,Will be respectively in this year's January 5, and March 18,Raise li gallery sightseeing trolley and bao feng lake scenic spot ticket;Hunan province bureau recently announced,Since March 18,,Located in xiangxi tujia and miao autonomous prefecture aizhai near the bridge's ram scenic spot ticket prices are going up from 60 yuan/m for 100 yuan/person;According to the sichuan province development and reform commission announced last year,Since March 16,Mount emei in 11 months of the season ticket prices for 185 yuan/person,Off-season is RMB 110 / person.
Web portal in a more than 1000 netizens participation in the survey,Think that China's scenic spots tickets"It's too expensive,Tickets spending has serious impact on tourism"The net friend of up to 89.2%.
As a matter of fact,The price is the weight of the mood is not the only decided to tourists.Look back at last year"In the history of the longest golden week",The embarrassment of highway into the parking lot became at that time in transit for tourists."Golden week this year and want to see"Highway breed competition"Such as fun guys,Recently also in micro bo red rose and the community.
Scenic spots of the block,Is to let visitors have a"Ask for it"The injustice.During the National Day last year,Huashan scenic tourist once more than reception capacity more than 3 times,Tens of thousands of visitors once stuck to the top of the hill."To have to go to/Don't out""Mountains change people mountain"……Many consumer is expected,This year's journey will be blocked in the road.
时间空间错峰 降成本出游正在进行时 Time and space during peak travel cost reduction is wrong
Time and space on the peak,Become people to save the cost/Arrangements of choice for consideration.
"On the basis of the company in the New Year's day holiday arrangement,The last year December 31 December 29, and also has carried on the switch,So from last year December 30 this year on January 3, there are five days of vacation."Work in the consulting company LiXiao 潇 told reporters,"I'm looking forward to already a long time trip to sanya can also realize in advance,Than the Spring Festival travel calm a lot."
The reporter understands,More and more young white-collar through"Spell false"Join to peak to swim.Where nets team operations managers FengGe east told reporters,New Year's day holiday in the transitional period between the traditional off-season and the Spring Festival travel peak season,Tourism price more affordable for the time being,Overall relatively comfortable travel environment.And most scenic execution off-season price,New Year's day"Remove the false"Travel can be a long time/High performance to price ratio.
The personage inside course of study also said,Reduces the ticket prices are"during".Unpopular area collective depreciates/Popular scenic spots of holiday period is the first step on the return tickets for parity prices.
East China normal university professor of tourism LouJiaJun said,Upset the scenic area leading practice more realistic price,But unpopular scenic spot can effectively make popularity of gold,To see if you can introduce quality tourism products.
接“二”连“三” 从容休假将有哪些期待 Pick up"The second"even"three" There will be what look forward to leisurely holiday
"As the saying goes"Good is not cheap",People naturally have a steelyard in heart,Ticket price reasonable the key."Shanghai citizens liu said,"For the quality of scenic spot/Good service,We don't mind pay more,But must be clearly/plainly."
Shanghai university of finance and economics of tourism management the dean HeJianMin said,Aiming at the public think high scenic spot tickets,Suggestion plays a relation resources of the scenic spots or scenic spots should be regularly announced details of the scenic spot revenue expenditure,Prove the rationality of the price.Some scenic spots in the construction process needs a large number of inputs,Before the operation is not mature,Through the ticket income support is understandable;For the mature scenic spot operation should improve efficiency,Improve the income structure,Gradually get rid of"Tickets for the dependence".
Scenic spots of the block,Is more than can alleviate overnight.
The short term,Should improve tourism public service system,Raise the efficient flow of the residents in tourist.The personage inside course of study suggest,Dredge tourists during the Shanghai world expo feasible experience can be transplanted into the scenic spot;Will be fine the route of the design/People management put on the agenda,Can not only ensure that consumers can enjoy the scenic spot,And can effectively reduce the load of the scenic spot,Save maintenance costs.
In the long run,From the"Tourism economy"Transition to"Holiday economy"The idea of change still need more time,Not only need to tourism enterprises/Industry association and the efforts of the relevant units,Also need to do propaganda work.
LouJiaJun think,expansion"Chinese holiday"Is to ensure that people enjoy"Holiday economy"The premise of.In the national stipulation holiday time under the premise of guarantee,Should be through the elastic vacation time to tap and alleviate nervous centralized vacation of resources and space.
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