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Hosted by China youth newspaper youth tourism communication research institute,China's tourism practice of camp media league of the university students[In 2012 the national university students' tourist intention survey report]have.According to the survey,College students' willingness to travel,The most willing to food money;Very popular Tours,The train is for transport;Prefer summer vacation to travel,Network as the main information source;New media is their share of tourism knowledge preferred.


This survey sampling sample library for the ministry of education announced by the official website of the national 985/List of 211 colleges and universities did 23 universities,Respondents covers tsinghua university/Southwest university for nationalities/Xiamen university/Yunnan university/Hunan university of 23 universities such as about 1800 college students.1751 questionnaires were recovered,Questionnaire rate is about 97.88%.In the investigation object,The boy accounted for 49.51% of the total,Girls accounted for 50.49% of the total,The proportion between men and women are roughly equal;Freshman students accounted for 20% of the total,Sophomore year accounted for 31%,Junior year accounted for 29%,Senior year accounted for 10%,Graduate students also accounted for 10%.

  出游意愿强烈 境外旅游仍未普遍 Strong travel overseas travel is not common


According to the survey,Nearly ninety percent of respondents said that love to travel,This shows that most college students' attitude towards tourism belongs to the positive.


Look from travel range,57.57% of respondents had recently in tourism in the province,Was 3.54% higher than in 2011;58.08% of respondents recently travelled to other cities in China,More than 2011 increased by 10.5%;Only 7.54% of respondents recently been to foreign travel.


In frequency,47.91% of respondents to travel once per semester,While 28.65% of respondents once a year to travel,Only 15.36% of respondents travel three times or more every year,8.02% of the respondents had never been to travel.


In terms of travel time,Most of the respondents travel time from three days to a week,Accounted for 56.77% of the total,About 3% higher than in 2011;For more than a week long distance travel accounts for 6.66%,In 2011 dropped by 4.15%.


In the investigation object,46.82% of the respondents living in 500 ~ 1000 yuan a month,32.07% of the respondents living between 1000 ~ 1000 yuan a month,Increased by 4.18% compared with 2011.


Travel cost financing source the same survey with 2011,60.64% of the respondents money from their parents,23.01% of respondents is through saving living expenses in the spare time to accumulate the tourism capital,11.7% of the respondents is by doing a part-time job.


39.45% of respondents are willing to living expenses of 10% ~ 20% for tourism;28.29% of respondents are willing to 20% ~ 30% of living expenses for tourism,Decreased by 5.31% compared with 2011;More than 10.75% of the 10.75% of the respondents are willing to living for tourism,But compared with 2011,Decreased by 2.89%.


Among the factors hindering the research on the university students' tourist,"Lack of funds"Is still one of the biggest factors,Although the proportion than in 2011 dropped by about 3%,But still occupied 64.39%;"Lack of time"Still in the second,Accounted for 23.62%,Proportion of slight growth than in 2011.


 住宿花销最多 最愿为美食花钱 Accommodation costs most willing to food money


In short trips(Within 3 days),40.88% of the people spend within 200 yuan,41.92% of the people spend in 200 ~ 500 yuan,Only 14.12% of the people spend in 500 ~ 1000 yuan.


In ZhongChangTu tourism(More than 3 days)In the,Spent 200 yuan less than the proportion of 22.11%,The proportion of 200 ~ 500 yuan drops to 34.66%,While the proportion of 500 ~ 1000 yuan rose to 25.22%.


At all costs,Accommodation be spent most of the projects,Accounted for 31.73%;Followed by scenic spot ticket,Accounted for 20.88%,The traffic(17.38%)And food and beverage(16.98%)In subsequent.


And on the cost to,78.22% of college students are willing to food money,The characteristic performance(38.37%)/Buy local specialty(33.66%)And scenic spot ticket(32.1%)After all in food,The result the same as in 2011.


自助游极受青睐 火车是首选交通工具 Self-help is most popular train for transport


In this investigation,73.17% of the respondents choose self-help travel form,That Tours are very popular in the college students,Choose travel agency of the swim team and corporate is only accounted for 14.91% and 6.28% respectively.


In choosing a travel companion,"Good friends"Still occupy the first place(39.86%),The second is"My family"(27.09%),"The students"(11.91%)and"To be alone"(10.82%),"lovers"Accounted for 9.79%.

  在“是否会乘坐以下交通工具”的选择当中,71.16%的被访者选择会乘坐“火车”,其他交通工具的乘坐比例远远小于火车。选择会乘坐“汽车”的有50.6%,选择“飞机”的有20.96%,另外还有10.57%的人选择“自行车”, 6%的人选择“轮船”。

In the"Whether you will take the following vehicle"The choice of,71.16% of the respondents choice"The train",The train is much higher than other forms of transportation in proportion.Choice in"The car"There are 50.6% of the,choose"The plane"There are 20.96% of the,There are 10.57% of people choose"The bicycle", 6% of people choose"The ship".


Sightseeing travel is still the primary purpose


In the purpose of the investigation,"Watch the scenery"(56.38%)Is still the first,More than 2011 increased by 18.45%;"The world"(48.71%)Still in the second,More than 2011 increased by 19.5%.


更倾向暑假出游 网上寻找出游信息 Prefer summer vacation travel online looking for travel information


On the choice of travel time,"The summer vacation"Is still the first choice of those surveyed,Choose the number of the account for 63.85% of the total,And choose"Eleven golden week"(33.12%)/"The winter vacation"(32.44%)/"Five first-class small long holiday"(31.47%)/"Double cease day"(25.01%)The proportion of is far below"The summer vacation".


In the"Understand tourism destination information"and"Understand tourism price information"Two in the survey,"Information on the Internet"All the top,Were 61.56% and 65.1% respectively,It occupied the absolute proportion,Far beyond"A friend introduced"and"Through the travel agency"Such as.


55.27% of respondents said they would travel two weeks in advance to prepare,30.07% of the respondents"One month in advance",The results and flat in 2011.


 旅游舒适度仍是首要关注因素 Tourist comfort factor is still the primary concern


In the choice of tourism destination,"Tourist comfort"Is still a college student of first consideration factors,Accounted for 39.52%;The second is"cost",Accounted for 23.04%;The third is"safety",Accounted for 20.85%.This results in 2011.


In the"In the process of tourism feel dissatisfaction"In the investigation,"accommodation"(39.06%)and"The traffic"(32.38%)Still is to let students easy to feel dissatisfaction.


最爱用新媒体分享图片 Love to share pictures with new media


College students is the most easy to accept new things,Traveling in share feelings on the way,Traditional way, such as send each other pictures/Send MMS, had not the mainstream way,and"The blog"(54.25%)/"Social networking websites"(48.32%)and"Micro bo"(30.5%)Becomes the most college students tend to choose way of sharing.


77.49% of the respondents choose to share travel pictures,Only 16.13% of the respondents choose to travel by written records.


境外旅行更青睐自然风光类景点 Overseas travel more natural scenery scenic spots


This survey based on the former increased foreign tourism project Settings,The investigation structure similar to those of before.


"See the world a new point of view"(70.76%)Become the most main purpose college students choose the overseas travel,The second is"learn"(65.68%)and"Exercise myself"(61.39%).Thus it can be seen,The main purpose of the college students to travel abroad in order to widen our sight/The world,As well as to exercise their own independent ability.

  而在选择境外旅游目的地中,“自然风光类”更受大学生青睐,占了66.78%, “历史人物类”则稍逊一筹,占33.22%。

But in the choice foreign tourist destination,"Natural beauty of"More popular with college students,Accounted for 66.78%, "Historical figures of"Are prone,Accounted for 33.22%.


According to the survey,College students in choosing when travelling overseas,Stay longer than the domestic tourism.58.7% of the respondents choose to stay more than 10 days,31.25% of the respondents choose to stay for a week,And do 3 ~ 5 days of the excursion of only 6.78%.


“背包自助”和“交换游学”成为出境游最主要方式 "Backpack self-help"and"Exchange study"Become the most main ways outbound


In the choice of overseas tourism travel way,"Exchange study"(37.66%)and"Backpack self-help"(35.26%)Become the main two ways.But in the choice"Backpack self-help"Among the,The boy accounted for 55.45%,Girls accounted for 44.55%;In the choice"Exchange study"The crowd,The boy accounted for 43.99%,Girls accounted for 56.01%.Thus it can be seen,On overseas travel options,Have certain differences in the gender,Boys are more willing to backpack self-help travel,While girls are more prefer to through the communication or exchange project,Tourism while learning.


In a survey of factors hindering travel abroad,"High cost of transportation"(58.31%)Become the primary obstacle factors,The second is"Visa is difficult"(44.89%)and"Security issues"(43%).and"There is no trust the travel agency"Is the smallest,Only accounted for 22.9%,It shows that college students in choosing when travelling overseas,To the travel agency's trust is still relatively high.


Youth is the subject of tourism in the crowd,And college students,Is one of the most vitality and potential market,The national college students' tourism intention survey for 3 consecutive years,China youth newspaper youth institute of tourism communication will last year for the survey,The tourism department timely/Master the group's willingness to travel/Dynamic consumer,To provide an objective reference basis for the establishment of tourism related policies,To tourism market development prospective;Make the tourism enterprises and tourism destination timely understand the market dynamic,Custom out of tourism products;Make the youth,Especially the college students can be in the same coordinate system,To understand the be fond of of the same age,For travel to provide very good reference.
