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“挪假式休假”引争议 专家吁加强落实带薪休假--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  2013年1月5日新闻周刊 On January 5, 2013 newsweek


本周视点:被“计划”的假期 This point of view:be"plan"In the holiday


The host:


This Saturday,For most of the Chinese people is not the weekend,New Year's day holiday 3 days later,Eight days of working days began.This is net friend is called"The collapse of vacation"The arrangement of the,From last December,Will be covered with saliva,Someone calls,We don't have a holiday,Is no false.Would you like to use the original double cease day,For a so-called"A small long holiday"??Your New Year's day vacation?This eight days after class son habits?When calling for the many years of annual leave still faltering,this"By plan"In the holiday,Really brings to relax?And precious holiday,For many people,Is definitely not and?[newsweek]Pay attention to this week,be"plan"In the holiday,Also can bring us joy.


Short a:Be vomit slot of the holiday


commentary:On January 4, 2013,What day it is?For men and women in love,This is rather in line all night also want to stick out of the license,And for more people,Jan. 4 a long working day in yours.According to the state council of the New Year's day holiday arrangement,After put the 3 day small vacation,From jan. 4 to 11,Will work continuously 8 days don't have a rest,The first week in 2013,In the"Long working days"Began in.


citizens:Is that normal to work five days,If the rest two days,Can feel physical strength is supported,But I feel time is too long,Just think back and forth to work every day is tired.


citizens:On more than one day,This really attached to the eight days.


You know to be attached to the eight days class?

  学生 答7:知道。

Students answer 7:know.


q:Know what's the mood?


A 7:It is very tired of that kind of feeling.


Primary school students:Is seems to be strange,How do on Saturday/Also want to class on Sunday


commentary:"DaDongTian even in class in eight days,The children are really too tired",One teacher writes.In order to avoid this kind of awkward,Part of the school in wuhan city and even to change the vacation time,Have a holiday two days in advance,Keep 5, 6, the normal double cease day.But most schools still in accordance with the arrangement,Even in eight days.


Answer 3:I think the eight days more than tired,Too tired to panic,Children are tired,Adults also tired,Must be tired,As the endlessly,As for Saturday/Comfortable on Sunday?,I think it is not good.


commentary:With eight days,In 3 day small vacation,Whether the scientific and reasonable?When even the 8 days of vomit slot,Has become the most popular topic,Is to vomit slot of net friends to make a mountain out of a molehill,Or do not satisfactory?In the face of New Year's day holiday arrangement,On January 4, the[Global times]Quoted the media's comments,3 days long holiday arrangement is in order for people to travel and consumption,For this,People are forced to work in the rest of the weekend to make up,The holiday arrangement"A confusing".


CaiJiMing:Starting from Tuesday,Divorced for three days,These three days it two days is double cease day of the week of use,Such a rest after three days,Arise for eight consecutive days such a situation.So a lot of net friend,Continuous work eight days,This time is too long.So for embezzling double cease day such a holiday arrangement is put forward a lot of questions,Even some net friend say this violation[The labor law]?

  解说:早在去年年底,国务院公布假日安排时,元旦的“挪假式休假”就引起了不少争议。律师韩甫政曾在去年12月13日向国务院办公厅提交建议书,称 2013年节假日安排中部分放假调休安排导致劳动者一周连续7天上班,这与我国劳动法第38条规定,“用人单位应当保证劳动者每周至少休息一日”相冲突,也不符合《国务院关于职工工作时间的规定》第3条规定,“职工每日工作8小时、每周工作40小时”。

commentary:As early as the end of last year,Promulgated by the state council holiday arrangement,The New Year's day"No false type vacation"Will cause a lot of controversy.Lawyer HanFuZheng in last December 13, submit a proposal to the general office of the state council,Said some holiday arrangement of paid leave for the holiday in 2013 led to employee to work for seven days a week,This and our country labor law provisions of article 38,"The employing units shall guarantee that its staff and workers have at least one day off in a week"conflict,Also do not conform to the[The provisions of the state council about worker working hours]The provisions of article 3,"The worker work eight hours a day/40 hours a week".


CaiJiMing:According to the truth,Prescribed by the state legal double cease day is let everyone 52 weeks a year,Work every week is rhythm,2 days off work five days., can't always play the idea of double cease day,This is a violation of our normal work and rest time,Violation of people's physiology rule,Also in violation of the so-called alternate tension with relaxation are established.


commentary:The same is New Year's day holiday,Hainan province this year is to get a lot of envious eyes:On December 31, is"Hainan joy festival",The province 1 day holiday,Spell out the enviable 6 days New Year's day holiday,Hainan LvYouWei said,The joy festival in 31,Mainly to rounding,Convenient people better off.Have net friend say its human nature/Called for all to follow,But the reality is,The rights of the local government did not make holiday,Hainan joy festival is notarized by the state council,Vacation mode is difficult to copy.


CaiJiMing:Strictly speaking,According to the state council[The provisions of the staff work time]inside,Party and government organs/Institutions are not misappropriate casually,, it is because we why JiaRiBan under the state council every year for the next vacation send a notice,Where can't literally of appropriation


commentary:Whether it is or dispute,Vomit slot or,This has passed the 2013 New Year's day,But after a month,The most grand festival in China the Spring Festival will come,After a long holiday,Also face a 7 days of working days.


CaiJiMing:Indeed from the perspective of the situation of exposed in recent years,And the public to reflect,Why must divert double cease day?This really should also cause the relevant government departments,There's no need to further perfect our holiday,Do you have any need to make further adjustments.


The host:

  这种因为调休,而造成的连续7天甚至8天连续上班的情况,在往年也曾有过,但过去的反响似乎没有现在这么激烈,因为公众参与决策的诉求开始上升了。回过头来看,国务院公布的今年7个节日放假共计29天,公休假相比2012年的27天,似乎还增加了2天。但是有细心的网友算下来,这29天的假日实际是利用周末 前挪后凑拼出来的,这样一看,11天的法定节假日,不但一天也没多休,反而比2012年还少了5个正常的双休日!难怪大家纷纷出来“吐槽”。而周末的设计本来就是为了能让一连辛苦了五天的人们能有个休息调整的时间,这样东挪西凑拼出来的小长假合理吗?大家真的愿意用这样的方式休假吗?

Because this kind of tone,Caused even eight days of continuous work for seven days,Also had in previous years,But the past seems to have no respond now so fierce,Because of public participation in decision-making appeal began to rise.Looking back on it,Promulgated by the state council of the 7 day holiday this year a total of 29 days,Sabbatical leave in 27 days in 2012,Appear to have increased by 2 days.But there are careful of the count down,The 29 days before the actual it is the weekend holiday of gather together together after the move,Such a look,11 days of statutory holidays,Not only a day didn't much,Instead of less than 2012 five normal double cease day!No wonder everyone come out in succession"Vomit slot".And the design of the weekend it is to be able to make hard for five consecutive days of people can have a rest to adjust the time,So move east west make spelling out the small long vacation reasonable?We really want to leave in this way?


Short film.:


commentary:Vacation is no vacation!This is a lot of people see this[The general office of the state council on part of the holiday arrangement in 2013]The feeling of.2013 seven holidays for 29 days holiday,And after the holiday 12 weekends to face compensatory leave work.Because according to the revision of the 2007[Whole nation year section and fete have a holiday method],At present our country national public holidays,In fact only 11 days,To add up to 29 days holiday,Must from the double cease day"Remove the false".

  同期:魏翔 中国闲暇经济研究中心主任:反正总量就这么多,如果前面让你休息多了,后面让你上班就不开心

The same period:WeiXiang leisure, director of the center for economic research in China:Anyway, the total amount is so much,If front of the let you rest,Behind you is not happy at work


commentary:The holiday arrangement of 2013 except after New Year's day to work eight days,Tomb-sweeping day/Labor day/The Dragon Boat Festival/Mid-Autumn festival after all need connect on six to seven days.Three days of rest is to work for long,No wonder some netizens said,I worried that they will develop"After anxiety disorder"and"Work phobia".

  同期:魏翔 中国闲暇经济研究中心主任:节假日曾经大家抱怨过假日综合症,就说我假日休息不好,但是现在又出现假日错乱症,##我们的日常规律生活节奏被打乱了

The same period:WeiXiang leisure, director of the center for economic research in China:Holidays have you complained holiday syndrome,He said I bad holiday,But now there holiday disorder,# # our daily routine life rhythm is disrupted


commentary:Actually this kind of move after gather together before the method not only has the holiday,But over the years has been followed in a practice of arrangement.The reason this year has received more attention,Because a lot of holiday all appeared in the 2013 on Tuesday/On Wednesday/On Thursday,No false phenomenon is more outstanding.2011 and 2012 for weekends were 5 and 7 days,And this year, up to 12 days.

  同期:蔡继明 清华大学假日改革课题组负责人:这五个小长假其实法定节假日就是5天,但是你非要休15天,那这里面肯定就要挪用相应的双休日,这样每年全国假日办就要重新做一个放假的安排。这就是所谓的计划性或者是被放假。

The same period:CaiJiMing tsinghua university holiday of reform of the subject:The five small long vacation in statutory holidays is 5 days,But you have to take 15 days,That there must will divert the corresponding double cease day,This year the national JiaRiBan should do a holiday arrangement.This is the so-called planned or is off.


commentary:"Golden week" has a strong Chinese characteristics,At the beginning of the establishment of the main purpose is to pull the economy.Although cancelled the May Day golden week in 2008,But it has increased"New Year's day"/"qingming"/"The May Day"/"Dragon boat"/"The Mid-Autumn festival"5 3 day small vacation,Coupled with the Spring Festival/Two National Day golden week seven days form the existing model of holiday.

  同期:蔡继明 清华大学假日改革课题组负责人:出于假日经济的考虑,出于刺激旅游、拉动旅游的增长这样一个考虑,但是他往往就违背了劳逸结合这样一个节奏。

The same period:CaiJiMing tsinghua university holiday of reform of the subject:Out of holiday economy,For stimulating tourism/Stimulating the growth of tourism such a consideration,But he often violated the combining exertion such a rhythm.


commentary:"Eight holidays domestic tourism reception number about 362 million,Tourism income is about 180 billion dollars RMB",In 2012, the National Day golden week is known as the longest in the history"hot""Golden week".However,,The national scenic area/Road blowout but conceded do tourists martyrdom.

  同期:蔡继明 清华大学假日改革课题组负责人:无论如何,任何一个旅游部门都不能满足几亿人同时出行的需要,所以必然会造成供不应求

The same period:CaiJiMing tsinghua university holiday of reform of the subject:No matter how,Any a tourism department cannot meet the needs of hundreds of millions of people travel at the same time,So will inevitably result in short supply


commentary:Professor CaiJiMin group specializes in the 1999 to 2007 found that impact the income of the golden week to travel,Compared with before 1999,Tourism income and no obvious promotion.Golden week for tourism growth,Did not play a substantial role.

  同期:蔡继明 清华大学假日改革课题组负责人:那是一个集中消费,是一个井喷式的消费,平时的消费就少了 所以这是不可持续的一种对旅游资源掠夺式的开发,这就是我们分析的黄金周它的弊大于利,得出来这样的结论。

The same period:CaiJiMing tsinghua university holiday of reform of the subject:It is a focus on consumption,Is a blowout of consumption,At ordinary times the consumption is less so this is a kind of unsustainable development of tourism resources 掠夺式,This is our analysis of the golden week it do more harm than good,Come out the conclusion.


Music and pictures


commentary:November 25, 2012,Chongqing NaPing 28, huang Yang spent 32 days,With mother traveled eight countries in southeast Asia.


Telephone interview:Huang Yang:Golden week places crowded everywhere,I just want to look for person to enjoy less,And now is the off-season,People play too much you will not in the mood


commentary:But for huang Yang worked in a state-owned coal mines,More than thirty days to saved this false is not easy.


Telephone interview:Huang Yang:New Year's day/The Spring Festival/May Day/The Dragon Boat Festival these,Anyway, statutory holidays,The Mid-Autumn festival/National Day have no vacation,A day off this year haven't.# I may have accumulated from 2012 a year holiday hasn't been,With your annual leave this up for 32 days

  解说:对于上班族来说,并不是每个人都能像重庆黄先生一样能一次休假三十多天,所以必须充分利用现有的小长假大黄金周。当旅游达人“deeryi-蝶翼” 在自己的微博上贴了一张“2013年放假和休假”的表格,迅速引起转发狂潮。在这张“2013年放假表和休假表”上看到,清明节放假是2013年4月4日至6日,如果节前三天休假,就能将此前的3月30日-31日这个双休日囊括进来,串成“2+3+3”的8天长假。按此类推,每个小长假都能挪出一个黄金周来。

commentary:For an office worker,Not everyone can be like chongqing Mr Huang can a holiday more than 30 days,So we must make full use of the existing small golden week holiday.When travel:"Deeryi - butterfly wing" Put one in your micro bo"2013 holiday and a vacation"In the form,Forward rapidly cause panic.In this picture"2013 table and vacation holiday"See on,Tomb-sweeping day vacation is April 4 to 6, 2013,If the first three days vacation,To previous on March 30, 31, the double cease day include come in,Strung into"2 + 3 + 3"The eight holidays.According to the analogy,Every small long holiday can move to come up with a golden week.

  同期:魏翔 中国闲暇经济研究中心主任:挪假是解决不了根本性问题的###挪是一个悲摧的表现,用悲摧唤起一些人的觉醒,我们能不能哪一天不再挪也能够快乐点的去生活?

The same period:WeiXiang leisure, director of the center for economic research in China:Noah false is not solve the fundamental problems of # # # move is a sad regret,With sad hearts and arouse some people's awakening,Which day we can no longer move also can be happy points to live?


The host:


Long in fact was not wrong,Is everyone should enjoy the rights,But is too centralized vacation can greatly reduce the chances of you can choose,Also greatly reduced the quality of everybody's holiday.Over the years,Our holiday has been"plan"/be"arrange"the.And now the public have apparently can't meet this kind of is"plan"/be"arrange"The way,More and more people hope to be able to has the power to choose their holiday.From this point on,The formulation of our holiday,Whether can be more diverse,Give people more choice space?


Short three:


The scene:CaiJiMing media line


Now the concerned under the state council in 2013 in the notice of the holiday,Especially for the New Year's day holiday tone caused social some different opinions from the public,Is mainly for double cease day may not be very good(Sound fades)……


commentary:Promulgated by the state council since 2013 holiday arrangement since the notice,Tsinghua university holiday of reform subject CaiJiMing said,He got a lot of phone call every day,Of the media,People also have an opinion.Because this year's holiday many are spelt out in the weekend,Whether the holiday time or work time is to let a person unexpectedly is not sensible,At that time let you confused.


The same period:CaiJiMing tsinghua university holiday of reform of the subject


The double cease day how to adjust,This he did not announce any rules,Especially you have impression,In October 2010 that one month is the Mid-Autumn festival and National Day together,Very close to,So they tried to avoid working continuously for too long,Or have a rest time is too long,So could have together of the day off or working day will give up.# # but also a principle,The New Year's day holiday arrangement seems to be broke again.


commentary:CaiJiMing led holiday reform group in view of this problem,Prepare to the JiaRiBan put forward some Suggestions,Should form"conventional"The calculation method of,Let everyone can to calculate the holiday arrangement,For his own work and rest in anticipation,Plan ahead.


CaiJiMing:Our holiday, you can consider we reform our annual holiday time in general there is a rule,Released in advance,# #, for example, if appear on Wednesday before this holiday,We will divert the double cease day of the week,If this festival there on Wednesday,Such as on Thursday/On Friday,We will divert this week's double cease day,This rule was determined,The public can be directly to calculate which in these holidays how to Sue.


commentary:According to CaiJiMing speak,This is the holiday arrangement of the United States"conventional"The rules of.Their holiday is mostly according to several months/To determine which week on Monday or Friday,So we can clearly know the holiday date,But also natural terrain growth over the weekend.Don't need people together,More do not need to arrange special notice for holiday every year.


CaiJiMing:As the labor day in the United States,We call May Day,He of the provisions of the labor day is the first Monday in September,Is not necessarily the May 1,Can also be '52/53,But it must be Monday,Every year can on Saturday/On Sunday/On Monday,Even put three days.# # weekends usually is not move,This is regular time to rest.

  魏翔 中国闲暇经济研究中心主任:美国人他也不调假日,比如说我这个碰上了元月一日,和我的一个什么节日,或者周六周日重复了,该放周六放周六,该放元旦放元旦,他不会调。

WeiXiang leisure, director of the center for economic research in China:People in the United States but he did not holiday,For example I this met on January 1,And what is one of my holiday,Repeated on Saturday or Sunday,Should be put on Saturday on Saturday,Should be put on New Year's day New Year's day,He can't adjust.


commentary:Not in a foreign country"Piece together during the holiday"The claim,The power of the weekend rest is ray can't move.so,CaiJiMing don't think we should be in the economic interests under the consideration of the rigid piece small long vacation tourism stimulating domestic demand and to abandon the public the real rest.


The same period:CaiJiMing tsinghua university holiday of reform of the subject


When we design a holiday reform plan,It takes into account the May Day is a memorable,Not necessarily on May 1,We can continue to put in May,We can put on the first Monday of may,It is easy to remember,Or may,The first Monday in May,But is not necessarily 1 May.In this way,May labor day can also naturally formed a long weekend.


commentary:In 2011,,Global famous mercer human resource consulting company released[Global employees should enjoy holiday]The report.We see in the report,Chinese employees of the holiday,Ranking third from bottom in 62 countries.In the total amount of China's public holidays a year 115 days,More than the first British out 3 days.Careful analysis will be found,The huge gap lies in the arrangement of the paid annual leave and implement,Our country with the relative perfect holiday system is still far.


WeiXiang:We will continuously in the integration and innovation of the new holiday system,We this time the net friend is so big,In essence in DaoBi the department to work out our holiday new institutional change.


CaiJiMing:A whole,Is to strengthen the implementation of paid vacation.And the paid vacation is not only on the current levels to try to make it a full range of implementation,And every year according to the state of economic and social development,Total paid vacation should be gradually improved,To make our holiday arrangement will be more reasonable.


The host:


Come to think of it,More than 20 years ago,Chinese people are used to 6 days a week,Take a day off on Sunday,But also often take part in"Voluntary Labour",Nobody feel wrong,Perfectly justified.now,In 2013,,We have already used to five days,Eight hours a day,On statutory holidays also have their own opinions,The voice of paid holidays is becoming more and more strong,All this shows that the social progress.We used to say"Labor the most glorious",Labor glorious still now,But the right to rest also,"Combining exertion",This is the ancestor will understand the truth.Holiday is to make people more happy,More relaxed,At the same time also more economical,From this perspective,Seems we still have a lot of things to do.


This week the characters:XuZheng:"Thai"happy


Music + micro bo




If turn time back to more than twenty days before,I'm afraid even XuZheng don't believe myself,This time the trip to Thailand,From the process to the end unexpectedly so fascinating.

  12月12日微博 凌晨4:10

For in the morning on December 12, micro bo




On December 12, 2012,[Thai option]Premiere XuZheng this day,Should be stayed up all night long,Has played in the film arena for nearly 20 years,Deduce countless role is loved by people,But his feeling of the first film directed by online,Must be fresh and nervous for him.


XuZheng:I think from the self expression is very enjoyable,Anyway, good/Bad is myself,Is to think of,What kind of form is what I want,In fact in this movie before,The whole scene scene have been in my mind again,So when I saw these pictures one by one is implemented,Actually I have a kind of said not to come out of this joy.




Speaking of XuZheng the director of the dream,Should be derived from two years ago[People off in the way],But because the cause of the producers,XuZheng dream had to postpone it,He took the[Thai option]The story of the media found the light.


XuZheng:In fact not that deliberately to when directed to do so,But because there is the story first,Because in take off in the way when I feel this idea very well


[People off in the way]Segment partition


XuZheng:I found the audience all what is the source of identity have,Both the boss,Also have service personnel,Many there are,I think this is a very interesting phenomenon,Then I wonder why[People off in the way]The audience would like to see




There are[People off in the way]A good feedback,And have been engaged in stage of zero distance contact with the audience,XuZheng may more understand the audience what do you want.


XuZheng:Comedy how I've always wanted to do more accord with the requirement of Chinese audience,Is happening in a modern time and space,Integrate it inside with the reality,And now the psychological characters




As urban elite and a civilian's partner,Same or accident/Joke - the option,XuZheng faithfully follow"In order to has the option of the joy of all"The principle of,Let every one can get the most direct,Also seized the film market the largest audience group.


XuZheng:XuLang is a very social person,He went to Thailand's purpose is to pursue interests,In order to pursue their own desires.And WangBaoJiang represents a kind of grass,A kind of spirit of civilians,An optimistic/cheerful,And a less chasing the interests of a kind of values,When we two actors together of the time,I think is accord with our this movie want a temperament




No 3 d,There is no IMAX,GaoShuai rich off the road,Short ugly poor of the dream,In plain fare staged the play in the 2 d screen of conflict,Of course,,Also like the low cost movie and large production between the game.


XuZheng:Because he want to go to for a thing,He is going to get something,He should be attached to an object,So have to use a little,Small plot,But he was in fact with him is the conspiracy of complement each other,Because he has the means,So in the end he reap,His journey is also becoming more so




On 13 days,[Thai option]Box office hit 760 million,Become the new Chinese movie box office champion.There is that,This record,Have XuZheng lowers to promotion of the credit,Have a large light media spread the credit of the network,Also have capital contribution of the team.In the[Thai option]Release early,Cities are a cinema has been holding bank/Telecom operators/Brokers institutions such as make a block booking view,Indirectly promote the movie box office,Formation of cultural trend,Then from the light gains the rising share prices.


XuZheng:Thailand this country actually very easy,Their life rhythm is slower than China now,In Thailand words is slowly,All the things a little calm,The rhythm is very fast in China,All the people hope the faster speed to get wealth/success,There are a lot of psychology


XuZheng:Actually, it contains a kind of environment by the concept of the heart,Off with your journey more and slowly,You suffer from a lot of misery and suffering,But for the heart never is not a baptism




The first day of New Year,When hit the 1 billion mark at the box office,XuZheng sent a micro bo,"The real miracle belongs to the Chinese film audience".By this weekend,[Thai option]Box office is already break through 1.1 billion,View of the number 32 million.Don't preach,No power,XuZheng in 2012 brings to people is a wonderful story,To let people to taste love again/friendship,And the end of the baby's dream come true,But have intention to not intentional to fit the let more plain blessing people interpret a dream,His success,Will be normal again.


XuZheng:I find is everybody like this story very much,Also makes our crew,You very happy and happy to the cause of the work,For our play,Although the whole is off after a way all the way,But in fact the heart is a search for happiness,Looking for peace of a process


The host:


Thirty million times view lau,1 billion box-office income,Chinese movie be remember for a long time of a node,He hit the impress of XuZheng in laughter.A critic said,This film has the box office is"Three common"The victory of the,Is the tragedy of art film,But the choice of the audience is the most accord with human needs, I'm afraid,Understand this demand and learn to respect it,It is the reason why XuZheng can succeed.


This feature:Yellow light:line,Still won't do?


A group of music + picture:

  红灯停 绿灯行 黄灯要睁大眼睛 拥堵路段别着急 您一定要保持好心情……

Line stop at a red light green light yellow light to congestion with eyes wide open sections don't worry you must keep a good mood……


The same period:It may have a look at is the yellow light,What is past,Brake is conscious now.

  同期:没有一个缓冲 你到了前面 要么闯黄灯 要么追尾 只能是这样

The same period:Don't have a buffer before you either ran yellow light or car have to be like this

  解说:以前看到绿灯心里特爽,现在看到绿灯心里发慌!新年伊始,被称为“史上最严”的新交规开始施行,其中一条“闯黄灯罚六分”的规定让习惯了 “见黄灯反倒加油门”的司机们很是不适应。有人吐槽“根本刹不住”,也有人大呼“太容易追尾”。为此,有记者特意设计了实验,也有记者上路体验,总结经验。

commentary:Before seeing the green heart, great,Now see the green heart trouble!At the beginning of New Year,Is known as"In the history of the most severe"The new preceeding began,One of the"Against the yellow light penalty six points"The provisions of the let the habit "See the yellow light but come on the door"The drivers are not adapt.Someone to vomit slot"Fundamental brake can not",There is also a National People's Congress (NPC) called"Piled up too easily".For this,A reporter specially designed experiments,Also a reporter on the road,To sum up experience.


Shenzhen reporter experience:Like this situation just now,From the zebra crossing five meters,Green light to turn yellow lights,As a driver can compare kink or wanted to the past,Just now I'm a halt.


Foshan reporter experience:Our driver drove through the 10 crossroads,There are four,Because from this 5 to 10 meters,Green light suddenly flashing,Even if the driving speed is less than 50 km,The driver immediately on the brakes,Will be close to this,And there are car tracing cauda danger.

  解说:经过多次尝试,记者们总结出的经验是,距离停车线大约30米,就要开始减速。而在网络上,也有人分别用80公里到20公里限定时速等数据做出推算:如果将人脑做出反应 到制动100%生效的过程算做1秒,距离停车线40米发现黄灯,不越线的概率为71.4%,距离20米时,不越线的概率为42.8%,而如果距离停车线5米时发现黄灯,不越线的概率几乎为0。

commentary:After many attempts to,Reporters experience is summarized,About 30 meters from this,Will start to slow down.And on the Internet,Also someone with 80 kilometers to 20 kilometers respectively limit speed data to calculate:If the human brain in response to 100% braking effect of the process is not 1 second,40 meters distance this found that yellow light,Not the line of the probability of 71.4%,When the distance is 20 meters,Not the line of the probability of 42.8%,And if distance this 5 meters when found that yellow light,The probability of not the line almost to zero.


The same period(Since the mining): I looked at a green light,When I went up to it,30 MPH when,See the yellow light I can't stop.

  清华大学建筑学院 文国玮教授:城市主干路的行驶最高速度不得超过60公里,在交叉口行驶,/它的行驶速度应该是在路段行驶速度的60%。/就36公里速度/它所需要的制动距离大概是35米到40米,也就是说黄灯亮了/如果不满足这个要求,我就必然会越过停止线。

School of architecture, tsinghua university professor junwei, countries:Urban thingseses the highest driving speed may not exceed 60 kilometers,Driving in the intersection,/ it's speed should be in the road speed of 60%./ just 36 kilometers speed/it required the braking distance is about 35 to 40 meters,That is yellow light/if you don't satisfy the requirements,I will cross the stop line.


commentary:Regardless of homemade data chart or through the formula to calculate the theoretical value,How to avoid the rush yellow light can be regarded as a matter of science.And in the actual road,Sure there are more factors to consider.


The same period:The pack is too low,The bus a block,You said go or not go.Let's go through a red light,Don't go,Behind the push you.

  清华大学建筑学院 文国玮教授:我们赞成严格的交通管理,但是严格的交通管理必须至少满足两个条件,第一个是科学管理,另外一个叫人性化,人性化就是说让这些开车的人能够执行你这个规定,意识到比如说黄灯要来了。

School of architecture, tsinghua university professor junwei, countries:We approve of strict traffic management,But strict traffic management must at least meet the two conditions,The first is scientific management,Another is called human nature,Human nature means that let the drive the people to carry out this regulation,Aware that such as the yellow light is coming.


The same period:You see the green light"as"Just turn yellow,Who also don't know.


The same period:Crossing into digital display,Can see time Florida scrubbed the sort of,You my heart would have been there.


commentary:6 points through a yellow light,Two times didn't pay attention to,A year of integral buckles light,The deterrent threat of new preceeding cannot small gaze.Netizens also specially contribution out of their own"Avoid rushing yellow light strategy",The first article is:As long as meet lights,All "brake!And there are many regrets,In this way,The road is not difficult?


The same period(Since the mining):Now is the time when the green light I stood it,Can't the past.


The same period(chengdu):Are generally slower than usual.(You have what is now the speed of the intersection)At ordinary times run sixty yards /(now)Thirty is not to sometimes.

  清华大学教授 文国玮:我们把车速再降下来,就让通过交叉口的数量再减少,那我们可想而知,它的通过效率更低/耗油跟污染增加了,可能是一次绿灯放不过去,可能要两次绿灯甚至于三次绿灯才能放过去。

Tsinghua university professor wen kingdom junwei:We cut down the speed again,Let through to reduce the number of intersections,That we can imagine,It's through increased efficiency/lower fuel consumption and pollution,May have been a green put not the past,May be two green light green light to put the past even three times.


commentary:On January 1,,The first day of new preceeding,Shenzhen traffic police bureau statement said,Because of the"Need to make the investigation procedure and scientific punishment standard strictly"Due to reasons such as temporary not to break the conduct of the yellow light punishment.then,jinan/nanchang/Huangshan, police said,Because evidence difficult/Well defined technical factors, such as art and wrong for the time being"Through yellow light"Vehicles of the punishment.but,In order to cope with the new rules,In many city,Ago few people lack of vehicle traveling data recorder is sell like hot cakes.

  同期:现在比较严格 你一个黄灯明明没有抢 然后他跟你说你闯黄灯了 扣6分 你说冤不冤啊。

The same period:Now stricter you a yellow light clearly didn't rob and he told you that you ran yellow light 6 points the cause does not cause you say ah.

  同期:汽配店老板:从12月天冷,一直到现在 增加了50%吧 交通管得要严一点了 行车记录仪里面记录了 有一个证据。

The same period:Auto parts shop:From December cold,Until now, a 50% increase in traffic tube need to be a little strict inside the vehicle traveling data recorder to record the there is a evidence.


The host:


New Year's day,A reporter in the mountains in qinghai province one of the village took a group photo,Record the unattended children here wish in the New Year.Some children want to be a barbie doll,Some want to be a toy gun,Some just want this story book.Believe that after media reports,The wish will soon come true,But you see the photo"Want to see mom and dad",The desire to achieve,I'm afraid it is not so easy.Nearly 400 households in this village,Most of the family,Only grandma and grandpa take care of the grandchildren,The child's parents work in the mountains outside throughout the year,Come back every year can and children get along with only a few days time.In fact,I'm afraid such desire is also in China more than 5800 children and their parents wishes.At the moment,Urbanization has become the emphasis of the reform of the next step,Eight years,A well-off society will be built,so,This should not wish the wish,What time can be achieved?


[News review]


Safety accidents the bombers


Shanxi LvLiangShan tunnel explosion:Who in the hide?


Severely punished to hide


From last Tuesday to Tuesday,Within a week,shanxi/anhui/Shanghai/Hangzhou etc on the safety accidents,Involved in the construction/The fire/Chemical enterprise explosion etc.

  而其中最令人困惑的是,发生在12月25日的山西吕梁山隧道爆炸事故,竟是在瞒报五天后,经网民举报才被揭开真相。这起造成8人死亡的严重事故,不仅中铁隧道集团相关项目部多名负责人涉嫌蓄意瞒报,记者还发现,事发当日,当地警方曾迅速出警,但随后以“没事儿”为由离开,3名伤者被送往距离事发地360多公里外的医院,而当地医院当日的急诊记录居然为零!而进一步调查发现,这一隧道的安全隐患由来已久,两年多前,工程未经安全生产论证就开工建设,一年多前,山西省安委会检查时已经发现 施工现场一片混乱。

And one of the most puzzling is,Happened on December 25 of shanxi LvLiangShan tunnel explosion accidents,But in conceal in five days,The netizens report was uncovered the truth.The serious accident that killed eight people,Not only China railway tunnel group related projects more than officials allegedly deliberately hide,Reporter also found that,On the day of the incident,Local police have ChuJing quickly,But then in order to"That's all right"On the left,Three of the wounded were taken to the distance in the more than 360 kilometers outside the hospital,And local hospital emergency department on the day of record that is zero!And further investigation,The safe hidden trouble of the channel has a long history,More than two years ago,Without safety demonstration project to be constructed,More than a year ago,Committee of Shanxi Province have found confusion to the construction site at the time of inspection.

  同期 山西省代省长李小鹏:这样的本不应该发生的责任事故,发生在大名鼎鼎的中央企业,这样本不应该发生的瞒报,发生在管理良好的中央企业,我们强烈地谴责这种行为。

During the same period in Shanxi Province DaiShengChang li:So this should not be the responsibility of the accident,Happened in the middle of the well-known enterprises,So this should not happen to hide,Occurred in the management of the central enterprises,We strongly condemn such conduct.


On Thursday,Committee under the state council issued a notification,For serious accident investigation and handling,To speed up the final schedule.And special emphasis to severely punish to hide,finals.


Henan lankao:An orphan abandoned baby adopted by the fire

  周五早八点左右,在河南省兰考县的袁厉害家,一场意外的火灾,夺去了被收养在这里的7条生命,其中6名幼儿尚且不到五岁。多年来,一直以摆摊谋生的袁厉害坚持收养弃婴和孤儿。25年来,她先后收养的弃婴、孤儿超过百人,其中一些孩子因没有足够的医疗救治病重死去。火灾发生后,袁厉害被当地警方控制,接受讯问调查。而与此同时,这一组客观记录下袁厉害和孩子们的生活状态的纪实照片困境也再次引起公众对于 大量被寄养在福利机构之外的孤儿命运的高度关注。根据民政部截止2011年的统计数据,我国孤儿人数达50.9万。

Friday morning at 8 o 'clock or so,In henan province LanKaoXian yuan much home,An accident of the fire,Taken away to be adopted in the seven lives here,The six children have less than five years old.For many years,Has been on the spot to make a living of yuan severe adhere to adopt orphans and abandoned baby.In 25 years,She has adopted the abandoned baby/The fatherless, and the more than one hundred people,Some of the children because of not enough medical treatment critically ill died.After the fire broke out,Yuan good controlled by local police,Questioning survey.And at the same time,The group objective record yuan much and the children of the living conditions of documentary photo trouble again also cause the public to a large number of orphans by foster outside welfare institutions of fate.According to the ministry of civil affairs by the statistical data of 2011,509000 orphans in China.


25 provinces and cities in accordance with the rules published by different college entrance examination


By January 1, zero,Under the strong concern of the public,25 provinces and cities autonomous region were introduced"SuiQian children accept compulsory education after the entrance exam"The scheme of.And the pressure is the largest,Each game is most intense in Beijing/Shanghai,Is called the"JieTiXing""progressive"Although the transition plan,But due to its or parents of students/domicile/Social security/Residence permit,Or fixed number of year of the university students to set up in such aspects as high threshold,Controversy is far from calm.Critics say this week,And looking forward to"North guang"Take out a not mature,Better grasp from the system design.The national game,Is the public expected goals.


A week people review:

  “房妹”: 还有多少秘密?

"Room of younger sister": How many secret?


After 90,Two account,11 sets of real estate,This week,Around a known for"Room of younger sister"Henan girl,Oxygen irreparably continuously."Room of younger sister"Is the father of zhengzhou district of room canal bureau director of the original,Mother and uncle are real estate developers;"Room of younger sister"In the economy is applicable the room real estate that is not in my community"The appropriate room",But can change hands profit"Commodity house";In addition,"Room of younger sister"Brother as early as the age of 15 have 2 companies,Real estate is also a lot more than sister only.News is more than that,this"Room of younger sister"A four,Not only to expose each have two registered permanent residence,And real estate to together is up to more than 20 sets.


This week,By the"Room of younger sister"Caused by the news continuously upgrade,As a very dramatic suspense drama: mysterious officer father and mother,Catch in the economy is applicable the room,Strange backup account……The plot every advance in the challenge to the public of the bottom line,Also stimulates people to behind the truth.On Friday,Room sister was the father of zhengzhou procuratorates investigation,However,,Under investigation,I don't know how many secrets will be opened?


LinXi:supervision,If you don't!

  腰别7厘米的“运动型摄像机”,机不离身,随时拍摄!上周五,80后的林曦就是用他这从不关机的摄像机及时地记录下这样的一幕:在北京海淀医院附近,一部急救车的工作人员在面馆吃完饭后,开着急救车,闪着警示灯,而且还“逆行着” 返回了医院,不知车上没有病人的路人见状纷纷避让。“如果天天这样,难免人们不给救护车让路。”当林曦把照片发到网络上后,马上引发公众一片感慨。也正是这照片,让北京市急救中心及海淀分中心赶忙开了场调查通报会,承认问题,处罚了当事司机和医护人员。本周,林曦成了北京市急救中心的“行风监督员”,以后只要有空,他这摄像机就将紧盯着北京的120,不关机!

The waist don't 7 cm"Sports camera",Machine from the body,Taken at any time!Last Friday,After the 80 LinXi is to use the camera that he never shut down in a timely manner to record the scene:Near Beijing haidian hospital,An ambulance staff in this dissertation after eating a meal,Open the ambulance,Flashing warning,But also"The retrograde" To return to the hospital,Don't know the car without the patient's stranger looked at avoiding collision in succession."If every day like this,Hard to avoid people don't give way to the ambulance."When LinXi to send the photos to the Internet,Cause the public feeling one immediately.It is also the photos,Let Beijing first aid center and haidian branch quickly opened the field survey sessions,That problem,Punished parties drivers and medical staff.This week,LinXi became the first aid center in Beijing"Enhancement of supervisor",Later as long as free,This camera will keep a close eye on Beijing's 120,If you don't!

  余友珍:“富有”的环卫工 新年第一天,早上才六点半,53岁的余友珍顶着刺骨的寒风,和往常一样赶到武昌徐东路,开始清扫她再熟悉不过的三公里马路和8个垃圾箱,此时,她,是一名武汉的普通环卫工,月薪1420元。不过,就是这位从不喊苦、也没少被人言语相欺的环卫女工,拥有着17套房产,家产超过千万。五年前,因为村子拆迁还建,余友珍和许多村民一起一夜暴富。可当看到有的村民因此变得无所事事,甚至沉溺于打牌、吸毒,余友珍开始担心自己的孩子以后也会甘于堕落,坐吃山空。她一边警告孩子“如果不做事,就把房子捐给国家”,一边继续坚持自己干了十四年的清洁工,希望以此做个表率。(同期)“人睁着眼就该吃饭干活,不能停止,停止就没有意义了。”

YuYouZhen:"rich"The dustbinman New Year first day,To start at 6:30 in the morning,At the age of 53 YuYouZhen top of a bitter cold wind,Get to wuchang XuDongLu as usual,Began to clean her familiar three kilometers road and 8 dustbin,At this time,she,Is a common dustbinman of wuhan,1420 yuan a month.but,Is this never cries/Also didn't be less words is wrong of the sanitation workers,With 17 sets of house property,House more than ten million.Five years ago,Because the village demolition is built,YuYouZhen with many villagers to coin money overnight.But when see some villagers become nothing,Even addicted to playing CARDS/Taking drugs,YuYouZhen began to worry that their children will content after fall,living.She warned the children"If you don't work,The house to the country",Side continue to adhere to the dry cleaners of fourteen years,Hope to be a model.(The same period)"People the zheng fix attention on the work to eat,Can't stop,Stop it's meaningless."


Cattle, o ye:One and three


A substitute teacher education of 19 cattle off o ye,Three orphans or children students,This winter,In henan luoyang YiChuanXian minus ten degrees of cow house ditch primary school,No battery,The window glass has been broken,In order not to let the classroom be blackened,Cattle, o ye and the children can only fire to keep warm in the yard;No its children can only eat some roasted corn,And cattle o ye still wearing shoes.Since last year,Her class fee will be stopped,Because the local education department said the students too.In order not to let three children drop out of school,Her $4000 in debt always stick to.This week,It hurt the heart of people,And the hot debate of network also to cattle, o ye be defaults salary can be issued,Responsible by processing,The school also will get the repair.But the cow, you still worry about it,When end their education,The children's winter,How will spend?


The host:


YuYouZhen sanitation workers,1400 yuan a month,This than she ever have worth thousands of 17 sets of house property,It is a small number of poor,But such small but it can make a lot of people to a truth.Say again room younger sister,young,Background is not small,Father was a former director of the area of room canal bureau of zhengzhou city.After the 90 girl,Name of 11 sets of house property,It is a big wealth,Also became a big trouble,Still have to trouble the disciplinary inspection departments under a good effort.


The host:


In the past 2012 years,about"After the old man fell down to don't help,How to help"Has always been a topic of hot debate.A few days ago,Shaanxi HanYinXian lad ZhangQiMin met the same problem again.In the face of a fall,Ever so eat a deficit/Nearly be blackmail even suddenly and violently dozen zhang would like to ask people to help together to the old man up,The results,No one promised;In order to avoid misunderstanding,He want to l help you take a picture, please leave,Can still be passers-by with all sorts of reason to refuse.Until five or six minutes later someone took photos with his mobile phone,Zhang this will dare to lift the old man up.Do you see,It is a good thing easy,But now how so do not easily?


The host:

  新年刚过,很多地方马上就陆续进入了“两会”状态。从昨天到下周二,武汉的两会就相当引人关注,不是因为会上的内容,而是因为这次武汉的两会,取消了警车开道、乐队伴奏,代表的住处不但没有彩旗横幅,连酒店的星级标准也被降低了。显然,这和前不久中央政治局推出的八条新规有关。而当时,还有很多人在担心,这真的能在基层落实吗?所以这次武汉的正常之举也就又一次成为了新闻。希望在随后各地的两会上,我们还能看到更多类似的新闻,而再过一段时间,如果这样的事儿不再成为新闻,那就更好了。您说呢? (来源:央视-新闻周刊)

New Year just after,Many places have entered the right away"CPPCC"state.From yesterday to next Tuesday,Wuhan the CPPCC is quite remarkable,Not because the content of the meeting,But because of the wuhan two meetings,Cancelled motorcades/band,On behalf of the place not only no flags waving banners,Even the hotel star standard is also decreased.obviously,The recently launched by the political bureau of the CPC central committee and the eight new rules.At that time,There are a lot of people are worried about,It can carry out at the grassroots level?So the normal of the wuhan has once again become the news.Hope in the coming across two meetings,Can we see more of that sort of news,And after a period of time,If such a thing is no longer a news,It will be better.What you said?? (The source of:CCTV - newsweek)
