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三亚实行最严限价令 春节客房标间均价降15.7%--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Hainan bureau announced 7 days later,Sanya is the most strict"Limit to"after,Spring Festival standard rooms record prices fell by 15.7% on average.About 85% guestrooms in the price,The price reasonable structure.


Issued by the bureau of hainan province said,2013 sanya the record number of the hotel is 267,Standard rooms average for each 2873 yuan every day,According to the diameter calculation of year-on-year,Than the average price fell by 15.7% over the same period of the Spring Festival in 2012.About 85% guestrooms in the price,The price reasonable structure.In addition to the villa/Hotel suites and a few small family not included in the record,Have the record of the hotel guest room 38087 standard rooms,Sanya accounted for about 85% of the total number of rooms.Among them,The record in the price,Room 2000 yuan of the following accounts for about 43.6% of the total,3000 yuan of the following accounts for about 54.8%.


In addition,High-end standard guest room price.According to statistics,2010 Spring Festival sanya high standard rooms prices up every day, every 8000-15000 yuan,Since the government regulation and control measures,Sanya hotel room price stability in the fall.During the Spring Festival in 2011,Sanya 5000 yuan of above of high-end standard rooms of record standard about 23.2% of the total number of rooms;During the Spring Festival of 5000 yuan of above 2013 high standard rooms occupy the record standard 9.1% of the total number of rooms,Drop significantly.


According to introducing,Hainan hotel pricing mechanism is currently with the international practice step by step.According to international practice,Major hotel prices during the holidays for about 1 times,After recent years of continuous control of hainan province,Great room prices stable in drop during the holidays,The operator pricing tends to be rational,Pricing mechanism is in line with international standards progressively.

  海南省物价局重申,客房标间的备案价格就是最高销售价格,各旅行社、中介机构、网络订房平台等在为游客代订客房时,最终价格均不得超过备案价格,否则即按照不执行政府指导价的有关规定进行处罚。(记者 王存福)

Hainan bureau reiterated,Standard rooms of record sales price is the highest price,The travel agency/Intermediary agencies/Network reservation platform, etc. At the time of reservation for tourists,Final price shall be more than the record prices,Otherwise the government pricing cannot be executed in accordance with the relevant provisions of punishment.(The reporter WangCunFu)


Tasmania tourism strategy

    最适合孩子的快乐天堂 冬天到三亚体验3S     Most suitable for the child's happiness heaven to sanya 3 s experience in the winter

    寒假即将到来,孩子们梦寐以求的假期又会是个嘉年华。冬天,不是很容易找到适合的旅游地点和游览线路,以孩子的天性为出发点看看天南海北的旅游城市,哪里更符合孩子们的口味?阳光、海水和沙滩,曾经是旅游业休闲代表的三个"S",无疑更符合孩子们的意愿。如果在无忧无虑的阳光下沿着海岸线跑跑步,做做沙雕,孩子会有什么不满意吗?三亚是冬季旅游胜地,具备了休闲度假三要素,尤其亚龙湾的海浪和优质海滩,不是一般海滩可以相比。[详细](中国青年报)     Winter holiday is coming,The children dream vacation and will be a carnival.In the winter,Is not very easy to find the suitable for tourist destination and tour routes,In the child's nature as the starting point to see absorbs the tourist city,Where more accord with the taste of the children?The sun/The sea and beach,Was tourism leisure on behalf of the three"S",There is no doubt that more accord with the will of the children.If in the carefree sunshine a run along the coastline,Do 沙雕,The child will have what not satisfied?Sanya is a winter resort,Have the leisure vacation three elements,Especially yalong bay of the waves of the sea and the beach,Is not usually the beach can be compared.(detailed)(China youth daily)

       三亚古越景区门票涨价11倍 景区:导游提价 Sanya GuYue scenic spot ticket prices 11 times:Tour guide price

    "全国旅游景区门票陆续下调,可三亚崖州古越文化旅游区升级后,门票却从15元/人涨到165元/人,实在太高了。"连日来,不少游客游玩三亚崖州古越文化旅游区后,均叹门票涨幅太大了。     "National scenic spots tickets have been cut,To sanya cliff state GuYue culture tourist area after the upgrade,Tickets are from 15 yuan/person rose to 165 yuan/person,Really is too high."In recent days,Many tourists visit sanya cliff state GuYue culture tourist area,All sigh tickets or too big.[详细] (detailed)(南海网) (The south China sea nets)

    北京出发 三亚5日豪华自由行3719起     Beijing sanya 5 days 3719 luxurious free line

三亚实行最严限价令 春节客房标间均价降15.7%

三亚实行最严限价令 春节客房标间均价降15.7%

最美长白山 万达号豪华专列5日游

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三亚实行最严限价令 春节客房标间均价降15.7%


The five-star hotel food temptations

三亚实行最严限价令 春节客房标间均价降15.7%

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Graceful, Diane amorous feelings of Vietnam

三亚实行最严限价令 春节客房标间均价降15.7%


Bitter force necessary testing machine

三亚实行最严限价令 春节客房标间均价降15.7%


You don't know winter trip
