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春节南美线最高卖到39.9万元 近乎玩掉一辆豪车--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  蛇年春节的旅游市场,说到真正的“贵族线路”,非南美莫属。 Snake in the tourism market of the Spring Festival,When it comes to the real"Noble line",Must belong to South America.


All the usual small and unpopular with the line,YuDingLiang but there is an obvious increase."11 of 2011/December to recruit to SanSiShiGe guests,The number of the same period in 2012 nearly 100 people."The province travel agency said,Seems to have been more and more ordinary tourists,Willing to for this article"Noble line"Bring me the bill.


At present,,During the Spring Festival the high-end tourism market,South America line the highest even sell at RMB 399000 / person,"Reservation is very good,At present there are 6 people have,We will be on January 29, during the hair."Ctrip travel network related person in charge said.


南美产品报价接近40万,全国有6人下单 Nearly 400000 South American products quotation,The order of 6 people across the country


For a long time,In the South American market are outbound market"Soft rib".Flight time is too long,Ticket expensive,South America the overall price of three or four to ten thousand yuan,So although the number is growing every year,But compared with other destination,Can be said to be small.but,Many travel agencies or at the destination to high-end personage of great attraction,In product innovation.Such as,Ctrip travel's exposure to a large swan swim in January this year of South America,Quotation is as high as 399000,Attracted the attention of many high-end personage.


"South America is the most important difference between products and other products,It has the world's most abundant natural landscape and culture relics,The trait of distant and mysterious,Has become China's high-end crowd one of the most popular tourist destination."Ctrip's exposure to a large swan swim marketing director HuaLi told reporters,"The article 399000 of the South America line facing the whole country to receive guests,The final six people CanTuan application,In east China is under the single.These high-end personage love is the common nature of South America culture,Also like adventure."For these big tourism guests the specific situation,Ctrip said it is not convenient to revealed.


吃住很奢侈,更奢侈的是体验 Eat to live very extravagant,The more luxury is experience


"We know that every travel agency is high-end custom products,But from this line,These special scarce resources,Not the general public of the travel agency to book."HuaLi said.

  “比如复活节岛上,我们特别为高端人士挑选了最顶级酒店Hotel La Posada de Mike Rapu,这家酒店仅30间房,拿到一间都相当困难。而在亚马逊的游览上,我们选择了Aqua水上探险号邮轮,这个是世界顶级的邮轮,这些舱位在很早以前就购买下来了;在邮轮里,位列秘鲁前十位的顶级行政总厨Pedro用创新的当地菜品来款待乘客,他自己还出了本名为《从水上探险的厨房说起》的畅销书,让游客体会来自味蕾的极致享受。而巴西嘉年华狂欢节则有“地球上最伟大的表演”之称,我们独家安排了正前看台贵宾席,可近距离欣赏花车大游行。此外,客人们还能搭乘全世界最奢华火车东方快车号,列车内提供的顶级奢华服务。”华莉说。

"Such as Easter island,We especially for high-end people chose the top Hotel death La Posada DE Mike Rapu,The hotel is only 30 rooms,Get a quite difficult.And on the amazon's visit,We choose the Aqua water discovery cruises,This is the world's leading cruise,The shipping space in purchasing down long ago;In the cruise,In Peru's top ten top executive chef Pedro to treat passengers with innovation of the local food,He is out of the name[From the kitchen about water exploration]The best seller,Let visitors experience from the perfection of taste buds.Whereas Brazil carnival carnival"The greatest show on earth"Known as,We are sole arranged before stands VIP guests,Can close the tournament of appreciation.In addition,Guests can also take the world's most costly Orient express train number,Provides the top luxury train service."HuaLi said.

  除了吃住上的奢华,这条产品还给游客创造了一种感受上的独特体验。比如游览亚马逊丛林时,游客可以前往秘鲁的Pacaya Samiria国家公园探秘,看成群的粉红海豚的表演,寻找尖牙食人鱼的踪迹,甚至可以去捕捞他们。还能徒步欣赏在午夜绽放的维多利亚睡莲,更可深入雨林当地村落体验亚马逊人保持了几个世纪的生活方式。

In addition to eat live in luxury,The product back to visitors created a unique experience on feelings.Such as when to visit the amazon jungle,Visitors can go to Peru's Pacaya Samiria national park exploration,See the swarms of pink dolphin performance,For any signs of the fangs piranhas,Can even to catch them.Can on foot in the middle of the night blooming of Victoria water lily,More in-depth experience of the amazon rainforest local village people way of life for centuries.


In addition to,"In Peru, card,Tourists can take private plane experience desert those huge totem;In the‘The city of the sky’Visit machu picchu Inca ruins of the ancient city of culture,Hearing experts explain the incan history of ancient civilizations."HuaLi introduced.


In 399000 South American products,A lot of the personage inside course of study also has its own understanding."A lot of people for high-end swim there is a misunderstanding,That is to eat live in luxury,In fact true luxury is experience."Cyts provinces exit center, deputy general manager ZhuXiaoJun said,"I think,Compared with other domestic provinces and cities,Zhejiang province of tourists are more willing to spend money to enjoy the experience of the top,We have been for many rich customized special products,Such as going to a British royal family of the castle's experience high life,They dress in court,There are many servants to provide them with first-class service,Only a week will be RMB 800000 yuan,There are a few guests had spent 100000 euros(Is equivalent to 1 million RMB)Go to Paris moulin rouge make a block booking,Let the performance team for their performance……There are many such examples."


The personage inside course of study says,Go to a trip to South America cost 400000,If really can experience the unique "level,So for this part of the high-end crowd,Is quite willing to pay for it.


更多人愿为“贵族线路”买单 More and more people for"Noble line"Bring me the bill


If the high-end market is rich people enjoy only,So of the common market YuDingLiang growth,Perhaps more can show the problem.


"High cost of travel to South America/A long life cycle,Ever is rich people enjoy only the lines,But now there are more and more common customers willing to pay for it,Now South America line in increasing the number of people who visit every year.The light from our travel agency scattered on the number of tourists,The number of this two years to go to South America has more than 100 people,Stated the high-end tourism market the demand of the customers in the change."Province China travel South America line of wang jun said.


From the travel agency in the province of South America line,Roughly 12 can be divided into two countries Brazil and Argentina and Brazil, Argentina and Chile 14 to 18 days,Involves to the attractions of Rio DE janeiro and buenos gnostic eli urban landscape is given priority to, etc,Also includes a little polar ice/Natural landscape, such as the amazon basin,And the ancient city of machu picchu and Easter island and so on all the attractions is ruled out.


"Circuit design should consider the cost,The ordinary line quotation has been in the 3 ~ 40000,If you continue to go up,Even it is hard to sell more.Do you think,Just fly South America a round trip ticket is $15000,Once occupied half of the trip,And local transportation and the hotel is very expensive,This South American products offer far beyond other tourist destination.If you want to go to machu picchu/Easter island these more depth of the destination,560 thousand cost at least."Wang jun said,"How much more,South America the visa policy is strict in many countries,And need to face sign,Visitors at least need one and half months ahead of time to deal with,Go to Argentina/The Brazilian team visa is to wait for two months."


"Choose South America line tour guests have a in common,Their average age at 40 or so,Or older,They are still in Europe and America line of VIP,Mass tourism destination cannot have satisfied them."Hangzhou overseas travel South America line of wang lei said,"Most of these guests cultural level is also higher,Have certain economic strength,Is full of adventure."


For activation of the tourism market of South America,Travel agencies in general,"Tourism in South America market demand has been reflected,Plus 2013 FIFA confederations cup football match/The 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games will be held in South America,May well become a catalyst of drive tourism."Tourism personage inside said.

  此外,来自2012年10月举行的南美7国在华旅游推荐会上的数据,2011年入境巴西的外国游客中,中国游客增幅最大,达到了47.9%,而阿根廷则是中国出境游客满意度最高的国家之一,预计到2015年每年赴阿根廷观光的中国游客人数将达10万。记者 杨元

In addition,From the seven South American countries held in October 2012 in China tourism is recommended at the meeting of the data,Entry of foreign tourists in Brazil in 2011,Chinese tourists increase,Reached 47.9%,The Argentine is one of the highest Chinese outbound tourists' satisfaction,Predicts 2015 every year in Argentina tourism will reach to 100000 in the number of Chinese tourists.The reporter Yang yuan

春节南美线最高卖到39.9万元 近乎玩掉一辆豪车

春节南美线最高卖到39.9万元 近乎玩掉一辆豪车

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春节南美线最高卖到39.9万元 近乎玩掉一辆豪车


The five-star hotel food temptations

春节南美线最高卖到39.9万元 近乎玩掉一辆豪车

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Graceful, Diane amorous feelings of Vietnam

春节南美线最高卖到39.9万元 近乎玩掉一辆豪车


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春节南美线最高卖到39.9万元 近乎玩掉一辆豪车


You don't know winter trip
