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24名驴友被困西沙4天后获救 救助至少耗资40万--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网三亚1月11日电(记者 朱文 王晓斌 骆云飞)“别问了,我怕死了!”一名被困西沙海域4天的女性“驴友”(泛指参加旅游、自助游的朋友)对记者说。

Beijing on January 11, sanya(Reporter WangXiaoBin LuoYunFei base)"Don't ask the,I'm afraid of dying!"A trapped xisha sea four days of women"LvYou"(Refers to tourism/Self-help friends)Told reporters.


11 when 9 a.m.,24 trapped xisha sea four days"LvYou"In the south China sea to save 115 wheel safety return to sanya.

  1月 8日20时,海南省海上搜救中心接到三亚海上搜救分中心报告。“琼临高113098”2日载24名“驴友”,渔船船员3人共27人,从三亚出发开往西沙永乐群岛进行海上游玩,于3日到达永乐群岛,计划5日返回,由于受风浪影响,该船试图返航未成功,选择在永乐群岛抛锚,请求救助。

1 August when twenty,Hainan maritime search and rescue centre to sanya maritime search and rescue sub-center report."Joan the high 113098"2nd load 24"LvYou",Fishing boat crew 3 were 27 people,Starting from sanya to the yongle reign of the xisha islands sea to play,In 3 days to yongle islands,Plan 5 days to return to,Because of the storm influence,The ship tried to return without success,Selection in yongle islands broke down,Request assistance.


8,trapped"LvYou"Stella_ black not black(net)Release micro bo said"Sea waves a,Fishing boat the worst,Only one motor,No navigation,No satellite phone!Please help forward media for help and the police."


8 when 17,A ship in distress HaiJing the ship reached the position,But because the ship does not have joint load condition of passengers,So only to fishing supplies,but"LvYou"frightened,Request sent rescue boats salvage.


9 10 a.m,All distress LvYou transfer HaiJing boats.10,In three shashi seven even watching island on rescue ship in eight class gale navigation in more than three hours,13 at noon when 30 points arrived at the scene.


"I feel we were cheated."A division director surnamed xie"LvYou"said:"In the Internet to see is iron vessel,To know is a wooden boat.To the id card or something,Said to do border pass,But we didn't see."


"Early know is that ship I wouldn't go,Think of all fear.Thank you for HaiJing and salvage bureau help."Ms. Zhang said.


It is understood,these"LvYou"From Shanghai/zhejiang/chongqing/tianjin/fujian,In the Internet to see the xisha tourism information to spontaneous organizations,8500 yuan per person.


"There is a‘guide’of,Sanya is a diving association,Is he contact ship said to take us to go,Net friends also came to sanya to see each other."Xu said.


"During the winter storm large south China sea,It was not safe,Xisha tourism has not been open,You don't through this black intermediary way to."The south China sea salvage bureau of sanya base HeShiWei said:"The rescue work oil cost about 400000 yuan,The most main is the people safety save back."


At present,Net says"guide"Is related to department investigation.(finish)

事件回顾:20余驴友自行组团赴西沙 海上漂泊3天微博求助

Event review:More than twenty LvYou to group to the xisha sea drift 3 days micro bo for help

  人民网海南视窗海口1月8日电 (记者毛雷)1月8日晚,有网友发布微博称有20多名驴友乘坐渔船前往三沙游玩,在归来途中被困海上,目前所乘坐的渔船已经失去动力,正在等待救援。

Hainan haikou people net Windows on January 8, (Reporter MaoLei)1 August night,Netizens release micro bo said more than twenty LvYou name on fishing boat to visit three sand,In the return of trapped on the sea,On the fishing boat has lost power,Are waiting for rescue.


then,According to reporter blog users provide contact information,And these LvYou leaders history contact Mr.Because the ship at sea signal is very poor,Reporter telephone interview intermittence,A general idea of what happened.


According to Mr. History is introduced,His LvYou from Shanghai,On the network to see someone can organize three on the sand"Inspection tour",Will this information tell another few friends,We are very interested in,So group came to hainan.


"According to the stroke,We should is December 31 sunrise hair,On January 6, to return to,Cost is 8500 yuan per person."Mr Shi said,They party on December 31, to hainan qionghai,Found on the trip from Shanghai LvYou in addition to the outside,Also, from wenzhou and chongqing,A total of more than twenty.But because the waves and ships travel not contact is good wait for a reason,They didn't start with,But moved to sanya.


On New Year's day in 2013,Organizers contact good fishing boat,And in 2 days around at boarding."Sailing is probably around at SiWuDian,Jolt all,We in the no. 3 in the afternoon at around WuLiuDian YaGong island."Mr Shi said,then,They were in the YaGong island/Full rich island/Silver lantau island and visit the island,Night camping tent,Until 5 returned to the ship,But in the ship after that,The engine of the fishing boats in mechanical failure,Plus large waves,Cannot return.


"From 5 to now, we have the drift for three days."Mr Shi said,At present the ship power system normal,Mobile phones and point,But the signal is not so stable.They are not far from the shore,But because of drift for a long time,The ship appeared certain food shortage,At the same time,Everybody's mood also more excited.


LvYou nanhai distress exposure xisha underground tourist routes


DongFangWang January 11 news:In recent years,The beauty of the xisha islands become many LvYou new goals.Xisha tourism line has not been open,Local fishermen certain business opportunities,Private tourism business start,The fishing boat to passenger ship,Illegal send LvYou"smuggling"To xisha play.The two years,Xisha islands LvYou distress turn of events have happened several times.


西沙旅游多为网上征集 Xisha travel more for online collection


Mr Shi said,He is found on the Internet for collection,The other said can find on the spectrum of fishing boats and arrange all the stroke,Then he organized seven people to go,Pay 8500 yuan per person cost.But both sides did not sign the agreement,The other said after the insurance,But Mr Shi also not see related documents.


Reporters learned from other channels,The local organizers did not deal with for the LvYou border card and so on legal documents,But play"Edge ball",Do the so-called"labor"identity,In fact is not legal.Although the xisha islands has not yet opened tourist routes,But its beauty really attracted many LvYou,Especially in recent years, more and more people go to,In various outdoor BBS published a large number of attractive pictures and tourism strategy,Let the heart itch difficult to scratch.Hainan fishermen also be certain the business opportunities,The fishing boat to passenger ship,Slinkingly with this line of business.


Search the web for"Xisha tourism",Easily find relevant BBS and website.Netizens released strategy for listed four find her way,Have net friend say,If the navy found,Will be sent,Her will face fines and detention 15 days of punishment.


 "只要有关系不办证也行" "As long as there is relationship not rush to also go"


Journalists and strategy mentioned on a matchmaking contact person,After talking to slightly didn't know,He did not hainan local fishermen,But for sanya a travel company working field staff.He said,The company has five similar ship ran xisha,Monthly two class,Every time is full.When the Spring Festival is a ship of 350 tons of iron sea fishing boat,Ready to passenger 30 people,Now has begun to reserve.


I saw from the photos,This article modified slightly old fishing boat,Build ship wood house with board partition into a drawer kind of space,Laid very simple.


He said,No open tourism,The local market is quite chaos,Even if it is not the travel agency spectrum.Before two years price levels,Now basically stable at 8500 yuan,But each year will be floating 1000 yuan or so.


As for ship and tourists want to rush,He answered and said:"As long as there is relationship,Do not rush doesn't matter."In the middle of the sea to avoid inspection said,He said"Mainly is the fear too much/Too attractive,So the basic are selection in set out at night".


He said,From sanya to xisha flight about eighteen hours,The whole trip a total of 7 days,Play YaGong island/Silver lantau island and all the rich island three islands.The ship will take enough 9 days of food,that,Once the distress,The ship goods lasted only for two days.


 户外俱乐部慎开"水线" Outdoor club in open"waterline"


All parts of the country to the xisha tourism LvYou have to go to,Others through the local outdoor club.Reporters on the Internet to know,Shanghai for outdoor club out of the xisha islands"waterline",Others began to"units".


And hainan the travel company employees say different,Shanghai a outdoor club LvYou told reporters,Privately to xisha tourism was found to a probability,According to his knowledge,Last year to five ship in four can't climb islands.Although fishing boat to is no one island or no garrison of the island,But the sea have patrol,The meeting will be caught.so,They still want to go way of legal compliance.


According to his analysis,Three shashi just founded soon,From the organizational structure and operation for service,Also belong to the blank period,Open xisha tourism to have a longer period of evaluation period and feasibility,Another period of time should have travel agency involved in it.


The most important thing is,As for outdoor club,open"waterline"Always err on the side of caution,After all, as to the transportation by ship,Secondly maritime climate changeable,Once the trap on the island cannot get out.As long as there is a typhoon warning,The provisions of the state shall not be all the ships at sea;But to love for the LvYou outdoor sports,Even if a typhoon warning,Also automatically according to its trend and state,Decide whether to go or not,So great responsibility.He did not suggest the lack of experience"The new ass"To go there alone xisha tourism,"The new ass"Often do not know how to check the ship qualification and safety,More risk factor..

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