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火车站票半价热议 专家:应打造弹性票价体系--亲稳网络舆情监控室

[提要]: [abstract]:近日,有网友发微博呼吁,无座火车票应该半价,一时间引来逾15万名网友转发。很多人赞成半价,认为对不同的服务应该实行不同的价格。有专家称,应该随着铁路运营体制改革的推进,打造更加市场化、更具弹性的火车票价体系。[ recently,Netizens FaWei bo called for,No seat ticket should be half price,Time draws more than 150000 net friend forward.Many people agree with half price,Think of different service should carry out different prices.Experts say,Should be with the system reform of railway operation,Build a more market-oriented/More elastic train fare system.[我来说两句 Me two sentences] >> ] >>更多旅游资讯 More tourist information 火车站人满为患。新华社发 Crowded railway station.The xinhua news agency hair


According to xinhua near the Spring Festival,About the discussion of train ticket again warm up.recently,Netizens FaWei bo called for,No seat ticket should be half price,Time draws more than 150000 net friend forward.Many people agree with half price,Think of different service should carry out different prices.But there are also many people pointed out,This can lead to more people crowded to the railway,Thus caused by disorder.

  >>网友热议 >>Net friend of hot debate

  无座票售全价遭众网友反对 No seat ticket sale full price was the net friend against


recently,A net friend release micro bo said,"Every year a large number of China's railway sold without a ticket,But for a long time,No seat ticket still full price to sell.No seat passengers to migrant workers brother is in the majority,They often buy belongs to own a ticket.In accordance with the law of market value,They can't enjoy and ticket price have matching service,So no seat ticket full price is not reasonable."


"Sro tickets at half price"Micro bo after release,Users get a warm response.A website online survey of the organization,Eighty percent net friend support half price.


For sro tickets should be preferential,Public opinion has some differences.Netizens pointed out that,Why soft berth/Hard sleeper/Soft seat and hard-seat fares have obvious difference,And the number of those 硬座票 and sro tickets price but no sent it?


And net friend"High iron knowledge"said,Although there is a ticket and no seat ticket price the same,But both the costs of different.In addition to purchase tickets to pay the cost of the ticket price,There is time/Energy, etc.Buy a ticket people in the two aspects of the pay more often.>>Experts said


 火车应向民航学习增加弹性 The train is due to the civil aviation learning increase elasticity


Beijing jiaotong university transportation economic theory and policy LiGongChang deputy director of the institute said,Some applied operation of inter-city railway and urban railway,In the operation of a large amount of subsidies from the government,At this time to discuss full price mean little at half price,United fare is more advantageous to the operation management.


But for some long line,Due to the passenger stood hard,The quality of service in the sacrifice of the case,Should consider appropriate to some economic compensation.


"But compared with the civil aviation,The elasticity of the railway ticket price is far from enough",Southwest jiaotong university, vice President of the college of transportation ShuaiBin pointed out,Even the same trip mileage flight,In the different region/Season and time,Discount and prices are not the same.And compared with,In the distance and equipment conditions under the condition of the same,Train tickets basic is the same price,Lack of floating space.


"On the demand of the rigid ordinary passenger areas,Maintain a relatively low fixed fare,Is understandable.But in the elasticity of demand greater dynamic car high iron field,Fare floating range should expand some.Such as,Some car time is bad,Late into the night to reach.This time can consider to sell at a discount,In order to improve the attendance."ShuaiBin think,Along with the system reform of railway operation,Build a more market-oriented/More elastic train fare system.

  >>他山之石 >>Stones from other hills

  增设“自由席”遵循先到先得 add"Free seats"Follow the first come first served


Japan is the world high iron one of the most mature operation.In Japan's high iron"Shinkansen"on,have"Designated seats"and"Free seats"Two tickets,"Free seats"Prices than"Designated seats"cheaper.Designated seats on the train ticket is designated a seat,Free seats on the train ticket not specified.Free seats car although a seat,But as the subway,follow"First come first served"rules,Can't ensure passengers must have a seat.


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