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王府井40余处英文标识“不靠谱” 市民可纠错--亲稳网络舆情监控室

[提要]: [abstract]:中文名叫"毛小青美食城"的小菜馆,英文却被译成"MAO JIA CAI WELCOMES YOU(毛家菜欢迎你)","真丝旗袍"被译成"Real silk qipao(真实的丝旗袍)",再加上无处不在的"Old Beijing"(老北京)……昨天,东城城管部门配合区外办对王府井地区不规范的英文标识进行联合检查,共查出了40余处错误。为此,欢迎发现译法错误的热心市民,登录网站纠错。[ Chinese name"MaoXiaoQing food city"Little restaurant,Has been translated into English"MAO JIA CAI WELCOMES YOU(MAO dishes there you are welcome)","Silk cheongsam"Been translated into"Real silk qipao(Real silk cheongsam)",Plus everywhere"Old Beijing"(Old Beijing)……yesterday,With WaiBan area east urban management department to wangfujing area is not standard English identification for joint inspection,A total of more than forty found out the mistakes.therefore,Welcome to find translation wrong enthusiastic people,Website error correction.[我来说两句 Me two sentences] >> ] >>更多旅游资讯 More tourist information   昨天,东城区城管大队与区外办工作人员一起对王府井地区商家不规范的英文标识进行纠正,并把正确的译法告诉商家建议改正。一些商家的牌匾或商品注解经常采取中文直译,往往令外国游客看后一头雾水。本报特约摄影 张传东 yesterday,Dongcheng district urban management team and WaiBan area to work with the staff to wangfujing area merchants is not standard English identification of corrective actions,And the correct translation told businessmen suggested correction.A few businessmen of plaque or commodity comment often take Chinese literal translation,Often makes the foreign tourists after looking confused.Our special photography ZhangChuanDong

  本报记者 金可

Our reporter gold

  中文名叫“毛小青美食城”的小菜馆,英文却被译成“MAO JIA CAI WELCOMES YOU(毛家菜欢迎你)”,“真丝旗袍”被译成“Real silk qipao(真实的丝旗袍)”,再加上无处不在的“Old Beijing”(老北京)……昨天,东城城管部门配合区外办对王府井地区不规范的英文标识进行联合检查,共查出了40余处错误。市外办表示,市民发现公共场所的英语标识错误可以登录北京市民讲外语网站纠错举报。

Chinese name"MaoXiaoQing food city"Little restaurant,Has been translated into English"MAO JIA CAI WELCOMES YOU(MAO dishes there you are welcome)","Silk cheongsam"Been translated into"Real silk qipao(Real silk cheongsam)",Plus everywhere"Old Beijing"(Old Beijing)……yesterday,With WaiBan area east urban management department to wangfujing area is not standard English identification for joint inspection,A total of more than forty found out the mistakes.City WaiBan said,People found public English identification error log in to the Beijing speaks foreign languages website error correction report.

  错误一:常用词不规范 Mistake a:Everyday words is not standard

  “北京烤鸭”成“北京被烤的鸭子” "Beijing roast duck"into"Beijing is roast duck"

  检查小组查出的第一个错误是工美大厦地下停车场的英语翻译,“Gong Mei Building Basement Charged Parking”被翻译成了“GONG MEI EDIFICE UNDERGRAOURD CHARGE PARKING”。东城区外办工作人员表示这个错误不是很严重,词性不准确造成表达不准确,不过停车场这样的公共场所应该更符合国际通用惯例。在丽苑公寓停车场,“15分钟停车2元”被翻译成了“15 minth parking 2 yuan”,而国际通用的说法是“Parking:15 min,2 yuan”。

Inspection team the first error is found promtion of building underground parking English translation,"Gong Mei Building Basement Parking Charged"Has been translated into"GONG MEI EDIFICE UNDERGRAOURD PARKING CHARGE".WaiBan dongcheng district staff said that the mistake is not very serious,Part of speech caused by inaccurate expression is not accurate,But the parking lot such public places should be more in line with international general practice.In the beautiful garden apartment parking lot,"15 minutes parking 2 yuan"Has been translated into"15 minth parking 2 yuan",And international general says"Parking: 15 min,2 yuan".


Like this kind of common words was wrong with goes in"Home cooking"/"Beijing roast duck"Words on.

  在灯市口附近,检查小组发现几家餐厅都将“家常菜”翻译成“Home Cooking”,工作人员指出,其实这里应该翻译成“Traditional Family Dishes”。“北京烤鸭”也不用特意使用被动语态,翻译成“Beijing roasted duck”(北京被烤的鸭子),正确译法应该是“Beijing Roast Duck”。

In the near DengShiKou,Inspection team found several restaurants will be"Home cooking"Translated into"Home Cooking",Staff pointed out that,Actually here should be translated into"Traditional Family Dishes"."Beijing roast duck"Also don't have to use passive voice,Translated into"Beijing roasted duck"(Beijing is roast duck),The correct translation should be"Beijing Roast Duck".

  错误二:特色用语不靠谱 Error two:Language features without spectrum

  “老北京”被直译“Old Beijing” "Old Beijing"Was metaphrased"Old Beijing"

  “您看,这就是商业街上出现最多的典型错误。”区外办工作人员指着北京风情街北门西侧的一个烟酒超市,巨大的红色招牌上写着“名烟名酒、北京特产、平价超市”下面是一行长长的英文翻译“Smoke Famous Name Wine Beijing Specialty Parity Supermarket”。“三个词全都翻译错了,典型的字对字强行硬翻。”工作人员解释说,“名烟名酒”应该翻译成“Brand Name Tobacco and Liquor”,“北京特产”应该是“Beijing Specialties”,“平价超市”应该是“Convenience Store”。她指出,这个商家的错误翻译非常典型,尤其是“smoke”和“wine”常被烟酒店错用,“wine”专指红酒,酒类统称应该是“liquor”。

"You see,This is the business to the streets in most of the classic mistake."Area WaiBan staff by Beijing north street west amorous feelings of a wine and tobacco supermarket,Huge red signs written"MingYan wines/Beijing specialty/Parity supermarket"Below is a line of long English translation"Smoke Famous Name Wine Beijing Specialty Supermarket Parity"."Three words all translation is wrong,Typical word to word hard hard turn."Staff explained,"MingYan wines"Should be translated into"Brand Name Tobacco and Liquor","Beijing specialty"Should be"Beijing Specialties","Parity supermarket"Should be"Convenience Store".She points out that,The merchant's error translation is very typical,especially"smoke"and"wine"Is often premises misuse,"wine"Shows red wine,Wine should be referred to"liquor".

  在北京风情街内,工作人员又发现一个更离谱的北京特产店。通红的门脸上分列着“老北京布鞋”、“真丝旗袍”、“老北京唐装”等五六个招牌广告,全都标着长长的英文翻译。“全错了,没一个对的。”工作人员看着满墙的单词直摇头。“真丝旗袍”被译为“Real silk qipao”成了“真实的丝旗袍”,正确译法应是“Silk Qipaos”。

In Beijing amorous feelings in the street,Staff and find a more unusual Beijing specialty store.Red door face parse the"Old Beijing cloth shoes"/"Silk cheongsam"/"Old Beijing Chinese costume"And five or six signs advertising,All marked long English translation."All wrong,Not a right."Staff at full wall of words to keep shake head."Silk cheongsam"Been translated into"Real silk qipao"became"Real silk cheongsam",The correct translation should be"Silk Qipaos".

  "老北京布鞋’、‘老北京唐装’中的‘老北京’是一个形容词,‘Old Beijing’是典型的自创白话直译,被译成‘Old Beijing Cloth Shoes’更是用词不妥,‘Beijing Traditional Cloth Shoes’(北京传统布鞋)就可以了。”

"Old Beijing cloth shoes’/‘Old Beijing Chinese costume’of‘Old Beijing’Is an adjective,‘Old Beijing’Is typical of a vernacular literal translation,Been translated into‘Old Beijing Cloth Shoes’Is improper words,‘Beijing Traditional Cloth Shoes’(Beijing traditional cloth shoes)Can the."

  错误三:专业词语翻错“笑果”强 Error three:Turn professional words wrong"Smile fruit"strong

  “养生馆”咋成了“健康博物馆” "Health museum"Zha became"Health museum"

  SPA养生馆,翻译之后成了“SPA HEALTH MUSEUME”(SPA健康博物馆),看着这样的招牌,工作人员啼笑皆非。而且商家还将店名“身心灵”诗意地翻译成了“BODY AND SOUL”。工作人员表示,店名作为名称通用惯例是直接用拼音翻译,而且SPA养生馆,一般说“SPA Club”就可以了。

SPA health museum,Translation became a"SPA HEALTH MUSEUME"(SPA health museum),Look at this sign,Staff felt.And merchants will be the name"The body and mind"Poetic flavour ground translated into"BODY AND SOUL".Staff said,The name as name general practice is directly use pinyin translation,And SPA health museum,The general said"SPA Club"Can the.

  在王府井大街上的一家药店内,感冒及清热解毒类药物的翻译有点让人摸不着头脑。“Cold And Heat-Clearing Detoxicating”“清热”被翻译成“Heat-Clearing”(热清除),这外国人能明白吗?记者在大街上随机采访了两位路过的外国游客,他们皱着眉显然对这个词不太明白。而当他们看到纠正过的“Cold Relief”(感冒缓解类药物时),顿时释然点头,“Yeah!”工作人员表示,中医用词尽量避免字面直译,因为外国人对中医并不了解,直译后看不明白,有安全隐患。

In wangfujing street in a pharmacy,Cold and clearing away heat and toxic material drugs to the translation of a bit confused."Cold And Heat - Clearing Detoxicating""heat"Was translated into"Heat - Clearing"(Heat removal),The foreigners can understand?Reporter in the street random interviews with two passing of foreign tourists,They obviously with a frown on the words don't quite understand.And when they saw the correct"Cold Relief"(A cold ease when drugs),Immediately release however nod,"yeah!"Staff said,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine term to avoid literal literal translation,As foreigners don't understand to the traditional Chinese medicine,Literal translation after see don't understand,Is there safe hidden trouble.

  应对 Deal with

  市民讲外语网站设纠错专区 Speaks foreign languages site set of error correction


Yesterday was found the merchants of problem,Many have said he is looking for a advertising signs,Because you do not understand English,Out of the error also look not to come out.Businessmen say will correct mistakes on the board as soon as possible,After all, in wangfujing the foreign tourists gathered place,These mistakes do some"a".


But even if mistakes are found,Also can't forced require companies to correction.It is understood,Found that foreign language problems will be feedback to the city WaiBan,Each group by authorized,Suggests to modify opinions out feedback to street,Again by urban management departments to persuade business according to the standard vocabulary change.But it also depends on the self-consciousness of the business.


City WaiBan said,At present in Beijing speaks foreign languages and web site has been raised[Public bilingual signs of the general principles of the English translation],Also according to the medical/business/tourism/culture/Road transportation ceding the implementation guide translation.Has the need to merchants can according to the check standard usage,Don't blindly disorderly translation.


According to the[The capital international language environment construction planning],By 2015,Within the scope of the public signs/Chinese menu and organization/Position title translation of English to realize comprehensive standardized.In the future,This city will not regularly to each area county the key areas/Public places in both Chinese and English of plaque for inspection,Timely correct.At the same time welcome found wrong translation the zeal of citizens,Login Beijing speaks foreign languages website error correction.

王府井40余处英文标识“不靠谱” 市民可纠错

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