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火车票抢票软件“叫而不停” 电话抢票软件又现--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
17 questioning of jinshan network,Demand the immediate discontinuation cheetah browser version of the ticket
And daywork letter department issued a notice,For the 360/sogou/jinshan/Maxthon browser software such as disable the ticket
19 the browser software still can brush ticket ticket
21 reporters mobile phone rob ticket booking hard-seat tickets to a success
a,Work letter department called multiple browser software the ticket,But reporters yesterday found the ticket software can still normal use.In addition,Yesterday was New Year's eve on the day of the opening of the train ticket sales,The Spring Festival transportation ticket war also spread to mobile end.Experts say,"Technology jump the queue"Not only will give 12306 web server bring great pressure,The ticket is not used to implement the users against justice.
记者调查 Journalists to investigate
火车票抢票软件 “叫而不停” The train ticket software "Call and keep"
The LaBa is years,But many migrant workers go but because can't buy train ticket and misery,Some hot line ticket even in the open sale twenty seconds all sold out.a,Many websites has introduced"Rob ticket software",Be a lot of purchase tickets"artifact".The user browser after install the software,Will constantly refresh 12306 web site,In order to improve the success rate of booking.The ministry of railways in 17 late questioning jinshan network,Ask them to immediately stop the cheetah browser version application ticket.Jinshan has said,Working with the ministry of railways consultation.And daywork letter department intervention,And issued a notice,For the 360/sogou/jinshan/Maxthon browser software such as disable the ticket.
Reporter yesterday morning use kingsoft cheetahs/360 the browser/Sogou browser,The ticket is found that the software can still normal use.the,In a browser installed software page also special paste the page"Use feeling",Fill the user of the software to use feeling and evaluation.A net friend in the message wrote:"So to use the,I direct login up incredibly grabbed the most ideal train,Can dream."
In addition,Reporter saw in taobao,Some businessmen in the sales ticket brush ticket software.Reporter input"Rob ticket"The second word search,Found on taobao 2809 similar software,the,A software January sold 800 pen.
专家观点 Expert view
使用抢票软件对农民工有失公平 Use the ticket of the peasant workers' software is unfair
Since the Spring Festival this year,It is difficult to find a ticket still can't effectively relieve.The ministry of railways 12306 booking website recently flow every day more than 20% growth,A second peak 200000 people online at the same time,A total of 17 million people in one day login,Click on the quantity, up to 1.5 billion times,Some hot line ticket in twenty seconds all sold out."You get the tickets?"As the recent personnel greeting the phrase.but,There are also some people questioned"Rob ticket software"fair.
People's Daily official micro bo said:"When the ticket software cause of hot debate,Who understand their nostalgia?They ranked in the cold wind up queue,But sources of votes on the Internet instantly snapped up,High-tech was deprived of opportunities to push."
360 companies, said,The ticket of the software function of the optimization algorithm,Intelligent choice routing,And control brush ticket frequency,Greatly improve the success rate,And prevent the 12306 server cause too big pressure.At present,Has 3 million users for the train ticket to go home.
"Software is the ticket will be negotiating web site,Originally artificial operation process realized the automation."Rising security experts TangWei in accepting our newspaper reporter to interview said,Use the ticket software is unfair."First of all,From the negotiating process point of view,Rob ticket software is through the automatic refresh/Constantly refresh to achieve the purpose of the ticket,so,For does not use the ticket software users kind of obviously is not fair.The second,If a large number of people use software to negotiating,To the ministry of railways website cause great flow pressure,Serious can lead to paralysis of the website.so,Will be linked to all the people."
风波又起 Storm and the
战火蔓延到了电话抢票 Flames of war spread to telephone the ticket
浏览器自带的抢票软件风波尚未平息,电话订票又被智能手机应用提供商盯上。昨日,记者在谷歌安卓应用市场看到了一款名为 “触宝拨号”的软件。此外,还在360手机卫士上发现了“电话抢票”功能。
The browser own rob ticket software storm has not calm,Telephone booking and intelligent mobile phone application provider pursuing.yesterday,Reporter in the Google application market could see a new name "Contact treasure dialing"software.In addition,Also in 360 mobile phone antivirus found"Telephone rob ticket"function.
yesterday,Reporter according to 360 mobile phone antivirus prompt update to"Travel rob ticket version",In the main interface found"Mobile phone rob ticket"function.Software also for the first time use telephone booking users provide warm tip:How to query starting city and target city code/How to jump over business introduction/How to return to the main menu booking/Bear in mind that the order number, etc.
Follow the instructions,Reporters trying to order a February 9 xian to taiyuan direction hard-seat tickets,Telephone automatic dial-up after many times,In order to successfully voice prompt a hard-seat tickets.In the booking process,Phone really skip over information is introduced,Directly into a choice according to the train station or start selection link.
According to one of the personage inside course of study introduces,In 12306 website stressed-out cases,A lot of people choose telephone booking.With a lot of booking of native experience,Telephone booking success rate higher than tickets online,But the prerequisite is that can make a phone call."The mobile phone application software for telephone can not be connect problem,Developed infinite automatic redialing,To improve the success rate of call."
延伸阅读 readings
抢票软件或携带病毒 Rob ticket software or carry virus
Rising security experts TangWei told reporters,Similar products on the market at present a lot of,Some viruses will be disguised as the ticket machine software,So once a user poisoning,And may lead to the loss of the other.
Not only that,In the user with the ticket software automatically refresh automatically submit process,If the software itself has a loophole,Also may cause information leakage.The online order train tickets need to input rider real name and document information,Such as some software provider server was black,Then it submitted data security also became a problem,The likely result would be purchaser goods two empty.
本组稿件由记者王赫 实习生周媛采写
The manuscript by a journalist WangHe interns ZhouYuan concludes
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