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On January 11, 2013,The ant short rent CEO ZhaiGuangLong investing in the circle of the interview,In three words describe the Chinese online short rent industry present condition:Very early.It also got his opponent/Pig short rent co-founder ChenChi sure - when accepting a reporter to interview,ChenChi said,China's online short rent enterprise in operating exploration,May also need 4 to 5 years.Although the road ahead is still very long,But capital seems to have jump the gun:This month 6,,The two companies announced at the same time for the financing of tens of millions of dollars.
This is not do not understand.after,Analysys net release[China's online short rent market research report]says,China is expected to market online short rent 2012 trade scale will reach 489.9 million yuan RMB,In 2014 the number will be 2.8874 billion yuan -- the report when available,Pig short rent haven't even born,And now it has to keep on orders in the growth of 300%."China is short rent market now,Who first awakening/Who first enter the,Who will have more opportunities!"China mobile Internet application association secretary general YangXiaoMing told reporters.
Huamei hotel consultant agency chief knowledge officer ZhaoHuanYan pointed out,Short rent has become the high-end hotel/Economy hotel accommodations industry after China's third wave."The man must pay attention to the rise of the rent."In his own micro bo emphasis on.
Although a lot of the people think that the rent is economy hotel/Youth hostel and hostel jobs - single see prices are likely to do so,Such as pig short rent single day rent 100 yuan to 150 yuan between -- but ZhaoHuanYan think,In high-end hotel did not"stay"."In the field of a family holiday,Short rent two generations for family holiday tourism to provide reasonable than hotel room/price/Private density - they can start cooking/Enjoy the warmth of family,This is the hotel can't provide."ZhaoHuanYan think,At present the biggest impact by short rent should be DuJiaXing hotel."And the way home early sign custody cooperation half of 7000 suites in sanya,These short rent a house after online often full room,And sanya hotel industry in 2012 began to appear around."
Even so,Part of the online short rent enterprise at present is not willing to wear"The hotel"hat."In the short term the ants can't and hotel has a direct relationship between competition,Because the relative to traditional OTA or for the hotel industry,Online short rent business do now or a delta market."ZhaiGuangLong said.
Although mode fresh,Also have quite tempting prospects,But now online short rent enterprise is a common feature:Don't want to talk about his present profitability.There is a problem should not be avoided,That is all know market after the mature is very good,But you can live to see the day yao?
"Short rent market just rise,Related laws and regulations are not yet available;And the integrity of the landlord/Reception capacity/Communication skills/For the application of the Internet need ability gradually mature."ZhaoHuanYan told reporters,"With online short rent also involved in property management/The landlord/Web site, and other links,So in the social credit system is not perfect circumstances,Safety is a big test."
These problems,The domestic online short rent enterprise see in the eye,But they understand and exploration direction are different."Pig the point is to put‘seed’The landlord of the management,Adhere to the small and beautiful."ChenChi said,He wants to go to individual houses supply direction sinking,Highlight social elements into the"human".
"Compared with another,We pay more attention to the construction of credit system,Because the ant short rent think,Credit system is decided to rent platform vitality and development of key elements."ZhaiGuangLong told reporters,Ants are in the houses"Horse race turf"representative,Obviously this is a want to"Quality and quantity"To seek a balance between the enterprise.
"Short rent market is actually the tourist market of the development of a miniature,Now tourism to elaborate/Individuation development,Accommodation to such an important part of course there are new requirements."YangXiaoMing told reporters,"China's online short rent more diverse forms,Market segmentation is more exquisite."This seems to mean,The present all explore doesn't matter right or wrong,Because everything is still on the road.
But this come to all."If no accident,In August 2013,The domestic online short rent field will have deal appeared."YangXiaoMing told reporters,"In the era of fast fish eat slow fish,If can't rapid growth,Is 1 + 1 to bigger!"YangXiaoMing did not disclose the purchase of more information.(Article/PengHan)
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