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买大件家电送港澳游 变味“旅游券”陷阱多--亲稳舆论引导监测室

[提要]: [abstract]:一提到"旅游券",多数人会想到自2009年以来各地为刺激消费而大规模发行"旅游消费券"。然而,不少民众通过购物赠送、活动抽奖或网上购买等方式获得了"旅游券"或"贵宾劵",不但没有享受到实惠,反而不同程度地遭受了损失。[ At the mention of"Travel ticket",Most people would have thought since 2009 for all stimulate consumption and large-scale issue"Tourism consumption coupons".however,A lot of people through the shopping free/Draw or activities such as online purchase way won"Travel ticket"or"VIP coupon",Not only did not enjoy the benefits,Instead of different degree suffered losses.[我来说两句 Me two sentences] >> ] >>更多旅游资讯>>【我要投诉 More tourist information>>[I have a complaint]


At the mention of"Travel ticket",Most people would have thought since 2009 for all stimulate consumption and large-scale issue"Tourism consumption coupons".however,A lot of people through the shopping free/Draw or activities such as online purchase way won"Travel ticket"or"VIP coupon",Not only did not enjoy the benefits,Instead of different degree suffered losses.The January 9 2 edition published the[Tourism service warning no. 1 - travel ticket behind the trap]/1 month and day 3 edition published the[A bulk ChengWuHan tourism complaints"New field"]/[With free travel package trap many]Reports such as,Recently appeared to part of the illegal businessmen through the distribution and sale"Travel ticket"Cheating behavior of tourists on the exposure."Travel ticket"What is a what things?To the tourism market how much harm?


Near the end,Mr. Zhang purchase a brand when big home appliance,Get business given 3980 yuan worth of Hong Kong and Macao four days and nights double swim VIP coupon.The voucher by name"China shenzhen international tourism group"Company launched,Bondholders in Hong Kong and Macao during the transportation/accommodation/catering/Attractions tickets and insurance fee inclusive,Only pay the additional guide/The driver tips and Hong Kong and Macao port service charge/Departure tax can be 220 yuan.


Mr. Zhang couples feel very cost-effective and applied.however,Over the next few days just as general nightmare:Tour guide every day take visitors to the jewelry store/Watch shop shopping;Commodity ZhiCiJiaGao,With group tourists want to buy,run,Threatened abuse.Mr. Zhang couple bought 5000 yuan of goods,Tour guide is not satisfied,And said not to buy to his satisfaction with the amount of container will be pulled into the macau to.After stroke,Mr. Zhang to tourism departments complaints.verified,The so-called"China shenzhen international tourism group"Pure fiction.


And Mr. Zhang couples with the same experience and tourists wang,But the source of the travel ticket by"Shopping giving"became"Online purchase".


Ms. Wang when using the Internet to see,Someone in the selling price is only 2 yuan 4 days 3 night Hong Kong and macau travel ticket and have more than 400 clinch a deal the record,Without hesitation, he bought a ticket to Hong Kong and Macao tourism coupons.But four days trip,Wang was guide with shopping store every day in turn,And finally bought twenty thousand yuan of diamonds/watch,Back identified are fake.Want to complain,A query is known,Travel ticket on the"XX travel agency"And contact phone number are false.


Reporter in taobao search"Travel ticket"The key words found,In addition to Mr. Zhang/Ms. Wang get the Hong Kong and Macao travel ticket,And Thailand tour/Yunnan travel/Hainan swim and more popular tourist line voucher,The price also is low to let a person can't believe.In a name"Shenzhen tourism company"Inside the shop,The reporter sees such as Hong Kong and Macao four days 3 night travel ticket,Is to 15 yuan low selling prices,Even open to seek cooperation and agency.


When reporters call to ask why so cheap,This shop staff the explanation is,This coupon is Hong Kong and Macao government and some big group sponsored internal VIP coupon.


Low cost varieties


Beijing lawyer and view/The China travel service association, director of the legal advisory body LiuWei said,Issued by the local government"Travel ticket"Is a kind of consumption coupon deduction,Do not belong to the tourism products,And Mr. Zhang/Ms. Wang get"VIP coupon"It is illegal to tourism products,Although all call"Travel ticket",But both fundamentally different.


It is understood,"Hong Kong and Macao tourism VIP coupon"First appeared in shenzhen,Is the local ZuTuanShe to attract visitors to Hong Kong and Macao tourism and take a"Marketing means".


Beijing second foreign language institute legal YangFuBin dean pointed out,Merchants free or low price sell travel ticket,Obviously lower than the cost of travel,Undoubtedly belong to zero negative membership fee(Low cost)a.Even though these travel ticket is a businessman and normal travel agency cooperation behavior,is[Travel agency regulations]Clearly prohibited,Besides now business this kind of tourism business is no tourism business license"Black club".


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