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春节假期出境游 初一初二最集中--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
The year of snake Spring Festival travel reservation has come to an end,Reporters learned from the travel agency,Now go to Europe/Australia, most of the line has been full report,Part of the line has already been scheduled to march,maldives/Bali island resort and popular in the situation of shortage of places.Caesar tourism officials say,From the current situation of the reservation,The Spring Festival travel peak concentration on February 10,/11,Travel the price also in this period of time to achieve the highest.
According to introducing,Europe is still the biggest hot Spring Festival holiday travel,British/France/Switzerland's line in November last year have visitors on early reservation.Climate warm Australia also popular with tourists favor,Caesar launch of the tourism"do"Is different - Australia 10 delicate trip/Australia New Zealand 11 impression trip and other lines,With rich content of the visit,Comfortable travel arrangements,Get visitors heat holding.
“从目前的预订情况看,蛇年春节期间的出境游产品非常火爆,出行人数同比增涨二成以上,价格也普遍增涨二成。” 凯撒旅游相关负责人表示,春节假期从2月9日即农历除夕开始,大年初一、初二两日成为游客集中出行的最高峰。
"From the current booking situation to see,During the Spring Festival of the year of snake outbound tourism products are very popular,More than twenty percent year-on-year increase the number of travel,Prices are generally twenty percent increase." Caesar tourism officials say,The Spring Festival holiday from February 9, Chinese New Year's eve is started,Lunar New Year's day/There two days become tourists travel peak concentration.
Change the relevant person in charge said,Use the Spring Festival holiday,On the road have a different Spring Festival become more and more Chinese tourists to travel of choice.meanwhile,And family/ShouSui together still is Chinese Spring Festival traditions.so,Many consumers will go out to travel during the Spring Festival holiday departure time arrangement in the first day of the lunar year/there,This can have a family reunion on the lunar New Year's eve,And there is plenty of time to travel on holiday.
It is understood,Caesar tourism in Bali has introduced a series of tourism products direct charter flights.As the form of a hot tourist destination to,Once the product launch,2 October, namely on lunar New Year's day several group that is already full report.
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