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旅客提前购火车票无票 开车前12306现上千余票--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  龙虎网讯 卡着预售期去买南京武汉的火车票车票20秒内就被抢光,求爷爷告奶奶,终于高价从黄牛手里买了张车票,却在开车前一天发现12306网站上突然放出大量余票。既然有大量余票,铁路部门为何握在手里不放车票的放票时间不是统一提前20天吗难道还有其他的放票时间记者调查得知,这其实与铁路部门实行的“席位复用”有关,也与各铁路局之间的利益博弈挂钩。但不论如何,受到“伤害”的不应该是旅客。旅客们也呼吁铁路部门偷偷摸摸放票有失公平,希望铁路部门能够公开始发站共用车票时的放票时间。扬子晚报记者 宋南飞

Longhu webex card to open to booking period to buy nanjing to wuhan train ticket,Ticket twenty seconds was gone,For grandpa tell grandma,Finally from cattle high hand bought tickets,But in the day before driving found 12306 web site suddenly released more than a lot of votes.Now that there is a lot more votes,The railway departments in the hands grip the why not put ticket put ticket time is not unified early twenty days? Is there any other put ticket time reporter survey know,It and the railway departments implement"Seat reuse"relevant,Also with the railway station in the interests of the game between the hook.But no matter how to,is"damage"Should not be passenger.Passengers also called on the railway departments covertly put ticket is unfair,Hope the railway departments can share the public starting station ticket put ticket time.Yangzi evening news reporter SongNaFei


旅客吐槽 Passenger vomit tank

  “早起的鸟儿没虫吃” "The early bird gets the worm didn't"


Early twenty days didn't buy a ticket,But before driving out more than a lot of votes


"The ministry of railways provisions,Ticket pre-sale period is twenty days in advance."Citizens Mr Lee said,His early twenty days in 12306 site for 2 August(The day before the New Year's eve)Nanjing train ticket to wuhan,Results in 12306 website brush for half an hour,To put the ticket time,Twenty seconds all tickets are displayed"No ticket".Helpless under,He dialed the telephone cattle,Cattle told him,The drive will help him"get".


"He said he knew the railway insider,Must be able to help me get."Mr Lee said.But in the later days,Mr. Li is discovered a strange phenomenon:At 6 p.m. every day,12306 we will release the second day nanjing - wuhan part moving car more than a lot of votes,Total up to thousands of zhang!"I will estimate the cattle also not know what person,But know this put ticket rules!"After found this phenomenon,Mr. Li is very angry:"We honestly according to open to booking period people lined up to buy tickets,The ticket,But to opportunistic one manufacturing opportunity!It's not fair!"


indeed,The reporter interviewed dozens of nanjing white-collar home in wuhan/students,They don't know to wuhan ticket and such put ticket rules."Every time I is to buy Shanghai to wuhan ticket,In nanjing on,Spend a lot of money!""Too much,We card to open to booking period,On the net to keep struggling for three days,Just brush to a ticket,Some insiders company all need not inserted,You can buy tickets!"Is the early"The birds"Don't bug eat,But some people get whole don't charge kung fu.We all feel this way let tickets is very unfair.


记者验证 Reporter verification

  本来没票,突然冒出千张票 Had no ticket,Burst out single ticket

  南京到武汉、九江、北京均存在这种现象 Nanjing to wuhan/jiujiang/Beijing has this kind of phenomenon


The day before yesterday and yesterday,The reporters,Find Mr. Li said it exactly.Like yesterday morning reporter inquires, January and nanjing to wuhan ticket,Only three bus and more than hundreds of a ticket,At six o 'clock in the afternoon,D3043 and D3047 time suddenly released respectively 941 and 783 a second class seat,Add a minute seat and sit no tickets,A total of out thousands of zhang face value.And the day before yesterday morning reporter inquires the 27 nanjing - wuhan ticket also has this situation.Nanjing not only,Shanghai to wuhan along the line of every denomination are bursting out a lot.


Nanjing to Beijing T66 time is also so.The daily noon he now - between,Always more than sixty a few pieces of berth ticket for citizens buying.Not only that,6 PM also become nanjing - the trains jiujiang put ticket node.Reporters found that each to drive the afternoon of the day before 6 o 'clock,There will be four hard sleeper lower suddenly put out.A person familiar with put ticket time"cattle"Told reporters,This put ticket has become a hidden rules"specification",Hadn't changed.


■两点疑问 S two questions

  铁路部门为何“藏起”大量车票 Railway departments why"hide"Large ticket

  1、上铁计划室握着大量车票为何不放 1/JiHuaShi feng is the one who holds a large number of ticket, why not put


The reporter understands,Ticket put ticket plan,Shanghai railway bureau is JiHuaShi unified grasp.But why do they hold a large number of ticket but not put it the personage inside course of study to explain,These tickets are ready to the original"Seat reuse"of.The so-called"Seat reuse",That is the nanjing - wuhan car,Shanghai is really starting to wuhan,Nanjing is just a passing station,So in addition to assigned to nanjing station a few additional tickets,The rest of the face value is"reuse"out.Also is the Shanghai citizens buy a"Shanghai - nanjing"of,Can generate a"Nanjing - wuhan"ticket.This can guarantee utilization and reclined at the table.


so,Before driving in,Shanghai is actually hand a lot has not been"reuse"Denomination of the.Before driving in,Shanghai railway bureau will be unified in a fixed point in time,Will have not sell tickets and stood under the share,All the passengers buy for tube.but,Not all cars are seats of reuse,This is mainly to see all along the railway ticketing system for seats can reuse.And many ordinary car,Like Shanghai to chengdu this kind of car,In Shanghai,Face is running out,Even if have a ticket, reuse,See front several station will seize the denomination,The nanjing even ticket"slag"Didn't.


And nanjing to jiujiang ticket,Before driving is released four tickets reserved ticket of the disabled.Also is the railway departments in advance ticket left a few pieces of the disabled,But in the time no disabled passengers to buy,Will this a few tickets into full fare put to other passengers to buy.


2、为何放出大量车票的列车都是武汉局负责的 2/Why give off a lot of train tickets are wuhan bureau is responsible for


Reporter in the test also found a strange phenomenon,Out of the train ticket is late bus.Reporters learned that inquires,The two trip to give off a lot of train tickets,Shanghai railway bureau is responsible for yourself,But wuhan bureau is responsible for.Reporters from the personage inside place to know,This may involve to the railway station in the interests of the game between.Such as nanjing to wuhan car,Some are Shanghai bureau is responsible for,Some are wuhan bureau.Shanghai railway administration may be in order to ensure their attendance of the train,Hand pressure a large number of wuhan bureau train ticket doesn't sell.Wait until before driving to wuhan bureau is responsible for the train ticket put out.


s一个建议 A suggestion

  不能让知道内情的黄牛大捞一笔 后续的放票时间应该公开 Can't let know the ropes of cattle clean up later put ticket time should open


In the interview,Many passengers said,Mor announced the unification of the ticket time is twenty days in advance,But the fact is that many train have such"Latent rules put ticket time".And these time point,Is the passengers do not know.This certainly will cause really want to buy a ticket passenger honest queue,But not first come first served,Know the ropes of the"cattle"But it can take this opportunity to clean up.Net friends suggested the railway departments can't ignore the passenger's right to know,Should disclose in the face of common put ticket time,When we reunify to rob.So it won't cause"The early bird gets the worm didn't"Injustice situation.


Passengers also thought,In order to guarantee their train attendance is understandable,But the game between railway passenger can't let be"victim".In the interview,Many passengers because of can't buy nanjing - wuhan ticket,Direct purchase Shanghai - wuhan ticket,Spend a lot of money.If Shanghai railway administration can't do a face to share,You'd better in 12306 along the website based on Shared ticket put ticket time.


In addition,To remind people is,Shanghai railway bureau or will change the ticket put ticket time,Please also citizens in real put ticket time shall prevail.
