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中新网2月5日电 据国家旅游局消息,全国假日办、国家旅游局今日发布2013年春节假日旅游提示,特别提醒广大游客提高安全意识、做好安全防范,文明旅游、安全出行。
February 5, according to the national tourism administration news,The national JiaRiBan/The national tourism administration released today 2013 Spring Festival holiday travel tips,Special remind the tourists to improve safety awareness/Completes the safety,Civilization tourism/Safety travel.
Please pay attention to the public service information,Prior to prepare.Please pay attention to travel before travel/diplomatic/health/Meteorological departments issued travel tips,To understand the tourism destination/health/traffic/Social security and emergency telephone, etc,And actively to buy personal travel insurance.The team travel to participate in a timely manner to visitors please press briefing prior,Details about the destination of the tourism safety precautions, etc information.To climbing/adventure/Skiing high-risk tourism projects in the anterior visitors please fully understand note and taboo matters,Formulate detailed plan,Seriously do some preparation for protection.
Please pay attention to personal property safety,Strengthen safety.Team travel to participate in tourists,Please listen to guide or the leader of the safety of the persons to remind,Choose to suit their own conditions of tourism projects;Self-help tourists please avoid to not open scenic spot;Since the tourists went for a drive,Please observe the traffic regulations,Fasten your seat belt,Don't overspeed and fatigue driving,And please pay special attention to fog haze and bad weather such as snow and freeze the traffic safety;Outbound tourists,Please strengthen safety awareness,Caution or avoid to recent terrorist attacks happened frequently/Security situation worse or unrest countries and regions,And please try to use of bank CARDS,Don't carry large amounts of cash;To participate in the coastal tourist visitors please avoid unsafe waters/Water swimming,Try to mate with activity and rescue equipment.Once the accidents,Please timely alarm,And the land to the relevant departments of the people's governments in China or in the local consulates/Government agencies for help,At the same time, please save actively carry out rescue.
Please strengthen the consciousness of the contract,Rational rights in accordance with the.CanTuan tourism please choose to have business qualification of formal travel agency,And sign the travel contract.Contract dispute,Can make tourism complaint telephone complaints.At the same time,Please coordinate with the relevant aspects to take necessary measures,Rational according to law to safeguard their own's legitimate rights and interests.
Please green travel/Rational consumption,Do civilization tourism angel.Please follow[Chinese citizens domestic tourism civilization behavior convention]and[Chinese citizens abroad(land)Tourism civilization behavior guidelines]requirements,response[Quality tourism travel tips]Advocacy of,Abide by social morality and order,Abide by the destination countries and regions of the laws and regulations,Respect the local religious and ethnic customs,Do civilization of tourists.
- 中瑞签署交通运输合作谅解备忘录-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国--亲民维稳
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- 潜水打捞协会5年培训5900余名专业人员-2013年05月新闻-中华人民--亲民维稳
- 冯正霖与交通建设企业代表座谈筹融资工作-2013年05月新闻-中华人--亲稳网络
- 杨传堂:在改革发展实践中增强战略思维能力-2013年05月新闻-中华--亲稳舆论
- 华东六省一市联动治超-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国交通运输部--亲稳舆论
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- 中国交通报社与部职业资格中心启动战略合作-2013年05月新闻-中华--亲稳舆论
- 河北“七公开”经验全国推广 -2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国交--亲稳网络
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- 船舶船员协同管理信息化有序推广-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国--亲稳网络