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[Daily economic news]Recently, reporters investigated several insurance company website sales of insurance products,Found that although, compared with the traditional channel,Net pin insurance prices are cheaper many,But different company's product price is still a lot of differences.In the same plane accident insurance guarantee 800000 yuan/The train/The ship and car accident security every 100000 yuan as an example,Different insurance company's products both differ a times more.
So it,The net is cheap casualty,But consumer also need to shop around.
节前意外险销售火爆 Preganglionic accident insurance sales hot
China's tourism research institute special survey said,Residents during the Spring Festival travel intend to as high as 76.8%,Significantly higher than the same period last year 36.5%.The agency also predict,This year the number of travel during the Spring Festival is expected to reach 211 million people,Year-on-year growth of 20%.The agency says,Chinese people's insurance consciousness are improved.
In taobao, for example,The accident insurance sales sharply increased.the,Ping an insurance official flagship store sales peace transportation accident insurance plane is 1 million yuan,The train high iron ships 500000 yuan,Car accident of 50000 yuan,On February 3, and up to 1 hour nine pen clinch a deal.
At the same time,Reporter random check the taobao insurance accident insurance sales situation,February 1 ~ 2 March in three days,China peace taobao official flagship store,One called"Safe transportation accident insurance flight 1 million/The train high iron ships 500000/50000 cars",Premium 16 yuan to 100 yuan between,Insurance period 7 days to a range of products,Sales for 295 a;Taikang life taobao official flagship store of transportation accident insurance take and driving private necessary daily work necessary navigator,The premium is 28.22 yuan to 148.51 yuan,Insurance time limit for 7 days to a year,Sales for 164 a;Sunshine insurance taobao official flagship store in a sunshine insurance within one year from the transportation accident insurance business edition accident insurance business,The premium for fifty yuan each,Sales for 68 a.
Taobao an anonymous source said,Now the sales of casualty is about ten times at ordinary times to twenty times.The sources,Generally speaking in holiday accident insurance sales will be more than usual,At the same time, because this train ticket to cancel the insurance,People will more consideration to the problem of insurance.
Big child insurance brokerage company general manager ZhangDao in accepting[Daily economic news]A reporter to interview said,Recent major children's net sales of casualty is usually better,In fact every holiday big children's net sales casualty will is usually better.
Many risks to people in communication with reporters said,Feeling better than usual in recent accident insurance sales.Life insurer as Sir Analysis think,Recent accident insurance sales hot,There are two major reasons,One is the insurance company make a push,On the other hand, during the Spring Festival,Out work of the staff to return home for the New Year,Population great migration,With people's insurance consciousness strong than before.
同样保障保费相差一倍多 The same security premium are more than twice as high
In 2013, the cancellation of the compulsory insurance,No doubt to commercial insurance company brings opportunities.Taobao recently parts by sales is up to ensure traffic accident primarily accident insurance products.
《每日经济新闻》记者发现,部分保险公司推出了与火车相关的意外保险产品,例如阳光保险在其官网上推出了一款专门针对乘坐火车出行的 “铁路旅客意外险”,以保险期限1个月的产品为例,只需要3元便可以获得20万元的铁路旅客意外伤害保障。
[Daily economic news]Reporter discovery,Part of the insurance company launched and train related accident insurance products,Such as sunshine insurance in its official website launched a new specific to take the train travel "Railway passenger accident insurance",In the insurance period 1 month products as an example,Only need to 3 yuan can obtain 200000 yuan of railway passenger accident harm security.
Although the net has been recognized for cheaper shopping channel,But in the net casualty as an example,Similar products,The same coverage,But its premium price difference is huge.
[Daily economic news]Reporter in the aircraft accident insurance guarantee 800000/The train/The ship and car accident protects the $100000 mark,The insurance company's official website sales of this kind of insurance products were investigated,Have been found in the survey,The premium is the lowest sales casualty peace's official website(53 yuan);The highest premium is hezhong life accident insurance(121 yuan),Both are more than twice as high.
消费者需防意外险假保单 Consumers need to prevent casualty false policy
A risk to Mr. Yang said,Buy insurance not only to see the price,At the same time also see claims and service, etc.
In fact,Buy insurance also has a lot of gate,Special attention to what are the claims of the matters needing attention.Like people in life insurance and[Daily economic news]Reporter said communication,The Spring Festival travel buy comprehensive insurance money less security will be higher.This personage introduction says,Now in the market a kind of traffic accident insurance,One is the short-term traffic accident insurance,Another kind is integrated traffic accident insurance,The shortest short-term casualty 1 day,Longest for 1 year,The scope of protection cover all kinds of transportation,Low cost,But the insurance liability mainly limited to die;Integrated traffic accident insurance including accidental death/Accidental disability/Accidental burns and other comprehensive security,Provide more comprehensive protection,Insurance time limit is also longer.Like life insurance experts say,Two kinds of insurance each have an advantage,The applicant should according to their own situation to buy different travel accident insurance.If travel or use the traffic tools,Suggestion choice integrated traffic accident insurance,Spend less money,Get longer/Higher security.
对于消费者购买意外险,张焘建议,尽量购买一年期的意外险,虽然7天、一个月的意外险看似价格便宜,但如果以年来算,一年期的会更好一些。另外建议购买那种基本的意外保障类意外险,即包括身故、伤残、住院医疗类的意外险产品,在住院医疗费用方面普通人最好是每年买1万元的保障。在购买交通工具类意外险时,消费者要看清楚保险条款,因为很多保险公司的条款都规定,被保险人以乘客的身份乘坐公共交通工具,这意味着如果自驾或者乘坐自家的车出了事故,可能是不赔的。此外,对于意外险中的住院津贴,他表示个人认为是可有可无,一是住院津贴这方面容易产生一问题 (比如对就医有限制);另一方面是价格比较贵。此外,随着保险公司开门红的推动,有个别保险公司在赠险的时候可能会出现假保单,消费者需要严防假保单。
For consumers to buy insurance,ZhangDao Suggestions,Try to buy one casualty,Although 7 days/A month of casualty looks cheap,But if the years count,One will be better.Another suggestion for the basic accident security class accident insurance,Which includes die/disability/Kind of medical treatment of be in hospital insurance products,In the medical treatment of be in hospital cost on ordinary people is best buy 10000 yuan each year guarantee.When buying vehicles when class casualty,Consumers to see clear insurance clauses,Because many insurance companies have stipulated terms,The insured to the identity of the passengers to take public transportation vehicles,This means that if drive or take his car out of the accident,May not be the loss.In addition,For the casualty hospital allowance,He said people think is dispensable,One is the hospital allowance this easy to produce a problem (Such as the doctor restricted);On the other hand is the price is more expensive.In addition,Along with the insurance company make a push,Individual insurance company in the present risks may appear false policy,Consumers need to take strict precautions against false policy.
During the Spring Festival for people to travel more,Accident insurance sales hot,recently,Beijing insurance industry association issued consumption remind.Including three Suggestions:The first,Suggest that consumers choose the right of insurance products;Second choice have aptitude purchase way;The third to check that policy information,To protect their legitimate rights and interests.In Beijing area to buy insurance consumers,Can verify the true and false to insurance company policy,Can also through the Beijing insurance industry association website casualty inquires verify platform.
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