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港人蛇年新时尚高铁回乡 深圳各口岸现客流高峰--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
中新网2月6日电 据香港《大公报》报道,蛇年春节将至,大批港人追赶新时尚,北上搭乘广深、武广高铁及来往珠三角各城镇的城际汽车返内地探亲,令深圳各个口岸出现入境客流高峰。罗湖海关负责人向回乡过年的港人温馨提示称,入境时带人民币现钞不能超过20000元,酒限带1瓶,相关年货限自用合理数量免税,避免通关受阻。
February 6, according to Hong Kong[Ta kung pao]reports,The year of snake Spring Festival will come,A large number of people pursue new fashion,North take guangzhou/Wuhan-guangzhou high iron and pearl river delta with the town of inter-city car return visit the mainland,Each port to shenzhen in the peak of entry.Luohu customs to the home of the Chinese New Year people warm prompt says,Entry with no more than 20000 yuan RMB yuan in notes,Wine bandlimited 1 bottle,Often related to limit the number for reasonable duty-free,Avoid customs clearance hindered.
Recently in shenzhen bay/Lo wu/Lok ma chau(fukuda)/Dahuang port can be seen everywhere, such as with"Bale packet"We need for the north to visit Hong Kong during Chinese New Year.the,Luohu port most"crowded".According to the shenzhen BianJianZhan monitoring analysis,Nearly two days,The number of passengers luohu port customs clearance for more than 230000 people,And to the Spring Festival holiday,Luohu port customs clearance passenger average daily will be up to 276000 people.
today,In the lo wu bus station,The distinction in HuangSheng and his wife took several bags of dry goods,Prepared to go back to the town in the New Year's hometown.He told reporters,old,Holiday and many people,Afraid of crowded,Home ahead of.
Another Hong Kong Mrs. Chiu carry a large number to shenzhen north station often turn jingguang high iron,Back to henan zhengzhou see parents.Often include the mainland family name to three cans of milk powder.She was working in shenzhen people know her husband,The year before last year to the Hong Kong identity card.She said,High iron ticket is bad to buy,Is Joe shenzhen friend buying high iron ticket,Now, turn from port metro system, which connects to the shenzhen north station.but,In fanling railway station during the pit stops,Mrs. Chiu for excess baggage,Pass the pounds,To the relatives and friends together a brake.
At the same time,There is also a lot of people take high iron back to visit the mainland of years old,There is also central to the north/The northern city of Spring Festival travel,NianWei feel rich"In China".the,Especially in Beijing/Hebei, the northern city of"snow"Attractions to chase after hold in both hands by.
According to the shenzhen international travel agency staff revealed,Last Spring Festival,Visit Hong Kong/Vacation many to choose from the pearl river delta around town.He said,This year the Spring Festival,Reservation Beijing/Hebei chengde tourism attractions tickets/The Hong Kong visitors increased by thirty percent.He said,Jingguang high iron after opening,Beijing/prepared/ji/hubei/xiang/Guangdong province and a half months to swim across a contraction of two days of arbitrary combination"Short swim",The Hong Kong and Macao tourists drive north to see snow tourism enthusiasm.
In addition,recently,Shenzhen bay port of entry and exit traffic also increased by 5.5%,Some people in guangdong for leading.But shenzhen tourism industry insiders say,Hong Kong people driving straight from the Hong Kong to swim in guangdong province,But the number is still not see substantial growth,And in guangdong car rental is still under the guest from Hong Kong like.Shenzhen car rental company for this year launched cantonese and English global positioning navigation system(GPS)service,Hong Kong to the mainland leading service.
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