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香港为住宿安排失误致歉 官方称检讨个人游政策--亲稳网络舆情监测室

    据新华社电 香港特区政府署理旅游事务专员罗淑佩15日就来港内地旅行团接连出现住宿安排失误,向受影响的旅客致歉。

    According to xinhua Hong Kong SAR government acting tourism affairs commissioner LuoShuPei 15 will come to Hong Kong to the mainland for Tours in accommodation arrangement error,Apologize to the affected passengers.


The port of shenzhen of mainland tour group,Because is responsible for the reception of the Hong Kong travel agency stone holiday failed to arrange hotel accommodation,More than 30 MingTuan friend of more than twenty 12 evening was forced to spend the night in the tour bus.Frere 13 afternoon accept travel arrangement,In Hong Kong a hotel.In addition,Worldcom holiday admit another two unearned accommodation mainland group and their relevant,Eventually the two group is scheduled to return to shenzhen accommodation.


LuoShuPei 15, said on the radio,Worldcom holiday after the accident,Is not acceptable,Similar things must not happen again,Hope that Hong Kong travel industry council tightened by the end of 2010 to strengthen the regulatory entry mainland group's ten measures,Especially in the golden week travel peak and more attention should be paid to.


In addition,The SAR government security bureau director, Mr Countries said that day,The SAR government is review individual swim policy,Will consider Hong Kong capacity factors.Said Mr Countries,In considering the Hong Kong bear ability,In addition to observe whether jostle scenic spots,Also want to consider the traffic/Accommodation and entry and exit queuing time factor.He thinks,During the Chinese New Year,Although the mainland visitors,But the district in order,Did not happen unpleasant events,Confirm the Hong Kong have enough ability and ready to receive the passenger.


   事情经过:从酒店不符到无房游客被迫栖身巴士 Things happened:From the hotel to the housing not tourists were forced to stay bus


    February 12 morning,36 name to mainland tourists to visit Hong Kong,Was found after arranged by three-star hotel to sham shui Po hotel,Therefore refused to check in,Final more than twenty passengers overnight tour bus.Due to the tour guide has to return to the mainland,Hong Kong travel"Worldcom holiday"Still no response,At present has the dissolution,Part of the visitors has returned to the mainland.At present,The relevant departments of the government has intervened,Event has also report to the national tourism administration.


    It is understood,To participate in the Hong Kong and Macao swim four days and three nights of 36 MingTuan friends were from Beijing/jilin/shandong/jiangxi,CanTuan cost from $1500 to $2000 for,Tourists in shenzhen respectively different travel agency registration,The list will be consolidated over to shenzhen CITS,Finally by the Hong Kong again"Worldcom holiday"reception,And tour guide from the mainland.


The group on February 12 afternoon arrived,In Hong Kong Ocean Park after the visit,The original should take take sightseeing ship to watch over Victoria harbour[Magic color of xiangjiang]Music festival,But the tour guide said that as time has passed,The last bus sightseeing boat has left,So only to return to the hotel.then,Tour bus open to sham shui Po whangee street a hotel,Passengers find and listed in schedule three-star hotel accommodation arrangement discrepancy,Accordingly refused to check in.Tour guide said the ordered a temporary housing tsing yi hotel,So part of the tour guide to return to tour bus waiting for arrangement.


However the late into the night,Tour guide said still can't find the right room,But under frere to return to the hotel,Find the hotel housing have been repossessed sublet,Only three left the room.Tour guide says tourists only three options,Or back to the mainland,Either you take accommodation,Or sleep in the tourist bus.finally,Only 6 passengers in the hotel,The rest of the passenger is forced to stay all night tour bus.


The passenger four degrees alarm for help,Hong Kong travel industry council and intervention"Worldcom holiday"Travel agency to discuss,But the tour guide has returned to the mainland,Tour to dissolution,Also makes 13 tourists leave early Tours,The rest of the 23 passengers in the day before yesterday at 2 PM at Aberdeen stone row bay a samsung hotel.

     香港要求:严肃处理内地游客在大巴过夜事件      Hong Kong requirements:Deal seriously with the mainland tourists in the bus for the night event

    2月14日 香港特区政府旅游事务署14日表示,关注内地游客因未能获旅行社安排住宿需在大巴过夜事件,已要求旅游业议会按守则与规则,严肃处理个案。

    On February 14 The Hong Kong SAR government tourism services 14 said,Pay attention to the mainland tourists due to the travel agency to arrange accommodation for the night event in the bus,Has asked the travel industry council according to the rules and rules,Serious processing case.


The port of shenzhen of mainland tour group,Because is responsible for the reception of the Hong Kong travel agency stone holiday failed to arrange hotel accommodation,More than 30 MingTuan friend of more than twenty 12 evening was forced to spend the night in the tour bus.Frere 13 afternoon accept travel arrangement,A hotel in Aberdeen.


The SAR government tourism commission said,According to the travel industry council material,Travel agency did not provide for passengers on the confirmation of the group accommodation arrangement,Practice is not acceptable.Travel industry council has asked stone vacation report as soon as possible.Such as confirmation of the local travel agency,According to related regulations will take disciplinary action,The most serious or will consider to cancel the membership and shall revoke the license plate.


Hong Kong travel industry council DongYaoZhong director-general of event feel ashamed.He said,Travel arrangement of passengers to port,Prior to hotel reservation can only meet group.Preliminary to see,Worldcom holiday practice serious violation,Can't accept. 

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