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美豪华游轮失火 4200人被困忍饥挨饿与粪便同眠--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


The luxury cruise"Triumph carnival"Because of the fire engine, lost power,Stranded in the gulf of Mexico.By 12,More than 4200 passengers and crew trapped two days,People have to wait for rescue starvation in dungy sleeping out on deck.Is expected to cruise in 14 was towed to Alabama port.


"triumph"No. 7, luxury cruise ships from Texas Galveston port of departure,The famous resort to Mexico's Yucatan peninsula,Return to original 11,,But the accident on the way.At a distance of at least 150 miles the Yucatan coastal waters,Engine room burst into flames,Cruise lines and then lose power,Fortunately, ship's fire extinguishing system inhibition the fire from spreading.3143 passengers and 1086 crew members under siege,But no casualties.

  美国海岸警卫队发言人布拉姆(Richard Brahm)12日表示,第二艘拖船已抵达事发海域施援,如天气条件允许,游轮将于14日被拖到阿拉巴马州港口。此外,至少有两艘其他嘉年华游轮改道为“凯旋”号运送补给,一艘海岸警卫队快艇也在现场待命。

United States coast guard spokesman bram(Richard Brahm)12 said,The second ship tug has arrived in the ShiYuan waters,If the weather conditions allow,Cruise ships will be in 14 days dragged Alabama port.In addition,At least two other carnival cruise ship for diversion"triumph"Resupply,,A ship coast guard boat was also on the scene on standby.

  嘉年华游轮公司发言人奥利瓦(Joyce Oliva)12日称,“我们正在尽一切努力让旅客感到安全和舒适。”目前起火原因尚未确定,但大火破坏了船上的供水和管道系统,备用发电机只允许人们有限地使用浴室、得到食物和热咖啡。

Carnival cruise ship company spokesman oliva(Joyce Oliva)12 says,"We are all trying to make passengers feel safe and comfortable."The cause of the fire had not been determined,But the fire destroyed the ship's water supply and piping system,Standby generator only allow people to use the bathroom limited/Get food and hot coffee.

  部分乘客描述他们的生活状况非常悲惨。得州居民纳特(Brent Nutt)被困船上的妻子告诉他,船上的条件十分恶劣,脏水和粪便满地都是,充满了难闻的臭味。

Some passengers describe their living conditions very miserable.Texas residents NAT(Brent Nutt)Trapped ship's wife told him,The ship's conditions are very bad,Dirty water and waste all over the ground,Filled with unpleasant odor.

  莫勒姆(Jimmy Mowlam)的儿子和儿媳刚刚于9日在“凯旋”号上结婚,他说儿子通过手机告诉他,许多乘客都用床单在甲板上搭起“帐篷”,以躲避没有空调的内舱的闷热和臭气。大部分人尚可以泰然处之。

Moller's(Jimmy Mowlam)Son and daughter-in-law just in 9 in"triumph"Number on marriage,He said that the son through mobile phone told him,Many passengers with a sheet on the deck and put up"tent",To avoid no air conditioning in tank heat and odor.Most people with fair as cool as cucumber.


But there are also passengers complain,They every 4 hours to get a hamburger,Some people's sandwich only flavouring agent without meat.Because the pipeline jam,People have to the toilet in the bag.


Carnival company commitment,All passengers will receive a full refund,And including therefore accident cause traffic cost.Scheduled for 11 and 16"triumph"Order two voyage have been cancelled.

  嘉年华游轮公司曾于2010年11月发生过类似事故,“光辉”号机房起火后失去动力,4500人被困墨西哥西部海域3天。(中新社休斯敦2月12日电/记者 王欢)

Carnival cruise ship company was in November of 2010 similar accidents happened,"brightness"No room after the lost power,4500 people were trapped Mexico west sea three days.(China news agency Houston 2 dec/reporter WangHuan)

美豪华游轮失火 4200人被困忍饥挨饿与粪便同眠

美豪华游轮失火 4200人被困忍饥挨饿与粪便同眠

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