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澳洲拟延长度假工作签证 中国申请者料蜂拥--亲稳网络舆情监测室


According to[Australian journal]reports,Backpackers in Australia will be able to stay longer,Because Australia travel agencies to lengthen the working visa.


The federal cabinet this secret project is expected to bring billions of dollars for economic income growth.The plan going to open on holiday work visa,The removal of the applicant's upper age limit,In addition if applicants in the time of the developed areas from tourism administration,Can obtain two years studying in Australia, period.


Chinese is expected to become a new holiday visa application work force,Now, Hong Kong and Taiwan is Australia holiday work visa application's fastest growing area.


   The proposed plan for the operation of the tourism industry to promote and support.Data show,Holiday work visa period is a year longer,Only in the future ten years can also bring economic income of 700 million yuan.

  下个月,联邦旅游部长费格逊(Martin Ferguson)将启动澳洲旅游局在全球的新一轮推广活动。

Next month,The federal tourism minister ferguson(Martin Ferguson)Will start the Australian tourism administration in the new round of global marketing activities.


Although unions have been opposed to support mining development 457 visa,But they are not expected to oppose the plan,Because the holiday work visa holder is engaged in the post is usually temporary,Such as service industry/Building custody and fruit picking.

  持度假工作签证的海外游客可以在澳洲逗留一年。不过如果他们在次发达地区产业工作,例如在农业中工作满88天,逗留期限就可延长至2年。澳洲旅游出口委员会(Australian Tourism Export Council)希望旅游业也能被纳入次发达产业的名单中。该委员会预计,临时旅游业岗位无人应聘,未来三年就将出现5.6万个岗位空缺。

The holiday work visa overseas visitors can stay a year in Australia.But if they are time developed industry working,For example, in agriculture in work is full 88 days,Of stay can be extended to 2 years.The Australian tourist export council(Australian Tourism Export Council)Hope that tourism can also be included in the list of time developed industry.The committee is expected to,Temporary tourism jobs for no one,The next three years will be 56000 job vacancy.

  来自汉密尔顿岛(Hamilton Island)前澳洲旅游委员会主席Don Morris指出,年轻的度假者刚好可以填补旅游业的空缺岗位。“他们可以负责整理床铺和清洁卫生,澳洲年轻人不想做的工作,他们都愿意做。”“比如说,要是没有韩国留学生在Tully采摘水果,澳人家中的水果盘将空空如也。”“这些度假工作签证持有者一般受过良好的教育,做事更加可靠、机灵。他们在旅游时尽兴而归,工作时也能专心致志。如果我们可以让更多这样的游客在澳洲待得更久,那自然最好不过了。”

From Hamilton island(Hamilton Island)Former Australian tourism committee chairman Don Morris pointed out,Young holidaymaker just can fill the vacancy of tourism."They can be responsible for sorting bed and clean sanitation,Australia young people don't want to do work,They are willing to do.""For instance,If there were no South Korea international students in Tully picking fruit,Macao people of fruit dish would be empty.""These holiday work visa holders generally received a good education,Work more reliable/clever.They enjoy travel and return,Work can also intent.If we can make more of these visitors to stay longer in Australia,The natural is better."


The latest statistics show,Overseas holiday work visa application increased by 13%,In Great Britain/South Korea/Ireland/France and Germany are significant growth in the number of applications.In once to Australia on vacation work of Irish tourists,The application of the number of holiday work visa surged 82%.

澳洲拟延长度假工作签证 中国申请者料蜂拥

澳洲拟延长度假工作签证 中国申请者料蜂拥


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