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网曝KTV服务员往饮料里吐口水 网友解释为宣泄--亲稳网络舆情监测室
本报讯 近日,名为“爱的好才爱”的网友在某论坛上发网帖,揭露海口一KTV内果盘饮品不卫生,并且该KTV内部分服务员还存在一些不道德行为,引起网友广泛关注。近日,记者走访海口多家KTV,虽未发现有服务员往饮品内吐口水等现象,但多数受访者认为,KTV里的东西并不干净。记者 刘凡静
Report from our correspondent recently,called"Love a good love"The net friend in a BBS on hair net post,Reveal a haikou KTV compote drinks not health,And the KTV inside the part there are some immoral behavior,Cause net friend wide concern.recently,Reporters visited several KTV in haikou,Although not found a waiter to drink inside spit wait for a phenomenon,But most people think,KTV in things that aren't clean.Reporter liu static
Net post disclosure KTV fruit tray"inside"
recently,called"Love a good love"The net friend of post said,He in haikou a KTV part-time found some disgusting phenomenon,"It is to see not bottom go to,Remind everyone to,Later don't in the KTV what to eat fresh fruit."The net friend said,He apply for go to a KTV as a waiter,Mainly responsible for fruit washed/cut/Loading plate, etc.The net friend the next day at work to see,A colleague has while the boss is not fierce eat fruit,End to the guest's fresh fruit will take out from several pieces"taste".
The net friend also said,In the KTV drink also had better not drink,"While the boss is away,Some waiter will shakes drinks to customers to send the past,But many are went to the door take a sip,Sent back to the room."He wrote,"After drinking the imprinting in the end to the process of rooms,Due to the shaking get off."
"once,I do apple milkshake let a boy end up,The results he deliberately go toward inside spit a mouthful,With a fork and carefully inside one revolution."The net friend said,Though he was very sick,But considering just induction is no stop."But the girl next to me already inured to the weird."
Most of the net friend said"It's not strange"
The net post cause net friend's attention,Most of the net friend said"Is not surprising".called"laochaia"Net friend said the:"It's normal,I am in places of entertainment mixed up more than ten years,The building Lord reflect the situation is good,Don't put the nose saliva upon the fruit have been lucky enough.Especially the evening show to midnight,Will soon close off work.If this time point fruit tray,Possible from top to bottom can wipe on all put on."called"The cloud 2013 homeless"Users will explain this phenomenon for the waiter's a catharsis.
In addition,There are some net friend published a different view.A net friend reply the building Lord says:"Are you working the KTV, bad management."
citizens:Have even in 5 times the glass
recently,The reporter interviewed haikou several KTV,Although not found a waiter to shake/Milk tea in spit of the phenomenon,But a majority of people think,KTV in things that aren't clean.
"once,The waiter end come without stripping the disinfection of the glass,grey,My paper wiped,There is a layer of dust,Feel the cup is not long after."Love to sing K citizens high woman says,In total, she called the waiter even changed five times the disinfection,"When friends said forget it,KTV inside this phenomenon is not surprising,Rinse rinse went."Since the later,High lady sing K is rarely used in the KTV with the cup.
"Go out with friends to sing just to play,Not too much attention to details,"Guo said students,"But almost always have loose bowels."
24 years old miss wang was in KTV entertainment such as work,It is a hotel clerk,"Actually this kind of phenomenon is normal,Especially in the general entertainment places,"Miss wang said,"If grade a or management strictly some place,The waiter put cold dish is need to wear disposable gloves.and‘spat’Wait for a phenomenon is found will be punished.Just like the hotel food and beverage department waiter pendulum as food,Also will be his first try,Even called the hotel other departments with the waiter taste,And then sent to the customer."(source:Hainan special zone daily)
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