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故宫铜缸被刻到此一游 网友谴责:逮到剁手(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  晨报96101热线新闻(记者 彭小菲) “今日,一名叫梁齐齐的游客,在故宫大铜缸上刻下了到此一游,逮到你都得剁你的手”。这两天,一条微博引来众人关注。原来,几天前,故宫工作人员颜先生巡视时发现太和门附近的一口大铜缸被人偷偷刻上了一行字(如图)。由于没能“人赃并获”,气愤之下颜先生将此事发到微博上,随后立刻引来“骂声一片”,网友纷纷谴责该游客“太缺德”,甚至扬言要“人肉”此人。

Morning paper news hotline 96101(Reporter PengXiaoFei) "today,A man named liang qi qi of tourists,In the palace big copper cylinder up for it,Caught you have to chop your hand".These two days,A micro elaborates attention to all.The original,A few days ago,The imperial palace YanXianSheng patrol staff found too near the door of a big copper cylinder was secretly engrave a line of words(As shown in figure).Because can't"Spoils the people",YanXianSheng anger will be the matter to the micro bo,Then immediately draws"Bristle a piece of",Netizens have condemned the tourists"immoral",And even threaten to"Human flesh"he.


yesterday,Reporter contact post YanXianSheng people,He said,Had no intention and not to"Human flesh"Lettering tourists,But we want to remind more people pay attention to the protection of cultural relics."The imperial palace day to receive many tourists from all over the world,So can't guarantee the quality of each person,But this kind of cultural relics in the lettering behavior itself has representative is also very bad,But for this kind of tourists,We found also can prompt or criticism education,I hope you stay as far as possible to protect the ancestor of things".

  “梁齐齐 故宫喊你回家剁手!”对于该游客的做法,网上也几乎一边倒地全是谴责声。对此,故宫博物院团委也通过转发微博告诫游客“爱护文物,尊重文化遗存”。而微博认证为故宫博物院《紫禁城》杂志副主编的“故宫的王戈”则在留言中写道:“留在文物上的名字,有些叫作不朽,有些叫作遗臭,有些叫作玷污。请尊重文化,也尊重自己”。

"Liang qi qi palace shout you home hand chop!"The practice of tourists,On the net also almost overwhelming to all QianZeSheng.this,The Palace Museum youth corps committee also through the forward micro bo warned visitors"Love cultural relics,Respect for cultural heritage".And micro bo the authentication for the Palace Museum[The Forbidden City]Associate editor of the magazine"The imperial palace WangGe"Is wrote in the message:"In the name of the cultural relics,Some called immortal,Some called infamy,Some have called.Please respect the culture,Also respect yourself".



故宫匾额惊现"到此一游"!(图) The palace of horizontal appeared over the"it"!(diagram)

紫禁城风波多 故宫不为人知的这些事 The Forbidden City storm much palace unknown these things

北京故宫熄灯前后照片 Beijing the imperial palace and put photos

更多“游客不文明行为” 呼吁游客自重!

more"Tourists not civilized behavior" Calls for tourists self-respect!

故宫铜缸被刻到此一游 网友谴责:逮到剁手(图) 学生踏上栏杆戏弄鳄鱼 Students on rail mocked the crocodile. 故宫铜缸被刻到此一游 网友谴责:逮到剁手(图) 鳄鱼正在冬眠。深圳晚报记者 王研 摄 Crocodile is hibernate.Shenzhen evening news reporter wang inquiry perturbation

  光明新区农科大观园鳄鱼池发生心酸一幕 The new light of agricultural the grand view garden crocodile pool happen feel sad scene

  鳄鱼冬眠不动真假难辨 好奇游客扔石将其砸死 The crocodile hibernate still true and false thing curious visitors will throw stone the batter to death


"The two crocodile is living?"To the new light of agricultural the grand view garden for the citizens,A lot of people will be the crocodile pool of true and false of the crocodile question,The citizens of strong curiosity is toward the crocodile throw rubbish, such as mineral water bottles,Some person shoot crocodile,The crocodile pool was garbage.On January 16,,Reporter in the interview to understand agricultural the grand view garden,The cleaning speed than people throwing rubbish speed.Especially makes a sad is,There are several crocodile,Because of the failure to hibernate still true and false,Should be tourists with rock to hit a dead.Agricultural science the grand view garden to the citizen called for,Visit the play in the process to be kind to animals.


"The crocodile is too poor,Ask everybody to help them."recently,Netizens to light of agricultural new grand view garden when you play,Find the crocodile in the pool is full of junk,Two crocodile lives in landfill inside,Look is very poor.Not a few net friend forward micro bo,Hope that more and more people see to care for small animals,Also hope that the agricultural management can regular cleaning,Give animals a secure comfortable home.[detailed]

  杭州动物园狮山,一群游客拿雪球砸非洲狮。(上图)母狮子吓坏了,绕了一大圈,和公狮子躲在一起,紧紧缩在角落。每次雪块、雪球落下,它们都不知该往哪里躲。终于,游客“尽兴”,离去,公狮子大吼一声,死死盯着他们的背影。图/IC 【详细】

Hangzhou zoo mountain lion,A group of tourists take snowball hit the African.(the)The lion frightened,Around a big circle,And male lion hiding together,Tight squeeze in the corner.Every time blocks of snow/Snowball fall,They do not know where to hide it.finally,visitors"enjoy",leave,The male lion roar loud sound,And stare at their back.Diagram/IC [detailed]


The mainland tourists climb the Wall Street bull sculpture photo cause the dispute,In November 2007,Beijing TV host wang fang recent trip to New York,On Wall Street meet up with a group of tourists from the mainland,They fight to be climbed up the bull sculpture photos,The americans have shook his head,Someone asked:"You are Chinese or Japanese?"One of them proud to answer:"I am a Chinese!"



In September 2009,An essay on[Tourists shameless irreverence Yang sculpture]Post on the Internet spread,Post to a visitor identity about his in xian hua qing pool to see a scene,A middle-aged man and lady in the sculpture images,Put his hands on the Yang chest photos,Scene very indecent,Cause some net friend of pain at the same time called the human flesh search.


A man on the bus to the outside of the photos of the urine caused a hot debate of the net friend.Dressed in a blue coat a picture a man,Open the window and foreign pee.Witnesses said Mr Jia,And at that time is,Place around xiamen SM commercial plaza near the red light,The man was behavior almost dirty his car,So took this picture……[more]



故宫铜缸被刻到此一游 网友谴责:逮到剁手(图)

故宫铜缸被刻到此一游 网友谴责:逮到剁手(图)


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