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国民旅游休闲纲要公布 两原因使带薪休假难落实--亲稳舆论引导监测室
2 month and day -,The Chinese government and published on Monday[The national tourism leisure outline]Full text.Outline put forward,Encourage to urban surrounding the country on holiday,Developing red tourism.
Outline put forward,Encourage to urban surrounding the country on holiday,Actively developing bicycle tourism/Self-driving tour/Sports fitness tourism/Medical health tourism/Hot spring ice-snow tourism/Cruise yacht tourism tourism leisure products,Carry forward the excellent traditional culture.Developing red tourism,Improve the classic red tourism scenic spots and fine line attraction and influence.
Outline put forward,Suitable for the development of the old people/women/children/The disabled people need different tourism leisure products,Development of rural residents of urban leisure benefits/City tour/Cultural entertainment/Popular science education and tourism leisure project,Development tourism performing arts/Fitness club/Leisure shopping tourism leisure consumption products,Meet the masses personalized travel demand.
Outline also puts forward,Encourage the school organizes the student to carry on the education with swim extracurricular practice,Improve the tourism school liability insurance system.To strengthen the basic theory of tourism leisure/Product development and industrial development research,Increase of tourist facilities equipment research and development strength,Improve tourism leisure product technology content.[detailed]
两原因使带薪休假难落实 Two makes paid vacation difficult to implement
Paid vacation in our country is the legal system.Issued and implemented in 1994[Labor law of the People's Republic of China]provisions:"State shall practise a system of annual vacation with pay.A worker who has worked for more than one year,Enjoy the annual paid vacation.The specific measures shall be formulated by the state council."but,In real life,Paid vacation but never get most people fully understanding and support.
According to the[Regulations on paid annual leave for employees],Each year in the workplace paid vacation days in five days to 15 days.however,The reality of the system and has not been fully implement.Reporters interviewed random dozens of professional people,In the enterprise basic didn't enjoyed paid vacation.
"After 80"Youth JiaMinLi told reporters,His work 7 years,Please only once 5 days of wedding leave,This kind of situation is very common among peers,"Work overtime and holiday have a group psychology,Everyone is working overtime,You must have to add,Leadership is not on vacation,You also don was ashamed to ask.Ask leave as with debt."
Zhejiang kingdom holy law firm's lawyers ChengXueLin think,There are two main reasons.One is labor supply over demand,Laborer rights should be.Due to the relative strength,Especially in the labor force under the condition of supply over demand,Laborer competition pressure,Have no bottom spirit,Worry for vacation was snatched away your job,Don't worry about leadership to influence their treatment,Also few people through the legal means of rights.The second,A lot of unit of choose and employ persons exist misunderstanding,Think vacation influence efficiency.ChengXueLin said,If the enterprise managers active Suggestions and safeguard the employee paid off,More can increase staff to enterprise's identity/Ownership and cohesion,The working efficiency can be raised.
落实带薪休假需要时间 Implement paid vacation need time
It is understood,[The national tourism leisure outline(2013-2020)]The promulgation and implementation of the.The national tourism administration said,In order to expand the tourism consumption new opportunity,Will further promote the implementation of paid vacation system,Promote the conditional place to make encourage resident travel leisure consumption policy measures,And enhance tourism consumption level.
By the Chinese academy of social sciences researcher at the tourism research center WeiXiaoAn think,Paid vacation system is not in the short term to the full implementation of the,Need a process.
WeiXiaoAn for example,The United States put forward in the 1930 s paid vacation system,But in the 1970 s to carry out.Considering our country's industrialization development,"The full implementation of paid vacation system may need quite a long time."
WeiXiaoAn told reporters,He was still optimistic.He said,Once upon a time speak"leisure",The somebody else will accuse you"Eat one's head off",But now speak"leisure",Everyone began to become calm,"This is progress.The progress of the society,Is a little bit of accumulated.Industrialization era after,China's paid vacation will follow."

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