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新加坡航空备降 大批中国游客被困机场无法住宿--亲稳网络舆情监控室
On Saturday night,Shanghai suffered heavy fog weather,Pudong airport runway has 3 does not meet the requirements for the flights,Large clearance delays/To cancel,One of the plane carrying more than 200 Chinese tourists a Singapore airlines flight has alternate between Hong Kong and Seoul airport,Stranded passengers transit visa,The stranded for close to 30 hours in Seoul airport,Return to Shanghai until 1 PM this morning.
旅客投诉:在首尔机场坐了一整天 Passenger complaints:I've been sitting all day in Seoul airport
According to the microblogging users @ rob to reflect,The travel to Shanghai Bali 6 days 5 night tour of the organization,Originally planned on Singapore airlines plane to return to Shanghai pudong airport on Saturday.
Because the evening shen in the fog,Pudong airport runway landing flights cannot be accepted,Flights had to alternate airport in Hong Kong,Short stay three hours later,And fly to Seoul, South Korea and the airport.Passengers thought such as pudong airport after the fog dispersed,Will be able to return to Shanghai soon,Who knows until 11 o 'clock last night,The flight still no sign,At this time,On more than 200 Chinese travelers have been trapped in Seoul airport for a day and a night.
More let the people who feel is not acceptable,When the plane arrived in Seoul,Singapore airlines arranged on foreign travelers stay at airport hotel,But not for Chinese travelers make accommodation arrangements,Also did not give any economic compensation;Seoul airport,Clearance does not allow the Chinese passengers,To all Chinese passengers can only rest in a chair in the terminal.
“我们还在韩国机场,穿的都是拖鞋裙子,韩国只有零下1℃!”昨天22:53,“@抢的来额”更新了微博,照片显示,大批中国旅客被困在候机楼内,许多人都披上了毛毯御寒。“我们被辗转新加坡、香港、首尔3个城市,已30个小时没有合眼。我们只想回中国。 ”
"We are in South Korea airport,Wear skirt are slippers,South Korea is only 1 ℃ below zero!"22 yesterday:53,"@ for the amount"Update the weibo,Photo shows,A large number of Chinese travelers were trapped inside the terminal,Many people with a warm blanket."We were in Singapore/In Hong Kong/Seoul three cities,Has 30 hours didn't sleep a wink.We just want to return to China. "
新航解释:由于签证原因无法安排住宿 Singapore airlines to explain:Unable to arrange accommodation for visa reasons
It is understood,Juneyao flight for Singapore airlines, the carrier SQ836 flights,On February 23, originally planned 17:05 take-off,"Arrived in pudong,A total of more than 200 passengers on board,Accounts for most of the Chinese passengers.0 PM this morning,After 31 hours of delays,The plane finally from Seoul airport,And arrived at pudong airport around 1 when 30 points.
This morning,The reporter contacted the Singapore airlines with respect to this matter,Related officials said,Successively the alternate flights between Hong Kong and Seoul,Because 23 pudong airport runway at night always don't accept the terms of landing.A day and a night stay in Seoul for the plane,Mainly is the party unit has been in excess of the prescribed time of flight,Out of respect for passenger safety,Sia and emergency call a unit from headquarters in South Korea,Transport stranded passengers back to Shanghai,So delay the time.
The head also said,During the period of passengers stranded at the airport in Seoul,Airlines provides catering services,And has been calm passengers.Unable to arrange Chinese travelers in hotel accommodation,Because passengers holding Chinese passport can't get transit visa-free in Seoul, South Korea,So can only let them in the airport terminal"wronged"The whole day.
今天上午,据投诉人“@抢的来额”称,所在的旅行社表示,此次航班延误是天气等不可抗力因素造成的,旅行社不承担赔偿责任。 “不过,我们团的24名游客中,有22人在出发前都购买了旅游意外保险,可获得航班延误赔偿,我们将尽全力协助他们向保险公司进行索赔。 ”
This morning,According to the complainant"@ for the amount"According to,The travel agency said,The flight delay is caused by force majeure factors such as the weather,Travel agent does not assume liability to pay compensation. "but,24 tourists of our group,There are 22 people are purchased the travel accident insurance before you start,Flight delay compensation can be obtained,We will try our best to help them to insurance company claim for compensation. "

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In the hotel"Toothbrush by"
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Inventory alarming festival
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