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动物园游客喂食夹竹桃叶 毒死羊驼和小熊猫--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  东南网-海峡都市报闽南版(记者陈斯红)还记得泉州东湖动物园那3只可爱的“草泥马”吗?大约1个月前,3只羊驼入驻东湖动物园,春节期间成了园内的明星,不少人慕名而来,就为一睹“神兽”的风采。但令人惋惜的是,1只小羊驼因误食有毒的夹竹桃树叶,中毒身亡。【旅游视点:放开那只兽】 Southeast of metropolis daily minnan version of the net - channel(The reporter Chen Sigong)Remember the three cute in quanzhou donghu zoo"Grass mud horse"??About a month ago,3 sheep camel in the zoo at east lake,During the Spring Festival became the star of the zoo,Many people come,Just to see"God beast"The elegant demeanour.But sadly,1 only vicuna because of eating poisonous oleander leaf,Was poisoned.[Tourism point of view:Let go of the only beast]


January 4 this morning,As usual, the zoo keeper came within the fence to look after sheep camel.The breeder find vicuna prone on the ground,How to catch it all don't move.A look carefully,Vicuna foaming at the mouth flow.The breeder feel wrong,Please vet immediately.The keeper is introduced,At that time in the backyard fence,Found several oleander leaf,Veterinarians determine vicuna may be fed oleander leaf poisoning.The rescue is invalid,Vicuna death.After the autopsy,Found the lamb TuoDe oleander remnants in the body.


And the same situation happened again on the eighth day this day.A little panda garden also die in a similar situation.The breeder speculation,May be visitors oleander toxic leaves,To feed the two animals.It is understood,After two animals will be made into samples.After the expansion of the zoo,Also will introduce two sheep camel.


The breeder is introduced,During the Spring Festival period this year,Because the weather is good,And has introduced the alpaca and gold embroidery,Visitor Numbers are up since the morning of the year.Many visitors will be in the hands of food fed to animals,But the zoo has warm prompt,Don't feed the animals,But the effect is not obvious.Reporters on the scene to see,In captivity alpacas outside of the fence,Many visitors will be in the hands of feed of food such as French fries to alpaca.


The zoo called for tourists,Don't feed the animals,So as not to damage the animal body,Even killing animals.The breeder Sun Weiguo is introduced,Chips such as puffed food contained more additives,Easy to cause herbivore lung infection,Cause a fever.At the same time,Many visitors and cannot distinguish between the leaves/Branches are poisonous,So hope that visitors don't feeding.Had already happened a few causes improper feeding,Killing animals.For wildlife protection,The bear/Monkeys omnivores can feed some fruit;Some coarse sika deer is edible;Most of the herbivores don't feeding is the best.

更多“游客不文明行为” 呼吁游客自重!

More and more"Visitors to not civilization behavior" Calling for tourists self-respect!

动物园游客喂食夹竹桃叶 毒死羊驼和小熊猫 学生踏上栏杆戏弄鳄鱼 Students on the rail tease crocodile. 动物园游客喂食夹竹桃叶 毒死羊驼和小熊猫 鳄鱼正在冬眠。深圳晚报记者 王研 摄 The crocodile is hibernating.Shenzhen evening news reporter wang research was taken

  光明新区农科大观园鳄鱼池发生心酸一幕 Sad is light district agricultural grand view garden crocodile pool scene

  鳄鱼冬眠不动真假难辨 好奇游客扔石将其砸死 Crocodile hibernate motionless butch curious tourists throw stone to batter to death it


"The crocodile is alive?"To light the new agricultural residents of grand view garden for pleasure,Many people doubt the crocodile crocodile pool of true and false,Strong curiosity of citizens towards the crocodile threw water bottles and other garbage,Some even shooting crocodile,The crocodile pool filled with rubbish.On January 16,The reporter understands in an interview in agricultural grand view garden,Administrator of the cleaning speed far less than people throwing garbage.Is especially poignant,There are several crocodiles here,Because hibernate motionless butch,Tourists should be used to hit a dead rock.Agricultural grand view garden, called on citizens,Visitors to the people for the ethical treatment of animals.


"The crocodile is too poor,Ask everybody to help them."In recent days,Some netizens to guangming new district agricultural grand view garden for pleasure,Found the crocodile pool is full of junk,Two crocodiles live in the trash,Is looks very poor.Many netizens forwarding microblogging,Hope after more and more people see, can take care of small animals,Also hope to agricultural grand view garden management office can be regular cleaning,A secure and comfortable home for small animals.[details]

  杭州动物园狮山,一群游客拿雪球砸非洲狮。(上图)母狮子吓坏了,绕了一大圈,和公狮子躲在一起,紧紧缩在角落。每次雪块、雪球落下,它们都不知该往哪里躲。终于,游客“尽兴”,离去,公狮子大吼一声,死死盯着他们的背影。图/IC 【详细】

Hangzhou zoo lion mountain,A group of tourists take a snowball hit African lion.(above)The lion was terrified,Around a big circle,And the male lions staying together,Tight squeeze in the corner.Every time the snow block/A snowball down,They all don't know where to hide.At last,tourists"enjoy",leave,The male lion roar loud,Intensely staring at their back.Figure/IC [In more detail]


Mainland tourists climbing the Wall Street bull sculpture pictures contentious,In November 2007,Beijing TV host wang fang recently travel to New York,I ran into a group of mainland tourists on Wall Street,They all climb to the top of the bull sculpture pictures,Present americans have shook his head,Someone asked:"Are you Chinese or Japanese?"One of them answered proudly:"I am a Chinese!"



In September 2009,An article entitled[Tourists shameless molested Yang sculpture]Postings on the Internet,Posts about his as a tourist see in xi 'an huaqing pool a disgrace,A middle-aged man and lady Yang sculpture pictures,Put his hands in the Yang in the chest photo,Scene is very indecent,Lead to excoriate while some netizens called for human flesh search.


A man on the bus to pee outside the window picture caused netizens heated public debate.Picture a man dressed in a blue coat,Open the window of foreign pee.Witnesses said Mr Jia,It was an,Where about of xiamen SM commercial plaza near the red light,Men almost dirty his car at that time,So took this picture……[more]   
