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  ■向“妖魔化”宣战,东莞欲以15秒形象宣传短片,为自己正名 S to"demonizing"A declaration of war,Dongguan for 15 seconds image propaganda film,For his name


S: at the beginning of the New Year off wave of publicity,Ear clips on high-speed railway station and Beijing each big theater


Once known as dongguan"Sex is"/"sweatshops"/"Oriental Sparta".The demonization,Dongguan people very grievance.


now,A 15 seconds long,Within the park/The basketball game/Well-known entrepreneurs, etc."Dongguan elements"The city image propaganda film,In guangzhou south station/Changsha south railway station, such as multiple high-speed-train station and cinema,To the dongguan"justify".Another by Wang Zhidong/Yi jianlian celebrities such as in video[Hello,dongguan],Also is under production.


Some experts pointed out that,Successful urban brand image,Is equal to city"signboard",Dongguan is now in the phase of transformation and upgrading,The image of the city should be secondary positioning and promotion,This kind of soft/Hard to spread,To dongguan city image promotion.


被扣“屎盆子” Was held"lavatory"

  爱老婆就别去东莞? Love wife, don't go to dongguan?


Dongguan are demonized,Through some posts.


Last year at the end of the world community/Dongguan on sites such as baidu,Are a set of headline[Dongguan xx middle school a female classmate beaten by many women(reproduced)]The post of,One posted nearly ten scenes pictures of unpleasant,Cause many netizens onlookers.Yangcheng evening news reporter then search to find out,In the photo is not happen in dongguan,But xinhua and other media reported in anhui wangjiang county.


In addition,Have net friend send someone made a group of dongguan"The body of bread"Photos of the,Turned out to happening abroad.


"Outsiders often say‘Go to a don't want to go to the second is(Due to the)Public security,Go to a want to go to the second is(Would like to)Make merry,This is dongguan.’In fact,These are malicious demonized the dongguan!"Net friend"A rare confused"Angry comments wrote,"Others made the ten standards of good man,Last one was‘Love wife, do not have to go to dongguan’.use‘Sex is’To allude to the dongguan erotic services,use‘Oriental Sparta’To allude to the dongguan public security is not good,Why do people always like to dongguan head buckle lavatory?Why bad things always will be ported to dongguan?"


低调不善沟通 Low profile is not good communication

  致使外界理解片面 Due to the outside world understand one-sided


In dongguan city image promotion,The Chinese academy of social sciences institute for strategic studies, associate professor of finance and economics/China marketing research center, renmin university of China, deputy director of the LiuYanPing pointed out,Dongguan is now in the phase of transformation and upgrading,The image of the city should be secondary positioning and promotion,To make the brand economic strategy on the agenda,By photographing image propaganda film, etc,With one hundred and twenty years time to build a belong to their own brands,In order to improve the image of the city.


Professor at tsinghua university in Beijing city brand laboratory Fan Gong argues:"Dongguan has a low-key culture,Not good at communicating with the outside world,So that the outside world's understanding of dongguan city image is one-sided/incomplete.Successful urban brand image,Is equal to city‘signboard’,Dongguan city image communication accordingly,To combine disseminated by hard and soft,Rigid transmission has been the city construction,To spread truly having substance in speech;Flexible transmission requires planning,Through image propaganda film and other ways combined with city marketing,Let the dongguan city image promotion from internal and external two aspects."

  短片旨在正名 Clips to justify

  高调进驻高铁站场 High-profile in high-speed field


In the tide of industry transformation and upgrading of dongguan,Also eager to on the city's image to its name.In September of last year,Dongguan government information office official microblogs starting the cooperation with the discovery channel made of dongguan city image propaganda film,Only one day,Related weibo was forwarded more than 3000 times,Promotional video click on close to 30000 times.In addition,Video has been edited in 15 seconds long commercials,In October to December 25 local TV stations throughout the country/The eight local TV station[Humanistic found]Multiple key columns and CCTV prime-time broadcast channel.


Dongguan shooting the image propaganda film spends much of her money?Dongguan municipal party committee propaganda department officials told reporters:"This project is to cooperate with the discovery channel,In addition to the film,Include clips of all over the country,This is business secret,Don't share it.."


At the beginning of New Year,Dongguan increased publicity.On February 4 to 24,Dongguan image advertising video in along wuhan-guangzhou high iron to guangzhou south station/Changsha south station and Wu Hanzhan 3 high-speed-train station and Beijing west railway station waiting areas and nearly 30 pieces of large color of the LED screen scroll to broadcast,Broadcast 90 times a day or so.In addition,On February 14 to 27,Advertising film in Beijing again/Guangzhou 50 theaters with 379 screens broadcast on the big screen.


 网友大赞“拍得诗情画意” Netizens praised"For poetry"


The reporter saw log in dongguan government information office official weibo,Dongguan image propaganda film can be divided into cultural part and industrial part,Of 1 minutes respectively.The humanities in first time to dongguan tourists as the main line,Through its/Do think,Will be able to park/Basketball culture/Humen fort, etc"Dongguan elements"together,Led the audience feel the long history of dongguan/The traditional folk/Cultural life, and entertainment, etc.In the paper industry,Reporters saw the South Korea's samsung(dongguan)/Dongguan, head of the six well-known enterprises such as beautiful figure,Short film by describing their work and life in dongguan,Reflect the dongguan perfect supporting industries/Transport fast and convenient/The advantage of habitable ecological leisure, etc,Promote the dongguan under the rule of law/International business environment.


On weibo,Netizens praised short film"Was very poetic"/"Is a international metropolis",Another netizen said"Film short,Show the positive side of dongguan,To those who‘doomsayers’Dongguan people dumped a slap."

   可园讲解员担纲短片主角 To park the narrator as clips


Reporter found that,The are all film stars in the commercials,Choose actor or a native of dongguan locals,Or live in guan new residents.Ye Wei garden museum announcer tong,Heilongjiang yichun,Had no acting experience she was used as the humanities and the heroine of the story.Party workers to explain:"For the heroine,At that time considered invited celebrities,But in the end decided to choose Ye Wei tong the living and working in dongguan/Understand love in dongguan/The real ordinary dongguan people to play,This can let the human stories about‘Dongguan story’More grassroots/Guan flavour is thicker."


"Although I am not in dongguan,But my parents over the years has been doing business in dongguan,Before the summer and winter vacation during the school will come to dongguan.After graduating from college in 2010,I may in the garden, as the narrator,Now got the dongguan registered permanent residence,Settled in dongguan."Ye Wei tong said with a smile,I can play video quite a coincidence,"When producers held a selection activities in television,Actor didn't decided yet.When later film crew to garden view,I was arranged to do the narrator,Producer think I'm good,Finally decided to do propaganda film heroine by me."


When it comes to video shooting process,Ye Wei tong with"Tired and happy"To describe the,"AD took five days,Basically every day get up at four o 'clock in the morning/makeup,Many places to go to view,12 o 'clock at night to call it a day,Basically can only sleep three or four hours a day."Let Ye Wei tong is moving,"There is a scene in shannan club tea village,Extras are local seniors,We took a few hours,The old man can't have too tired,Are very cooperate,It makes me feel dongguan people honest."

  拍短片高潮一浪接一浪 Take short wave after wave

  王志东易建联齐上阵 Wang Zhidong yi qi


The success of the city image propaganda film,More confident to dongguan.now,Another is called[Hello,dongguan]The AD,Also is under production.According to the dongguan municipal party committee propaganda department,The film by the dynamic/Humanities article and dreams,Each chapter in dongguan, a well-known figure as the main line is famous in the world,String of dongguan city characteristics of various elements,The dongguan natural landscape/History and culture/Economy, trade and industry/City spirit/To show stereo out humanities style, etc,These celebrities,Including the GuanJi He Jingtang academicians from Chinese academy of engineering,Sina's first President/Guan shang Wang Zhidong,Basketball player yi jianlian and so on.


Special video of my hometown,Wang Zhidong think responsibility."Dream of article"Set the first lens,Just finish"Dongguan seminar industry transformation and upgrading"He walked out of the dongguan conference mansion,Walk while interview with reporters.Because it is ecru,So Wang Zhidong performance very natural.He said:"In addition to film city image promotion,Dongguan can also use the Internet more,Whether it's positive publicity,Or negative solution,Channels are good."


镇街纷纷开拍微电影 Evaluated integratedly to the micro film shooting

  拍摄城市形象宣传短片,让东莞多个镇街找到了宣传自己的灵感。 City image propaganda film,Let the dongguan multiple evaluated integratedly found its inspiration.


HongMei town is currently filming a micro movie is set in Lantern Festival[Dream light colors],The town officials said,The 10 minute short film tells the story of how HongMei town become one step at a time"The hometown of Chinese lanterns"the,The 95% of actors HongMei town for local people,All the set point in HongMei town.On February 23,,Qiao tou also announced the micro movie[Waiting for you at the bridge -- love flowers]In qiao tou directly LianCun began filming,Story to candy and flowers for clues to the bride,Tells the story of a pure and romantic love story,Lotus lake square/Ancient villages/Mo home bridge tourism elements, such as boxing will fully show in the film.
