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  中新社厦门2月27日电 (记者 杨伏山)已在中国内地实行近60年的公立医院药品加成政策和“以药补医”机制,3月1日起将在厦门退出历史舞台。厦门市卫生局局长杨叔禹27日表示,厦门这一改革,无论在广度、深度或财政补偿力度上均走在全国前列。

China news agency February 27 (xinhua) in xiamen (Reporter Yang FuShan)Has been in China for nearly 60 years of public hospitals and drugs addition policy"With medicine cure"mechanism,On March 1st, will be in xiamen.Xiamen health bureau chief Yang Shuyu 27, said,Xiamen this reform,In both the breadth/Depth or on the strength of financial compensation were walking in the forefront.


The so-called drug addition,Refers to the government's financial difficulties,To make up the losses of the policy of public hospital were introduced"ShunJia markup"policy,That public hospital drug use practices along with 15% of the price differential for compensation mechanism,Commonly known as the"With medicine cure"mechanism.In mainland China since 1954 to implement the policy.


Yang Shuyu said,Xiamen will be implemented in public hospital from March 1, medicine to separate,Cancel the drug addition.


Yang Shuyu said,All the city government held a public cancel the drug addition full implementation of the reform of medical institutions,In the reform leading on the breadth of the country,At present in only five city hospital in Beijing/Only in the suburbs of Shanghai public hospitals new pilot.


At the same time,Xiamen city public hospital all drug purchase price sales,One pace reachs the designated position,Depth of the reform in the national forefront.At present,Shenzhen take it step by step implementation measures,Limited to the basic medical insurance directory of drugs,While shenzhen medicare CARDS in public hospitals for medical treatment of patients accounted for forty percent of all treatment groups.


After the reform,Public hospitals for cancel the drug addition reasonable income part of the form,Xiamen finance bear 10%,Public hospitals bear the 8%,Don't increase burden of people go to a doctor,Xiamen fiscal support is also leading the country.


Industry insiders said,Xiamen that comprehensive reform measures,Is set in the Chinese health GaiGeShi on part a;At the same time,Full implementation of"Medicine separately",Completely eliminating drug addition,Can cut off the hospital/The doctor prescribing and drug direct economic interests of the relationship between sales revenue,To reduce the burden of patients go to a doctor,To promote medical institutions take the initiative to consciously to curb excessive drug use/The phenomenon such as drug abuse.(After the)
