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颐和园丢失柱头拟今天仿制修复 文物局要求调查--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  新京报讯 (记者饶沛 王佳琳 申志民)昨天,北京市文物局就近期颐和园云龙纹石雕望柱头被盗事件做出指示:要求颐和园立即成立文物鉴定专家组,确定丢失柱头的年代、价值,调查结果及时上报市文物局。颐和园方面为了追寻旧柱头丢失线索,公布了寻物热线电话:62881144-6214,望广大市民和游客提供线索。目前,海淀警方已介入调查此案。

Beijing - (The reporter RaoPei Wang Jialin ShenZhiMin)yesterday,Beijing municipal administration of cultural heritage is the recent YunLongWen stone carvings at the Summer Palace stigma indicate to the theft event:Immediately set up the cultural relics appraisal expert group asked the Summer Palace,Lost the stigma of s is determined/Value of the,The results of the survey report to municipal administration of cultural heritage.In order to pursue the old Summer Palace aspect stigma lost clues,Released any hotline:62881144-6214,Hope the general public and tourists provide clues.At present,Haidian police have to investigate this case.

  文物局要求颐和园确认望柱头价值 Administration of cultural heritage value request confirmation at the Summer Palace, the stigma


The Summer Palace has said,On January 13th in the morning,Security guards patrol found,Han xu hall south north third from the west side of the second floor of the platform"Yunlong at column"The stigma of lost,Immediately to protect the scene,And to carry out the investigation.Preliminary judgement is man-made.then,The Summer Palace in the police.


Municipal administration of cultural heritage require the Summer Palace, set up special investigation team immediately,The loss of the screening at the stigma,Looking for loopholes in management work,Improve the security measures,And carry on the reforming.


Sure hope the stigma of cultural value is a key.Now looking on the stigma of specific age remains to be further research,Need access to archives and field exploration.


Municipal administration of cultural heritage require,The Summer Palace to invite experts to research the part lost cultural relics,Confirm the specific s,Also provide the basis for loss assessment.Final evaluation should be reported to the municipal administration of cultural heritage.


The city cultural relics appraisal committee/Stone carving museum expert Andrew sobel is introduced,Han xu tong platform parapet yunlong column is roughly three times the product of,Respectively is mid qing/In late qing and liberation.Among them,The platform in the north of pillar is made of mid and late qing,The carver is fine.How is the product of the liberation and south stone pillars,Carver obviously than northern.


Lost at the stigma in central location,It's difficult to determine the specific era,From the visual look,Column at roughly in late qing,Or even later period.But as a result of stone artifacts s decision is more complex,To analyze factors comprehensively textual research,Just by picture or visual remnants,Or have a bias,The final judgment hope to post the original to study appraisal selection.


The Summer Palace has previously said,Preliminary judgment of the stigma is liberation.

  专家认为或在北京就地销赃 Experts think, or sell it locally in Beijing


In addition,The municipal cultural relics department cooperate with the public security department to find the suspect demanded the Summer Palace.Concerned personage analysis,While looking at the stigma of volume is larger,But now can't completely rule out the possibility that it is out of the garden,The cultural relics department also requires a careful screening to the Summer Palace,As far as possible to find clues to lost at the stigma.


Andrew sobel said,From the stone market,If you want to sell at high prices,Are likely to be in Beijing on the fence,"Beijing things,Or from Beijing more recognition,Xi 'an cultural relics market is very big also,But pay more attention to xi 'an.Or may be bought by foreigners,Many foreign buyers out of things to the Summer Palace is recognized."


■ 进展 S progress

  丢失望柱头 Lost at the stigma

  拟今天修复 To repair today


The Summer Palace in the preliminary search in the garden after an inconclusive,Find a shi caihang,Requirements with similar generic a missing stone at the stigma,As far as possible consistent with the original at the stigma stone pattern,Pillars of sticking to the base.


Andrew sobel told reporters,Plan in this morning about the Summer Palace will be pillars of stigma sticking to the base.In the afternoon,He will be at the invitation of the Summer Palace management office,To view the yunlong repair at the stigma,And repair on site.

  ■ 追访 S to

  四原因或致望柱头被盗 Four reasons or cause stigma had been stolen


Andrew sobel said,Even in the qing dynasty relics,Also not enough level 3 precious cultural relics,For something more.


Why yunlong hope stigma will be targeted?Andrew sobel analysis,Judging from the stone market,Yunlong stigma or may sell high,Because there are four:First is the material of cap is very good,Close to the white marble;Secondly from other preservation of stigma,Do manual work is very delicate,Carved deep,Has a high artistic value;In the third,This is the royal garden,Level is higher than general stone carvings;In the fourth,Looking the stigma"Famous names",From the Summer Palace,Cultural relics is very exquisite thing approach in buying and selling.


Municipal administration of cultural heritage had safety officials said,The last 67 years,Cultural relics in Beijing in the theft of building components is very rare,But look from across the country,Theft and stealing historical relics building components or objects themselves,Present a tendency of increasing in recent years,While excavating the tomb after the crime was abolished the death penalty,Make the illegal consequences of theft and they reduce,Looked up and also to have certain relations with such events.
