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  澳大利亚旅游局今日(3月5日)宣布正式启动“世界最好工作(Best Jobs in the World)”全球推广活动,同时推出六份风格迥异、体验独特的世界最好工作,通过全球竞赛进行招募,旨在吸引全球更多青年访客赴澳旅游,展现尽是不同的澳大利亚。本次活动由澳大利亚旅游局主办,得到了新南威尔士州、北领地、昆士兰州、南澳大利亚州、维多利亚州及西澳大利亚州等六个州、领地旅游局以及业界的大力支持。

Tourism Australia today(On March 5,)Announced the official launch"The world's best job(Best Jobs in the World)"Global marketing activities,At the same time launched six different style/Experience the unique of the world's best work,Through the global race to recruit,To attract more young visitors to travel around the world,Show is different to Australia.The event was hosted by tourism Australia,New south wales/The northern territory/Queensland/South Australia/Victoria and western Australia's six states/Domain of tourism and the full support of the industry.

  新一季的“世界最好工作”招募活动于今日在最受青年访客欢迎的旅行目的地之一的凯恩斯揭开帷幕,澳大利亚旅游部长马丁?弗格森(The Hon Martin Ferguson AM MP)及从昆士兰旅游局2009年举办的“世界最好工作”活动中胜出的前大堡礁守岛人本?绍索尔(Ben Southall)出席了开幕典礼。

A new season of"The world's best job"Recruiting activity today in one of the most popular with the young visitors travel destination cairns begins,Australia's tourism minister Martin?Sir Alex ferguson(The Hon Martin Ferguson AM MP)And from the tourism Queensland 2009"The world's best job"Activities before winning the Great Barrier Reef ShouDao humanism?Salt sol(Ben Southall)Attended the opening ceremony.


"The world's best job"For tourism Australia this year one of the major global marketing activities,Aims to strengthen the work vacation plans to appeal,Further promoting the development of tourism in Australia.This activity focuses on the Australian and global markets 18 to 30 years old of young visitors,Especially in the UK/The Irish/The United States/Canada/Germany/The French/Italy/The Swedish/In Hong Kong/Taiwan/South Korea and Japan, etc. To be eligible for Australian working holiday visa application of countries and regions.

  本次活动推出的六份工作,合同期皆为六个月,薪酬价值十万澳币(包含生活费),内容如下:成为新南威尔士州的玩乐达人(Chief Funster),在北领地做内陆冒险家(Outback Adventurer),在昆士兰州做国家公园巡护员(Park Ranger),成为南澳大利亚的野生动物看护员(Wildlife Caretaker),在墨尔本做生活时尚摄影师(Lifestyle Photographer)及在西澳大利亚州做品尝大师(Taste Master)。

The activity to launch six of the job,The contract is 6 months,Thousands of Australian dollar compensation value(Contains the cost of living),The content is as follows:As the play of new south wales(Devoted to Funster),In the northern territory do inland adventurers(Outback Adventurer),Do national park patrol in Queensland(Park Ranger),As south Australia wildlife care workers(Wildlife Caretaker),In Melbourne life fashion photographer(Lifestyle Photographer)And do taste master in western Australia(Taste Master).

  澳大利亚旅游局行政总裁麦勤伟(Andrew McEvoy )先生表示,此次竞赛将为世界各地的青年人提供一个极佳的赴澳旅游和工作的机会,同时也帮助解决了部分澳大利亚旅游业面临的人力缺口问题。

Tourism Australia, chief executive of MaiQinWei(Andrew McEvoy )Said Mr.,The competition will provide an excellent young people from all over the world travel to Macao and the opportunity to work,Also help solve some of Australia's tourism industry is facing human gap problem.

  “我们引用此前相当成功的‘世界最好工作’活动,并将它重新设计和拓展,从而更深入和全面展示澳大利亚全国各地的顶级体验,让更多人了解澳大利亚唯美的风景、独特的自然风光和野生动植物、上好的美食美酒,传达当地人的热情好客、幽默感和快乐的生活态度。” 麦勤伟先生说。

"We quoted previously is quite successful‘The world's best job’activity,And to design and develop it,Thus more in-depth and comprehensive display across Australia's top experience,Let more people understand Australia's beautiful scenery/Unique natural scenery and wildlife/Good food and drink,Convey the hospitality of the locals/A sense of humor and happy attitude to life." Says Mr MaiQinWei.


After the winner of this activity?Salt sol regrets way:"A few years ago,I won the‘The world's best job’,Become the Great Barrier Reef ShouDao,Regret to say that,My work is over.fortunately,This is more than one job,There will be six great job waiting for you here in Australia."


Mr MaiQinWei pointed out,The competition is designed to meet the present young people for fun and adventure spirit."Young visitors accounted for a quarter of the total number of all visitors to Australia.They usually stay in Australia for long time/Visit area widely and often will take my family to travel again.In some countries and regions, young people also can through the Australian working holiday visa,Integrate work and travel,To accumulate capital provides a way to travel,This is also our the core purpose of the competition."

  “尽管澳大利亚部分西方传统市场受到澳币的升值和全球性金融危机的影响,但青年访客仍是澳大利亚旅游市场的重要组成部分。” 麦勤伟先生表示。

"Although part of the traditional western Australia market under the influence of appreciation of Australian dollar and global financial crisis,But still young visitors is an important component of tourism market in Australia." Mr MaiQinWei said.

  2012年,赴澳青年访客年旅游消费额高达120亿澳币,青年访客人数为160万人次,为国际访客总人次的26%。青年访客平均每次在澳旅行消费额为7,279 澳币。工作假期访客去年为澳带来25亿澳币的经济效益,而工作假期访客逗留期间的消费额平均为13, 000澳币左右。

In 2012,,Visitors to Macao youth year tourism spending up to $12 billion,Young visitor Numbers for 1.6 million,26% of total visitors for international visitors.Young visitors average every time travel spending in Australia is 7,279 Australian dollars.Working holiday visitors bring Australia the economic benefits of $2.5 billion last year,Working holiday visitors spent an average of 13. During my stay, Around 000 Australian dollars.

  麦勤伟先生进一步指出:“本次活动将是进一步推广‘澳大利亚 尽是不同’品牌概念的绝佳机会,为大家展现一个无与伦比的、充满各类独特冒险体验和美妙风景的世界一流旅行目的地。”

Mr MaiQinWei further pointed out:"This activity will be further promoted‘Australia is different’Brand concept is the perfect opportunity,Show an unparalleled for everyone/Full of all kinds of unique adventure experience and beautiful scenery of the world first-class travel destination."

  此次活动得到了包括维珍澳洲航空(Virgin Australia)、STA Travel旅行社、花旗银行、戴尔、宜家、索尼音乐及在线招聘网站巨兽网(Monster.com)等各行业的合作伙伴的大力支持。巨兽网为此创立了专门的“招聘求职”版块,用于发布澳大利亚旅游业的短期工作招聘信息,以吸引持工作假期签证赴澳的访客应征。

The activity including virgin qantas(Virgin Australia)/STA Travel Travel agency/Citi bank/dell/ikea/SONY music and online recruitment site monster net(HTTP: / / Monster.com)And partners from all walks of life support.Beast network created specifically for this purpose"Job hunting"section,Short-term job recruitment information released for Australia's tourism industry,In order to attract visitors to Australia on a working holiday visa to apply.




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