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温州机场天价西瓜汁78元一杯 巫启贤发微博吐槽--亲稳舆论引导监测室


To wu wen to participate in business activities of Malaysian famous singer,At noon the day before yesterday in wenzhou everlasting strong airport restaurant"encounter"78 yuan a cup of watermelon juice,Then take photos tweeting vomit slot.The weibo trigger netizen attention,Some netizens said tweeting,Watermelon juice for"scare"The wu.Have netizen,Day into the hundreds of thousands of yuan star could't afford 78 yuan a cup of drink?


yesterday,The restaurant manager said,The store location is relatively high,Menu prices are set according to each spending,The next step will be according to the customers reflect the situation,Appropriate price for.


歌手巫启贤遭遇“天价”西瓜汁 Singer wu's experience"sky-high"Watermelon juice


The day before yesterday noon 11 15 points,Weibo certified as a singer/Music of the judges of the wu sent a microblog:"At the wenzhou airport restaurant would like to order a glass of watermelon juice,Price of 78 yuan,Can't afford to buy,Resist the/: the saliva,The thirst,The province!"


The microblog distribution diagram is a menu of watermelon juice,Text display:The rain cover/fresh,Always in the line of sight,Is always unexpected……Watermelon juice 78 yuan/cup.


The weibo a,Cause many netizens attention immediately.Wenzhou net friend"Looking up at the beautiful hometown"said:"Really sorry,Let you see to wenzhou for drinks,Welcome to our tea here,Free oh."Net friend"Plow zhe"said:"Its slogan:The line of sight of,A surprise,No false advertising,Appraisal is complete."


At 9 PM yesterday,Reporter contacted Eric wu agent Huang Yan,The number she gave shan wu's assistant,And said to wen shan and wu,Specific situation can learn from her.


She said in an interview,On Saturday they always fine to take part in a real estate company's business activities,Wu as a guest,Sing the two songs at the scene.Originally scheduled for the next 5 separate temperature at 12 noon,After the flight delay.


Shan said,Wu's weibo content are correct,At that time she was in wu's side.11 PM at noon the day before yesterday,They arrived at wenzhou airport. Forever,To find a restaurant for a drink to kill time.Wu would'd like to have some watermelon juice,But see the watermelon juice on the menu price is RMB 78,Think this price is too high.He is a very outgoing person,See the incredible things,Will be tweeting to complain."Airport or five-star hotels in other cities,Watermelon juice the most expensive only thirty or forty yuan."Shan said.


Have a person said,Wu's activities on the day of appearance fee is RMB 300000,Income is so high,Will can't afford to buy a cup of watermelon juice, 78 yuan?


For this,She says it is not convenient to revealed the appearance."For him,,78 yuan totally affordable,But he felt that the price is not reasonable.Finally they point a pot of grapefruit tea,Can a refill,Price is 200 yuan."


At noon yesterday,Wu has this weibo to delete.


餐馆服务员称,巫启贤当时没说什么 Restaurant waiter said,Wu said nothing at that time


11 PM yesterday,Reporters came to wu's reflects wenzhou everlasting strong rain cover cafe at the airport.The store was located near by the airport gate 5,The store area is not large,But chic decorate,Also provides wireless network/Computer services such as free of charge.The store has more than 30 table,More than 10 w,At noon yesterday to come to the store consumption customers remain at about five or six tables.


Reporters found a seat by the window,The waiter handed to a menu,It has all kinds of coffee/Fruit juice/The staple food/Tea, etc.,Prices in 25 yuan to 488 yuan,Which fruit is watermelon juice 78 yuan/cup,Apple juice 68 yuan/cup/48 yuan/cup of tomato juice……


The store clerk said,Only watermelon juice juice drinks in the store now.Reporter ordered a glass of watermelon juice,Paid 78 yuan.After three or four minutes,Watermelon juice on the waiter,The cup is the shape of a flower,Watermelon juice tastes good.


The store clerk said:"Our watermelon juice is pure fruit juice,A quarter of a watermelon to squeeze out a glass of watermelon juice."


Reporters asked the waiter:"Yesterday Eric wu to shop you know?"


"Know ah,We all saw it."The store clerk's face lit up when she spoke of wu,Said wu was wearing a black coat,Hair dyed white,The door when they are recognized.And he is a man and a woman together."We were both very excited,But did not ask him for signature,No active conversation with him."


The waiter said,It was her reception,But she didn't know Eric wu tweeting,Each other at that time in the store did not put forward the key points to her watermelon juice.Wu was hoping to order a grapefruit tea,The price is 68 yuan,Because they are three of them together,Take a pot of grapefruit tea later said,Can a refill,The price is 218 yuan.Three people in the shop probably sat for an hour to leave.


物价部门表示,将到该店巡查 The commodity price departments said,Will go to the store to inspect


11 when 30 points yesterday,Came back from the outside of the store manager said after wu told reporters to understand the matter,Has been attention to wu's weibo content,Wenzhou airport group co., LTD. Also called him about this matter.It brought him a lot of pressure,Because this relationship to the whole image of wenzhou.


78 yuan for a cup of watermelon juice,Mr. Wu explains,Their relative positioning high-end stores,Service cost is higher,Price is based on the store costs.Store food cheap and 38 yuan a,Prices of staple food like these basic do not make money.If all the prices are set too low,A loss may appear.There is some customers to the store consumption,But there are things customers before too expensive,The store menu prices also have been adjusted.


Mr Wu says:"It caused a certain influence to image in wenzhou,Happen such a thing,I'm sure I will give all the people in wenzhou,And customers to the store consumption and a replacement.The next step will continue to improve service,Try to make every consumption of customer satisfaction.The second,Will be according to the customers,In guarantee under the premise of not lose money,Appropriate menu prices."


Wenzhou airport group co., LTD., authorities said,Yesterday, the company has find the store manager to communicate,Suggested that the lower menu prices.Inside the airport restaurant or convenience store,The company have been in regular price checks.At present,Airport in convenience stores/Snack bar as well as ordinary restaurant items similar prices to the outside,Can meet the demand of the passengers.


Long Wanou hair change Shi Yuedong bureau of price supervision and inspection bureau deputy commissioner, said,Restaurant business person can adjust the menu according to the needs of the market price,This is the market behavior,The price of the store did not violate the relevant laws and regulations.But wenzhou everlasting strong airport as the window of a city,Its service level reflect the image of wenzhou city.today,The bureau will send people to the restaurant for price checks,Communicate with the restaurant manager.


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