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境外购物与消费专家环球蓝联(Global Blue)今日宣布,2012年中国消费者退税购物金额达到了创纪录的30亿欧元(约合人民币244亿元),比2011年同比增长58%。中国消费者在欧洲或亚洲等境外地区使用环球蓝联进行退税交易的平均金额达875欧元(约合人民币7122元)。自2006年以来,环球蓝联见证了中国消费者退税购物总支出的巨大增长——平均每年的涨幅近41%。针对中国全球购物者市场快速发展的势头,环球蓝联将于今夏向境外消费者推出一款会员卡。该卡能帮助消费者更轻松、更迅速地完成退税流程,免除了手动填写退税申请表的步骤。
Foreign experts global blue shopping and consumption(Global Blue)Announced today,In 2012 Chinese consumers shopping drawback amount reached a record 3 billion euros(RMB 24.4 billion),Year-on-year growth of 58% over 2011.Chinese consumers in Europe or Asia and other overseas areas using global blue union refund transaction on average 875 euros(RMB 7122).Since 2006,Global blue union witnessed the tax rebates for Chinese consumers shopping the enormous growth of the total -- an average gain of nearly 41% a year.According to Chinese shoppers worldwide market rapid development momentum,Global blue united in the summer, to the overseas consumers to launch a membership card.The card can help consumers more easily/More quickly complete the refund process,Removed from the manual steps to fill in application form.
环球蓝联执行副总裁库艾伦 (Arjen Kruger) 表示:“过去6年间,环球蓝联见证了中国购物者境外消费的崛起。在2012年,中国连续第二年成为我们全球购物者的头号客源国,消费额高达30亿欧元(约合人民币244亿元)。 环球蓝联致力于帮助中国游客在国外旅行购物时更省钱,不仅在旅游出发前向消费者提供购物打折信息,到达目的地的以后也会及时更新当地最新购物秘诀。”
Global blue union executive vice President of Allen (Arjen Kruger) said:"In the past 6 years,Global blue union witnessed the rise of Chinese shoppers consumption abroad.In 2012,,The second year in a row, China has become our global top tourist shoppers,Spending up to 3 billion euros(RMB 24.4 billion). Global blue union is dedicated to helping Chinese tourists traveling abroad is more save money when shopping,Not only in the travel before departure to offer consumers shopping discount information,Later will update the latest to the destination shopping tips."
Chinese shoppers worldwide favorite locations including such as France/Germany/Britain and Italy and other European countries,And more and more geographically close to the countries and regions.In 2012, Chinese shoppers around the world's favorite travel destination,Singapore and South Korea are in the first six,While Chinese consumers consumption has doubled in Korea.
新会员卡带来快速高效的环球购物 A new membership card universal shopping bring fast and efficient
Early summer 2013,Global blue will launch a global shopper's card.As a membership card,Store staff will not need to manually fill in the refund application form,Simply swipe can print out fill in full in advance/Containing all the detailed information of the visitor application form.This makes shopping rebate process more quickly,Also can avoid error very much.At the end of the trip,Global shoppers to carry shopping invoice and submit the application form to the customs chop at the airport,And then get refund from global blue union.Since May 2013,Global buyers can log on to www.globalblue.cn or in the designated travel agency to apply for the membership card.
全球购物者一站式购物 Shoppers one-stop shopping around the world
As long as a shopper will eventually carry goods departure,Global blue can they offer the most save money buying experience.Universal shoppers can also at the global blue united universal shopping guide[Shop]Magazines and company website for practical shopping skills and retailer discount information.In order to obtain the shopping rebate,Visitors should confirm whether in the shop with global blue mark,Then tell the sales staff at the time of payment they want to get the shopping rebate.Visitors can calculation tax refunds to use our website www.global-blue.cn/traveller-services/tax-free-shopping/refund-calculator/.Global shoppers can in global blue al in rebate points both at home and abroad for tax refunds,Log in our website to find refund point list:HTTP: / / HTTP: / / www.global-blue.com/traveller-services/tax-free-shopping/refund-points/,Or to give global blue union application form by mail.
关于环球蓝联 About global blue
环球蓝联是一家国际金融服务公司,是出境游客购物消费的专家,致力于让商家和外国客户之间的零售和付款交易更为轻松便捷。自30 年前率先推出“退税购物”概念以来,环球蓝联不断提供各种服务以帮助消费者在外国更明智地购物和消费,同时,帮助商家和银行在利润丰厚的游客市场增加收入。
Global blue group is an international financial services company,Is an expert in outbound tourists shopping consumption,Dedicated to retail and payment transactions between merchants and foreign customers is more easy and convenient.Since 30 years ago pioneered"Tax rebates for shopping"Since the concept of,Global blue union continues to provide various services to help consumers more wisely in foreign shopping and spending,At the same time,To help businesses and Banks in the lucrative tourist market increase their income.
环球蓝联在全世界超过 43 多个国家和地区与270,000 多家极受欢迎的零售商、购物品牌和酒店合作,每天服务 7万多位游客,致力于成为全球范围国际消费购物的行业标杆。
Global blue more than 43 countries and regions around the world with 270,More than 000 popular retailers/Shopping and hotel brand cooperation,Services more than 70000 visitors every day,Committed to become the industry benchmark for global international consumer shopping.
环球蓝联总部位于瑞士尼翁,靠近日内瓦。若要获取有关环球蓝联的更多信息,请访问公司网站: www.global-blue.com
Global blue union headquarters in nyon, Switzerland,Close to Geneva.If you want to get more information about the global blue union,Please visit the company website: HTTP: / / www.global-blue.com
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