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三沙游首航游客多为公务员 价格曝实行双重标准--亲稳网络舆情监控室


 首航昨启程 好舱位多用于公务接待 Shipping space first set out yesterday to official entertaining

  大批海南官员陪百名游客同游三沙 Hainan officials, with hundreds of tourists walks three sand

  □晨报特派记者 李晓明 海口报道

- morning post correspondent reported li haikou

  昨日中午,三沙旅游首航正式从海口秀英港起航。记者从首发仪式上了解到,“椰香公主”轮首航成员共347人,除去随船工作人员外,大部分为海南省多个部门的公务人员普通游客只有不到三分之一。此外两者之间的舱位和价格也有不同。三沙"体验游"均价8千 看日出体验渔民生活

At noon yesterday,Three sand tourism first formally from haikou xiuying port set sail.The reporter understands from the starting ceremony,"Princess coconut"Its members a total of 347 people,Removing the despatch, staff,More than most of hainan province department of civil servants,Less than a third ordinary tourists.In addition to the space between the two and also have different price.Three sand"Experience tour"An average of 8000 see the sunrise fishermen's life experience


 登船游客名单逐一核对 Ship visitors list one by one check it


yesterday,Xiuying port for"Princess coconut"Maiden voyage round opens a special security check passage,From 11 PM at noon,There have despatch, service personnel to report for duty.Reporters on the scene to see,Ship tourists are very strict screening procedures,Each ship personnel must be at least two imprison.


Each has a special boarding staff"Boarding card",The above detailed what the travel time/Visitor's name and room number.After the second security barrier,Two security personnel in their respective carrying a copy of staff list to check them one by one,Through a person and draw a tick on the list,Basically everyone takes security time nearly 1 minute.Security personnel tell reporter,This list is by public security departments of audit,Each name on the back"Have been careful"The words.Due to strict security measures,Starting from 11 am until 1 PM,The whole security lasted nearly two hours.


 游客中政府人员占多数 Tourists in the government personnel accounted for the majority

  记者在这份名单上看到,此次首航人员一共是347人,其中船员以及随船工作人员有130多人,而海南省各个单位的公务人员要占到近1/3。通过旅行社报名的游客仅有100人,其中还有不少是和旅游相关的圈内人士。中国开放三沙市旅游 美景沁人心田

The reporter sees in the list,The first is a total of 347 people,The crew and despatch, staff more than 130 people,Each unit of the civil servants and hainan province to account for nearly one-third.Through travel agency tourists only 100 people,There were quite a few insiders is related to tourism.China open three shashi tourism scenery all hearts   


after,The channel shares relevant executives told reporters,The first official entertaining task is very heavy,A lot of space are used to receive special government,So it's difficult to ordinary visitors to sign up,Space is limited.The reception of the quota includes multiple of hainan province department of civil servants,Many of them are official,Registration of unit have hainan Red Cross/Provincial hospital/Traffic and transportation/Land and environmental resources/Marine fishery hall/Foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairs office/Public security department/Justice department/One club hall/The health department/Food and drug administration/The maritime safety administration/The weather bureau and other dozens of units,Note according to ship parts to place class cadres.


100 ordinary visitors from Beijing/hubei/hunan/guangdong/shandong/shaanxi/liaoning/chongqing/Jiangsu province,For some companies/The leadership of the unit,Or private owners.There are two from Peking University/Capital normal university college students.


普通游客多付3250元 Ordinary tourists pay 3250 yuan


The reporter returns discovery in an interview,Compared with the general visitors,"The receptionist"In the choice of shipping space and price of double standards.


From three sand for ordinary tourists tour price list,Space only second class and third class,Will be divided into 14 level,The lowest price from 5650 yuan to 9050 yuan.Condition is the best second-class A tank,Two men with portholes,All shipping space only public toilet.


But the reporter from the channel co., LTD get a internal show on the quotation sheet,From the top luxury business class to the stateroom/First class is everything.Have an independent bathroom luxury business class/The sitting room, etc.,Offer is only 9800 yuan,The price in first class and stateroom is only from 6100 yuan to 7800 yuan.


The reporter understands,This quotation only to government arrangement"The receptionist"To provide,Shipping space not only high-end,And also double standards in terms of price,All of the same shipping space,Regular visitors have to pay for 3250 yuan.


游客不在意万元游费 Tourists don't swim fee of $ten thousand


Regular visitors to sign up for three sand and swimming,Coupled with the round trip ticket,Everyone is about ten thousand yuan,Comparable to foreign tourism,But to be able to to three sand,To its tourists also said very excited,Don't love dearly cost.


From hunan ms ma told reporters,They are a line of four people,Choose a good coach,Cost is ten thousand yuan per person,Is to go and see the beauty of the xisha.Reporters asked her if she felt that value?She said,Although much money,But she can feel to xisha see doesn't matter.She travelled many places in the world,Think it's my view of China,This is going to experience the beauty of the original three sand.

  据船上工作人员介绍,今日凌晨“椰香公主”轮将到达西沙群岛,在白天将会登上有人的鸭公岛和无人的全富岛。游玩之后即踏上返程,预计会在5月1日上午回到海口。 三沙市首府永兴岛美丽风光 

According to the ship staff,Today in the morning"Princess coconut"Wheels will arrive in xisha islands,During the day will be on someone's YaGong island and none of the rich.After visit their homes,Is expected to return to haikou in the morning of May 1st. Three shashi, yongxing island beautiful scenery 

三沙游首航游客多为公务员 价格曝实行双重标准

三沙游首航游客多为公务员 价格曝实行双重标准

丽江6日半自助游 最高每单减800元

Lijiang 6 and a half self-help swim every single highest minus 800 yuan

  • RMB4385 4385


  • [Ctrip travel]MouNi jiuzhaigou huanglong ditch / + 4 and a half self-help tour
  • RMB3600 3600


  • [Ctrip travel]4 to 10, Tibet's economic team
  • RMB3580 3580


    【携程旅游】漓江阳朔龙脊梯田 5日半自助游
  • [Ctrip travel]The lijiang river yangshuo Tours dragon ridge terrace 5 and a half
  • RMB3080 3080


  • [Jet travel]South Korea panoramic depth 6, swim
  • RMB3699 3699


    【携程旅游】香港中转 台湾环岛8日团队游
  • [Ctrip travel]Hong Kong transit Taiwan Tours around the island 8
  • RMB5199 5199


    【携程旅游】香港往返 巴厘岛5日豪华半自助游
  • [Ctrip travel]Hong Kong luxury Bali 5 half self-help swim back and forth
  • RMB2899 2899


  • [Phoenix CITS]Seoul, South Korea 2 day free at the weekend
三沙游首航游客多为公务员 价格曝实行双重标准


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