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我对这个报告做一个简单的描述,A block is a simple introduction of the report,Because the report every one of my friends already have,List out of my to do a simple introduction,Is mainly the study divided the five aspects,One is the concept of customer satisfaction,Is a customer satisfaction measurement methods of analysis,Another is data collection,Another is our model,The fifth index calculation,A is five pieces.


刚才戴院长已经对报告解读的很到位了,I follow the go ahead.Don't say the satisfaction concept,That is to say, everyone knows what is good service?Can meet or exceed customer expectations of service is the high quality service,So customer satisfaction is the state of a customer feeling,He main to expect a comparison with him.We speak here refers to not just intuitive satisfied with their service skills/The quality of service/Service attitude/These aspects of satisfaction,At a deeper level that is with the customer's needs and expectations,It made a comparison,As you buy shoes in the shop,The waiter attitude is very good also,Skills to help you try shoes also very in position,The price also have a crush on you,But the shoes don't fit me,That may not be satisfied with this product.In another Angle, for example,Originally I have some of his old workmates special love to the chongqing hotel to have a meal,I went to several times feel he is not at the chongqing hotel service skills/Service attitude,Not at people varieties to the price,But because these originally lived in sichuan at the same time,He found he was there,This is to expect the taste of him.Our satisfaction is also depends on the sense of satisfaction,Customer satisfaction is good or bad after the main is with his own experience, perception of the product compared with the prior expectations after the experience.


测量方式分两大类,Class was put forward by American historian hao nair CSI measurement model,Mainly use index model is established,After the Swedish customer satisfaction model is established,在中国其实也有一个CCSI模型主要是基于因果关Department of对Satisfied with the度的测量.There are three kinds of hotel,First two could say that this is their hotel assessment often use a method,This way, what's the defect?The first kind of way is not counted although satisfaction but have not expressed,So this will produce an error.In the second,Some people didn't go to complain,But in fact he is not satisfied,But in his second formula will reflect to be satisfactory.The third is wearing the dean said the number of samples,The narrow questionnaire's point of view.We take out the first is to wear dean just said using the Internet click replace traditional questionnaire,This is on the adoption of data,Then take into consideration the use of fuzzy mathematics comprehensive evaluation method,This method can implement efficient degree of the various types of hotel satisfaction evaluation soon.We review based on the network for the measurement of customer satisfaction evaluation,Review data is actually a basis of evaluation,Hui evaluation network adopted the item analysis of original data collection and voice data as the research basis,Where the China tourism academy and network cooperation mode is essentially the same.


这个指标体Department of是以用户的角度来确立饭店业Satisfied with the度指标,往往搞问卷survey实际上是一种专家的意见设置哪些项目.Opinions and guests,It set up the project,This opinion about 13 items,Hotel overall evaluation you are satisfied are put forward/Very not happy/Satisfied with the,It talked about did you feel the warm welcome,它设置了12个体Department of,This is also the product provider Settings on your perspective.Users may express his point of view may also be in the 12,May is not in 12,这次设立评价指标体Department of就是要站在用户的指标体Department of上来做文章.权重Department of数跟指标体Department of特别是一级因子的设定,How many items we are according to your number on the network,Who took the highest on this aspect.下来你评价就有一个权重Department of数,What aspects of the weight is a bit bigger,Originally I the past institutions secretary often dry,Our academic scholars do topics when he took the index,You give me find a few people come,I give you comb the opinion,Get a few hotel general manager to you,打完分一平均得到一个各个指标的权重Department of数.This assessment is primarily with comments on review,你对什么问题最多你的权重Department of数应该最大.The third,主要是采取了这种方式一个是省时省力对全国的饭店Satisfied with the度survey,Again a sample questionnaire there is little time.Recently I was watching[Fast and slow to],Facing the samples mentioned in the gambler's fallacy,In front of you wager lost six times are likely to win for the seventh time,A bit like our country gave birth to six girls seventh must be boy,But it is the case of small sample,But the big sample,Sample is a sex ratio almost as close.Will tell from vast amounts of data,也要比问卷survey带来的更加准确.This is that we feel have different benefits.So we probably points two kinds,High-end hotels according to the requirements of wear school at that time,We can start a listing on the five-star,There are four listed,Dean was wearing comfortable mood,To the concept of alien countries is not so easy to follow international standards.This time, we kind of is this kind of situation,Officially awarded by China national tourism administration listed five-star hotel,The second is on OTA OTA you yourself said you are four star,You use four-star price to USES,With four star signs to LAN.This major is excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan,Why time span eight years?The main we for the first time,因为我们想要把评度就是大家说的权重Department of数设定究竟个人关注什么,That the greater the amount of data,我们后面对于权重的Department of数的计算就增加详细.You also see the reviews,At present the most mainstream of the six home we had gathered.According to hui commented,Covers 96% of the online reviews,Same for OTA.There's a voice analysis technology,Using the computer form of natural language,Understanding and analysis of online comments,Automatically extract customers in reviews on all aspects of the hotel he views and emotional attitude,Then use natural language description of user comments into a structured database,Set the standard is same as usually,This recommendation sheet is 5,But some say there name is unhappy with,In some places is very dissatisfied,We are about the five level.The analogy,This is a original comments,The day before yesterday he live in the hotel transportation is more convenient,Surrounding environment is better,When we got to the hotel lobby reception is very professional,The waiter cordial smile,Broadband speed in general,It's quite big bathroom is poor sound insulation.We can intercept these judgments,This a few pieces set several analysis evaluation,Analysis of the satisfaction is not satisfied with the results.This is an example to illustrate principle.


我们在建立刚才说了建立因子分析指标体Department of的时候,We focus on customers pay more attention to what aspects,Another is on the network he focuses on what the customer choice the restaurant,以这两个来确定我们因子指标体Department of.In addition, also said just now,Not as a hotel provider to do or what we said just now for almost every restaurant has a sheet,But the customer finally experience effect is used as the basis for our evaluation.The top ten five-star hotel does not have design position now,Why do we put position here?因为大量的客人点评都跟位置有关Department of,And the location of the hotel I specially agree with wear school just now,Location is not a static position is a dynamic position.Like you is very good on this hotel on changan street,But around things such as marching parade road, etc. The position immediately today in this period of time is not good,Because of in and out not convenient,Include your location is the commercial pedestrian street,But in the doorway of your stand for half an hour doesn't get on the bus,This position is belong to you dynamic is not good condition.


我们再看因子的配比.Why do we need to take eight years,最主要就是对因子的权重Department of数进行测评,To collect more samples,The weight of sample, the greater the evaluation more accurate.Our evaluation of satisfaction index is first and foremost for a single fuzzy evaluation,The so-called single factor fuzzy evaluation is to determine the evaluation index factor concentration of each factor in the evaluation of concentrated period of the history of the limited,Then carries on the multistage fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.Through step by step calculation we can obtain the primary factor of this hotel and the hotel evaluation grade five gears inside history degree is limited.So index calculation we got the whole history of these five degrees evaluation set limited take two principles in the future,A principle of history is the biggest degree,That is to say, choose history degree is the largest as the index of language expression.The second is to use the principle of weighted score for each gear are different scores obtained by addition sum again digital satisfaction index.This release we will tell from its practical application,Wear the dean said just now is a different management institutions to promote the quality of the hotel has a certain practical significance,Another domestic horwath do statistics every year now,Since the tube of the hotel/To the domestic hotel management management of the company/To the international brand management of the hotel and so on these,如果把这几种都拿出来再对比也能对提高饭店的运营质量也有关Department of.The hotel itself her cases,If we pass this issue after we each quarter if released,Hotel owners and management company can know the service line,It the wave of change or stability changes can have an objective reference indicators,If to do so.For the end of this year is listed on the country in March 758,我们取了一半就是前三百名纳入这个Department of数.For domestic OTA situation of 4422 restaurants also took in front of three hundred,Mainly in the top of on the site.You have a look at,East China up to 31.35%,The northwest region at least,This is not a simple sense in east China hotel is too good,The northwest region is too bad,It is because we listed five-star hotel itself is rare,Like if I remember correctly the whole ningxia is a five star,The xi 'an to ten,Xinjiang has 17.Look again at municipality directly under the central government,Municipalities directly under the central government in front of the list is in Shanghai,Can't say the service of the poor,Because Beijing really listed five-star quantity issued by the national tourism administration,Beijing listed five-star quantities than listed in Shanghai five-star about ten more,But why Shanghai is shortlisted for more?Then I wanted to think,Because the two parts of the hotel I tube,I have worked as a general manager of Beijing and Shanghai,I want to say what is the difference between the management quality of these two places,Then I come out this conclusion,I think that is likely to be in Beijing is the capital city guest's expectations,Expectations that high satisfaction is relative to what I said just now,High expectations that have gap with reality to touch up,May also be this reason,Not to say that Beijing is Shanghai's hotel tube well,Don't mean that,Two places is not the same as the customer expectations.


OTA为什么把这个,Dr Yang in scientific research/Dr. Lin knows it,If one of the achievements made in a lab later,Then can in another laboratory also can copy out to copy it,This experiment was a success.The same reason,As we have invented a new type,I kind of came out in laboratory,I again in field,Large areas of again.We this method in more than seven hundred five-star first interview,After the amount inside bigger range is more 4425 four-star,Everyone saw structure is the same,That method is scientific and accurate.Four-star inside as well,Beijing than Shanghai.In a city if your five-star level is high,The corresponding high,The flow of the hotel management personnel are similar,Used by the design institute was similar,Buy raw materials,Whether in a city can take this as a conclusion, now not sure,But in a city, these factors lead to generally five-star satisfaction a four-star high satisfaction is high,Because those who do the hotel are all those people back and forth.


大概的情况简单说这一点,Thank you for your attention!
