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"一条龙"骗局被揭穿 65名涉案嫌疑人落网 "A dragon"65 suspects involved in the fraud was discovered


"The bus driver"After cheat tourists to intellectualization temple,"The tour guide"Took the tourists to see"The master","The master"Will be"medallion"the"Ebony Buddha card"and"Ebony the mythical wild animal"以几百甚至上万元the价格卖给游客.yesterday,Beijing police reported a major fraud,65 arrested suspects involved.Gang members fraud money tourists. With this method,其兜售the"ebony"Products identified all ordinary plastic products.


For some time,A lot of tourists in the front door/The Palace Museum/The Great Wall and so on to meet the bus driver propaganda intellectualization temple this scenic spot,And to attract tourists.After the tourists get on the bus,Lao homely drivers often enthusiastically and tourists,From the name/Age to family are within the scope of the chat.


After the intellectualization temple,便There areThe tour guide出来热情迎接,先是带着游客免费介绍寺庙the历史and建筑,Between words revealed in intellectualization temple wish very efficacious,And will be"The master"Introduced to tourists."The master"能说出游客the姓名/Age and family situation,Many tourists are looking for"The master"Fortune tellers/The petition/disaster.then,"The master"Started to sell"Ebony the mythical wild animal"or"Ebony Buddha card".Before he left,"The master"Also specifically told visitors,"宾馆里There are晦气,please回去the佛牌要到回老家后or一个月后才能打开摆放."Many tourists found after go home,"please"回家theebony制品根本就是普通塑料.


recently,The Beijing municipal public security bureau public security management team planning to visit forensics deceived the Lord.专案组还Will be从智化寺购买the"Ebony Buddha card"/"Ebony the mythical wild animal"Carries on the appraisal content sent to related department,Identified their advocate material for plastic products.


在充分掌握诈骗团伙活动规律及相关证据the基础上,Beijing police arrests in unity,Successively to five of the principal/27 gang backbone and 33"The black coach"Drivers caught.The case is under further trial.


特别提醒 Special remind


When visitors can call to report

  “ 五一”小长假将至,北京警方提示广大游客,在旅游中如遭受强买强卖、言语恐吓、财产损失和人身安全受到威胁伤害,请及时拨打110向公安机关报警。如有类似受害者,可举报。

" The May Day"Small long holiday will come,Beijing police prompt the masses of tourists,In tourism such as the hard sell/Verbal intimidation/Property damage and personal safety is threatened,Please dial 110 to the public security organ in time report to the police.如There are类似受害者,Can report.


Contact phone number:




More visitors were tricked into case interpretation

  今年8月,海淀警方得到线索:一伙“大师”盘踞在大钟寺和万寿寺旅游景点里,向游客“义务”介绍流年运程,分析“五行”理论,再以高价兜售玉质貔貅……景区假“大师”骗钱 18名嫌疑人被逮

In August this year,Haidian police get clues:A group of"The master"Entrenched in the temple and Wan Shousi tourist attractions,To the tourists"obligations"Introducing time shipping distance,analysis"The five elements"theory,To sell at a high price of the jade the mythical wild animal……The scenic spot is false"The master"Cheat money 18 suspects have been arrested

   国内许多寺庙道观等场所都向游客提供“开光服务”,这其中不乏有不法之徒借“开光”之名骗取钱财。近日,海淀警方抓获一伙在旅游景点高价推销祈福木牌、貔貅的犯罪团伙,18名犯罪嫌疑人均已被刑事拘留,其中一名入行仅3个月的“新手”已经挣了7万余元……“大师”景点组团忽悠游客买貔貅 3个月挣7万

 The domestic many temples, temples and other places are provided to the tourists"Medallion service",这其中不乏There are不法之徒借"medallion"In the name of cash.In recent days,Haidian police arrested a group of blessing're used to sell in the tourist attractions, and the price/貔貅the犯罪团伙,18 criminal suspects have been detained by criminal,其中一名入行仅3个月the"A novice"Has earned more than 70000 yuan……"The master"Fool attractions group tourists to buy 3 months make 70000 the mythical wild animal



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  • 搜狐旅游投诉平台: Sohu tourist complaints platform:


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