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思念大师林家翘 97岁一生横跨多个学术领域--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  “不稳定性先生”97岁的一生横跨了多个学术领域,始终在赶“时髦” "Mr Instability"The 97 - year - old life across several academic fields,Always in a rush"modern"
Lin:Always pursue the best subject

  1月14日下午,清华大学科学馆118会议室临时搭建了林家翘教授的灵堂。在学生自发做成的照片墙边,贴着学生写下的心形字条,表达对大师的思念和承诺。实习生 姚宇摄 In the afternoon on January 14,,Tsinghua university science hall room 118 temporary built Lin professor's mourning hall.The students made of spontaneous photo wall,Put the students write down the heart note,Express the master thoughts and commitment.Interns YaoYuShe


He had hardly had time to the results of the study in biology ",Famous applied mathematics master Lin went away.


He his academic career at the beginning and end of the tsinghua university,On January 13, issued the obituary.Many mathematicians/physicists/astronomers/Space scientists to shock for many years,Lin research work affect the progress of multiple disciplines.


The 97 - year - old Lin is in the Beijing union medical college hospital stop breathing,Time is on January 13, 2013 at 4 am fifty points.It is hard to estimate at this point in time,The world how many people are studying the theory put forward by him for the studied fluid mechanics of the people,This is a difficult to steer clear of name.


He spent his last years's plan is to use biological applied mathematics,Think this field"Is full of opportunities".He founded in tsinghua university ZhouPeiYuan applied mathematics center,Protein structure is the most important research field.


ZhouPeiYuan applied mathematics center associate researcher HongLiu told China youth daily reporter,Mr. Lin from America in 2002 settled back to his Alma mater tsinghua university,Around 2005 action inconvenience,Basic want to rely on a wheelchair instead of walking,In the 2010 years ago,His ideas clearly,Then gradually decline.He has been writing and revision and mechanism of protein folding the paper,But always not satisfied with,Repeated modification,Dragged not to contribute.


HongLiu said,To Mr. Lin's reputation,It is not difficult to publish the articles,But he is such strives for perfection.


Heavy not weight is Lin years of principle.He also easily is not in their own guiding students named on the paper,As long as he thinks his contributions are not up to joint the author's degree.HongLiu said,You have four or five papers in Mr. Lin is under the guidance of the finish,Other teachers have similar articles,But Mr. Lin hidden behind.


Old age a Lin,Almost no reporters.The center of the applied mathematics teachers and students is often can see him.In his before bedridden,He insisted at the center of the class a week to discuss,Regardless of wind and rain.People often see his wheelchair on time in the hallway.He listened to other people to take part in the discussion of the seminar,Duration usually have two or three hours.


HongLiu in the discussion of the class a theme report,Once let Lin is not satisfied.He has collected some materials,To a question reviewed.Mr. Lin heard"Very angry",Said to him,You said I had heard,No new,"The next time will also speak these,I will not come,Unless you speak some new study".


The discussion,Colleagues advised him nearly half an hour,He just getter.

  洪柳说,他“像小孩子一样”,可是他确实非常严谨,希望多听一些新的、前沿的东西,认为年轻学生不应该做一些大的综述,而是应该去做一些创新的东西。他要求学生们不能空口说白话,每讨论一个问题,论据都要列明出处。一些讨论的成果,要写成书面文章给他看。当他批评人时,表情是严厉的,如果他觉得一件事情是错误的,他会直截了当说是“totally nonsense(完全没有意义)”。

HongLiu said,he"Like a little child",But he is very strict,Hope to hear some new/Front things,Think that young students should not do some big review,But should go to do some innovative things.He asked the students can't lip vernacular said,Each to discuss a question,Arguments are listed source.Some discussion of the results,To write articles written to him.When he criticized person,Expression is severe,If he feels something is wrong,He will be straightforward said"Totally nonsense(Completely meaningless)".


The biology became interested in,Lin read a lot of biology works.He read the book do full mark,Also put up a lot of note,Remember a time when he studied in the thinking.


This tension academic reading continued until 2010 or so.later,He limited energy read his old friend qian xuesen/The author biography, etc.


At the age of 94,Lin for tsinghua university students open lecture puts forward,Research always"designer"Pay attention to the forefront of the hot spot problems.


He gave the students inscription:"The study of natural science is no end,Can be used as the goal of life,And life industry things."


The students also remember,Before the lecture,He made"Serious and careful preparation",Show to the next generation of China's expectations.


Lin long-term study in the United States and teaching,Is MIT professor twitchett formally retired from.In 2002,,He decided to return to China for permanent residence at the age of 86.At that time,His friends/Mathematics master shiing-shen chern Sir Already in nankai university established the mathematics,Lin said,Because there is Mr. Chen's precedent,He is willing to"Falling leaves",Help to his Alma mater.


ZhouPeiYuan applied mathematics, director of the center for harmony, stability told reporters,Home for so many years,Lin the country hair living all donated.In 2007,,He also put a pen about 4 million yuan RMB payment to the mathematics center,It is he sold in the United States all of the stock.


"For him,The concept of no money.He don't want these."Harmony stability said Ann.once,Harmony, stability with Lin conversation found,The genius level of scientists,Actually put their money things are forgotten.


Lin memory later really recession.But people always remember,He was once in the first results of the students admitted to tsinghua university genius.Even always eye above top old friend/The famous historian HeBingDi are transferred to his eye.


HeBingDi once pointed out that memories,1933 ~ 1934,A freshman Lin elective gaza this a professor's general physics class,Season final exams,Gaza this house and colleagues the study of a certain item all possible answer method,See Lin can choose the most concise beautiful answer,Results Lin answer beyond all professor unexpected,"Than expected to crack the answer"!


In 1965,,Lin was invited to the university of Chicago HeBingDi visit,Two people met,Lin said:"Let's have a few years no see la,What matters is that no matter what make a line,Don't do secondary subject."


HeBingDi later this sentence written in the memoirs.In his view,Lin words are represented"Tsinghua spirit",Is always the pursuit of the best subject.


Since 2009 for Lin as a secretary LiuJunLi said,Mr. Lin is a perfectionist.


A LiuJunLi duty is for Lin do some written records.Lin sometimes handwritten draft,To LiuJunLi entry.Every time he is the electronic document inspection many times,The letter case and punctuation are correct,Although many of them are not content to see others,Just give yourself retained.


sometimes,Lin finished writing a story,Before you go to bed in the evening and come up with a new place,He'll be told the secretary to modify.He guiding students HongLiu doctoral thesis,He is difficult to count the number of modified.


LiuJunLi said,Mr. Lin research is love,Hobby is the study.Spare time,He likes to read classical Chinese four great classics,Also especially like[Analects of Confucius],Buy a multiple versions,Including foreign language edition,In translation and the original version will have access.


Lin had let LiuJunLi borrowed to mathematics/physical/The field of chemistry teaching material of middle and primary school,Own research."He is very concerned about China's education.He returned to start a mathematical center,For China's education is to do something."LiuJunLi said.


Lin this is ill in hospital make a person feel suddenly.he"Has always been in good health".On October 26, 2012,He night the toilet a fall,Live in the union medical college hospital.


The doctor says he head have gore,Must complete rest.Lin said,"I one day does not do research all not line".Tsinghua colleagues have to in the hospital with him about the work progress,Will allow him a little at ease.


"All his life he is a scholar,Do research,Let him down with idle,Lay there,He will certainly not used to."LiuJunLi said.


LiuJunLi said,In the life the last few days,Mr. Lin brain still keep thinking.In a hospital bed,Lin concern not only the tsinghua university,Include current.He let LiuJunLi newspaper for himself.Ill before,He paid close attention to the media issue is"China's rise",For the motherland progress and exciting.He not only read the newspaper,Also in the paper label,The opinions of his own to make notes,Stuck in the folder.


Lin home most is folder,cabinet/Desk is.Every once in a while,He would remind secretary,His folder and finished.Half a month to buy intimdating crowd scenes like.


In Lin life's folder,Flow stability theory is an important one page.Since the 1940 s,He in the flow of the fluid mechanics, stability and turbulence theory work contributed to the generation of research and exploration.

  台湾已故的天文学家袁旗是林家翘的学生。他生前曾撰文回忆,因为流体动力学稳定性理论,林先生在流体力学界中的外号是“不稳定性先生” (Mr. Instability)。

Taiwan late astronomers YuanQi is Lin students.He was writing have memories,For fluid dynamics stability theory,Mr. Lin in the flow of physical academic nickname is"Mr Instability" (Mr. Instability).


In YuanQi memory,Lin is not high,Suave appearance,Them and,Inner and very strong.Because grew up in Beijing,He speak"Beijing film",But homeplace fujian,Uncle LinXu is wuxu reform movement in the late qing dynasty died one of six gentleman.


He said,Mr. Lin never rob somebody else's research results,Always put other people's research results fairly to its creator.He even repeatedly the density wave originating due to LinDeBu,In fact LinDeBu professor proposed density wave"Very rough/original",And Mr. Lin carefully constructs/Deduce out theory is not the same thing.


YuanQi remember,Lin when 70 birthday,Congratulations to the Nobel Prize winner li zhen-dao remember one thing.Li zhen-dao in Fermi guidance completed the doctor's degree,Fermi told him there is no future for particle physics,To him to do astrophysics,And he went with chandrasekhar do astrophysics,Also made some achievements,But chandrasekhar told him,There's no future in astrophysics,To him to do fluid mechanics.Li zhen-dao and consult Lin,Results Lin told him,Fluid mechanics, no future,So li zhen-dao finally returned to the particle physics.


Wait until Lin 90 when birthday,YuanQi remember it.He guessed,If asked the 90 - year - old Mr. Lin,Do astrophysics prospects,Maybe he will say astrophysics no future,To do biophysics it.


"Mr Instability"In the 97 - year - old life wandering fields,A genius type legend.


He in the California institute of technology teacher is a famous father of missile Theodore von karman.Since people take delight in talking about,From the master von karman's door,Out of the qian xuesen/Guo yong-huai/Lin and the name of the stars.


Guo yong-huai wife LiPeiYou a memory in public,Qian xuesen in/Guo yong-huai/Lin of,"The most intelligent is Mr. Lin".

  坐在轮椅里、白发苍苍的林家翘认真地纠正这位老友:“我也是用功的那种不敢说是最聪明。”(记者 陈竹 张国)

Sitting in a wheelchair/White-haired Lin seriously correct the old friends:"I am also diligent that dare not say the most clever."(Reporter ChenZhu ZhangGuo)
