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东莞“史上最长红灯”亮了15分钟 多辆小车“强闯”--亲稳网络舆情监控室
前晚(On May 13,),Dongguan humen town rose road the traffic lights"The longest in the history of the red light"The condition of the,Traffic between the time interval for 15 minutes at a time.Reporter found that,Many car really tired of waiting,driving"Strong cross"A red light.
昨日,Humen key project/Humen has responded to the traffic police brigade:Appear for up to 15 minutes for a red light,Because of humen town centres more roads are traffic lights control parallel engineering,Traffic lights the debugging process problems.
红灯竟持续了15分钟 The red light was lasted 15 minutes
前晚8时40分左右,A number of car owners call reporters,Humen rose road longquan hotel BaiJingHao court direction center of humen bus traffic lights don't know why has been in the red state,The car stuck in the road for more than 10 minutes.
接报后,Reporters drove to.As a reporter of vehicle to the scene to see,Humen rose road longquan hotel BaiJingHao court direction center of humen bus traffic lights have been in the red state.From 8 when 50 points to 9, 5 points,15 minutes later,The crossing the red light turned into green.
不少被堵车辆“强闯” A lot of blocked traffic"Strong cross"
由于长时间的A red light,Reporters saw many located in the traffic light intersection car during forced"through"Red light through the.
据司机陈先生介绍说,At 8:30 the night before last,He came to the involved driving sections,Long queues formed found vehicles,Only later did he know,The traffic jam,Because the crossing the red light has been lit for a long time.
期间,He purposely use their mobile phone to the timing,Found a traffic light switch between intervals for up to 15 minutes.so,The red light was, including his driver,Referred to as"Humen longest red light".
陈先生还告诉记者,Stuck in the corner for a long time,He was to be a driving forces stormed through a red light.But when he got out to examine,Found that the intersection set electronic police.His driving"Strong cross"A red light,Once the electronic police filmed,According to the new"Traffic laws",Themselves not only be fined,6 points and should be.so,He didn't dare to strong impact,Had to stop at intersections cars waiting for long time.
"I park my car at a crossroads,Because the waiting time is too long,So I see at least 10 car during this period‘Strong cross’A red light,Violation and line."Mr. Chen said.
调试过程中出现问题 Problems appeared in the process of debugging
对于此事,Humen town, the relevant person in charge of key project office said,The town is implementing a traffic light control parallel engineering.At present,The construction of the main part of the project have been completed,Is in the commissioning stage of each traffic light.The night before last at some traffic lights appear some problems in the debugging process,At some time in red light,This situation lasted for about an hour.after,Engineering personnel debugging,Involved intersections if the red light for a long time to solve problems.
路口电子眼当时已关闭 Crossroads electronic eye was closed
另据虎门交警大队相关负责人介绍,Involved intersections traffic light in the debugging process,The intersection of electronic police brigade have shut down.so,Even in the process of debugging,Related crossroads traffic lights appear problem,Some drivers drive"Strong cross"Red light violations,Drivers are temporarily don't have to worry about illegal fines penalised.Because electronic police closed,No violation of related record.
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