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旅游法利好尚须验证 旅游业转型升级获期待--亲稳网络舆情监控室
China's first tourism law will take effect on 1 October this year,The law in the protection of legitimate rights and interests of tourists/Governance tourism market chaos/Protection and rational utilization of tourism resources, etc.The personage inside course of study is generally believed,Proposals will be issued by to generally good far-reaching impact on the industry,But good effect still needs further observation,This half a year will also be a tourism industry policy effects,Adjust the important period of development strategies.
旅行社需重新寻找 Travel agencies should be looking for anew
盈利模式 Profit model
for[proposals]The most attention in the travel agency"Negative zero inclusive-fee"ban,Shanghai tourism, director of the center for rule of law/Associate professor at Shanghai normal university institute of tourism Wang Yusong said,"In the short term it could lead to travel fees paid prices,But in the long run can be prompted again to find or build positive health travel agency industry profit model."
National travel agency industry is still small/weak/Scattered in the state,Not form a reasonable wholesale and retail separated operation system,Lead to size of travel agency competition on a level,Finally the only and effective means is to a price war,"Negative zero inclusive-fee"Is a price war to break through the bottom line of the phenomenon,If you can be positive in the ban,To positive selection,To promote travel service profit pattern change and structure adjustment has far-reaching influence.
The same to"Negative zero inclusive-fee"Ban applauded and large-scale tourism enterprises.Ctrip officials accept China news agency reporters in an interview with the truth by such vicious competition,And says the regulations come on stage is expected to eliminate zero negative group tourism business model,Also conducive to the relevant departments in the law enforcement process take more resolute measures,Some illegal low prices on the market shopping regiment will exit,Specification integrity of the enterprise and products has a larger market.As to whether it will lead to a vicious tourism product prices,Ctrip has thought,At present travel service competition is intense,Membership fee quotation for malignant rise is unlikely.
要限价更要限权 To limit is more limited
For the current public attention to scenic spot tickets"That rose is rose"In the case,Proposals scenic area should be strictly regulate procedures,Prices will hold hearings and released 6 months in advance.Alone the path dependence of the hearing could eradicate tickets economy?Peninsula metropolis daily published a commentary,Put forward proposals on the price at the same time is more limited,Let the public place/Responsibility to keep a/Power is no longer the offside.
Many tourist attractions for domestic business contract system,The scenic area management the concept of sameness is the scenic area management,Enterprises "operating banner making higher ticket prices.But tourist attractions as a kind of special resources is different from the general goods,All should be defined as a public asset.Proposals to limiting the powers of the scenic spot business practice in the first place,Only must be explicitly scenic area of public management, but not commercial operation,Provisions of the scenic area management can only charge a fee in order to deal with all the necessary expenses,And to the public on a regular basis payment detail.The second,Also limit some of the local government's power.
(付玉婷 整理)
(FuYuTing finishing)

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