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海峡观澜:两岸关系无小事 赴台旅游小节不小--亲稳舆论引导监测
最近,A tourist attractions will be in Taipei"Shall not be trampled grass"/"Don't pick flowers"Nameplates, etc.,Special and simplified version.similarly,The museum many years ago in the hall door,In simplified Chinese signs:"Please whisper".Know mainland tourists to see these for their prepared signs what will they think about it?
可能很多人会认为,Standing on the lawn,Pull the blooming flowers,Take a picture;or,In the street,With throw empty plastic bottles;Ignoring a red light,To a"Chinese to cross the road",Is section;Not to mention,Standing in the hall to talk loudly.And opposition of carved a few years ago"Going on it"Compared to the Zhao Genda,These actions are indeed section.but,Lettering disgusting,Informal equally unpopular.
坦白说,Early Taiwanese overseas travel,There are similar"informal".Taiwan writer SAN MAO once in[Don't kiss,GuXiangRen]Talk about the,Group of more than 20 people talk loud in the hotel hall,Light reserved advantage makes the people around you and angry.She also cited,In the fruit store device and knead with fruit,Let the boss angry roar.Happened to be,This a few days,Taiwan media reports, too,Many mainland visitors through the bags,The egg roll kneading pieces.but,Three hair article 40 years ago,Taiwan will abandon the habit early today,Informal will only raised eyebrows by and scorn.
关于大陆人的小节问题,In recent years has been discussed many times.In fact,As early as in 2005 has not yet open to mainland citizens to visit Taiwan,A Taiwan media reported,Informal Taiwanese mainland worry people.Don't want to,It comes.After opening to objective light,Earlier this year, according to a survey,57% of those surveyed have no opinion of mainland tourists in Taiwan,Compared with last year,This ratio has risen by 4%.
近年台湾当局一再提高游客人数上限,Also welcome more Chinese citizens traveling to Taiwan.but,This largely based on economic interests.Strong purchasing power has become the world's most mainland of people hope to attract tourists.but,Welcome is not equal to love,More is not respected.Canny beechcraft or available many flattering,however,From the heart like or respect,Must come from both sides pleasant interaction,And each other's personal charm.With the Chinese on both sides,Have the convenience of communication;Share a common history link,Has the need to communicate.If just because the spit/Trample on the lawn and so on section and the heart of estrangement,Section becomes a big problem.
古人云:"Good small and not for not make a summer,It is a sin to steal a pin."In the absence of small especially on cross-strait relations.Actually don't have to shout to improve quality/Strengthen the cultivation of such slogans,Just think of when we go to school the teacher's words:Queue up/Don't spit everywhere/Don't litter...(Sun Li pole)
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