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滕海滨舍不得胸前国徽 郭伟阳顶替填补辽宁空白--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


London at the Olympic Games,Chinese man but wreck a linchpin of combat gymnastics team:Almighty TengHaiBin players injured out of the Olympic Games,Take his GuoWeiYang the back。GuoWeiYang and liaoning quite have the origin,The from yunnan players last year by the exchange introduced to liaoning,He also will represent the national battle in liaoning next year。


Born in 1988 GuoWeiYang 24 years old this year,The peak of the career is in motion。In the domestic,His fame not Chen yibing、TengHaiBin old players, etc,But his comprehensive strength is not that bad:Even the national gymnastics championships take three men's all-around champion。Chinese legion team at the London Olympics in the list,GuoWeiYang identity just substitute,But he is the team's first substitute,As the project TengHaiBin of a week ago in Northern Ireland training in contrast to hurt his arm,Not to stick to,GuoWeiYang finally able to cut。

  辽军出征伦敦奥运会的运动员中,郭伟阳最后时刻搭上末班车,他成为近些年辽军里第一位参加奥运会男子体操比赛的选手。从替补到主力,瞬间的变化,他是否准备好了?在伦敦的辽宁团部一位官员告诉记者,“郭伟阳具备了竞争力,当替补时,他就在时刻准备着。”郭伟阳在云南的家人在前晚已经知道了儿子即将参加伦敦奥运会的消息,但备战关键阶段,家人并没有打扰他,他们都是通过浏览网上新闻和微博来了解郭伟阳的动态,家人的态度比较低调,“希望他能好好训练和比赛,为国争光。 ”

Liao army team at the London's Olympic athletes,GuoWeiYang last moments on a bus,He became the liao army in recent years in the first to take part in the Olympic Games men's gymnastics game player。From the main substitute,Instant changes,If he is ready?In London the liaoning regimental headquarters a officials told reporters,“GuoWeiYang have competitive power,When substitute when,He is getting ready。”GuoWeiYang in yunnan in the family had already know the son was in the news of the London Olympics,But for critical stage,Family and didn't bother him,They are all through the online news and micro bo to understand GuoWeiYang dynamic,The attitude of the family more low-key,“Hope that he will make good training and competition,Win honor for the country。 ”


声音 voice


滕海滨:舍不得胸前的国徽 TengHaiBin:Won't the national emblem of chest

  滕海滨在退出之后表示:“谢谢大家的支持和鼓励,谢谢兄弟们的安慰,谢谢领导的信任给我机会让我能够为梦想拼尽最后一丝力气,不至于以后后悔当时没有拼尽全力。 ”

TengHaiBin said after the exit:“Thank you for your support and encouragement,Thanks for the comfort of the brothers,Thanks for leadership of the trust for letting me to dream all spell last bit of energy,Not to regret later when we have underachieved。 ”

  经过八年蛰伏的滕海滨如今早已看淡了很多往事,他表示:“我已尽力,大家放心我会坚强一点的,我会为兄弟们加油!为中国体操队加油!愿中国队好运!我会跟你们站在一起与你们同战斗! ”

After eight years of TengHaiBin already see now dormant light many events of the past,He said:“I have tried to,Everyone trust I'll stand point,I will cheer for the brothers!For Chinese gymnastics team come on!Good luck to China!I'll talk to you to stand together with you in battle! ”

  臂上放着厚厚的冰袋,滕海滨在知道自己即将告别时伤心落泪,但此刻他已经无法改变这一事实。滕海滨说:“很不舍的卸下体操服上的国徽,可能为国征战在体操场上的日子就到这了吧!坚持了八年的奥运梦想就差三天就这么破碎了确实没有想到会是这样的一个残酷的结果,我败给了伤病。我只能无奈的去面对和接受。 ”

With a thick ice packs arm,TengHaiBin in know when say goodbye to tears when,But now he can't change this for a fact。TengHaiBin said:“Very persevered off for the national emblem of gymnastics,May with the opportunity of the court in gymnastics days to this now!To the eight years of the Olympic dream by three days so broken really did not expect will be such a cruel results,I lost to the injury。When all I can do is to face and accept。 ”


反应 reaction


日本队反应平淡称中国并非唯一对手 Japan says China is not the only reacted calmly opponent


TengHaiBin injury to Chinese gymnastics team back in two days before the games, was forced to change will be retired,They increase the defending Olympic NanTuan crown of difficulty。But the biggest rivals Japan seems to react to the news insipid,Japan's coach made the flowers said,China is not the only opponent。

  日本男队主教练立花泰称:“无论谁受伤,谁退出,日本队要专注的是自己的比赛。 ”他认为,中国队不是日本队唯一的对手,去年世锦赛铜牌得主美国男队也在最近一年中有了很大进步,因此男团的竞争会非常激烈。

Japan's coach made the flowers says:“No matter who injured,Who quit,Japan is to concentrate on our own game。 ”He thinks,China is not the only rival Japan,Last year the United States and the world bronze medalist in the latest years have made great progress,So NanTuan competition will be very competitive。


内幕新闻 Inside news


滕海滨为何火线离去? Why the TengHaiBin leave?


In London on that day 25 of the Chinese gymnastics end before the Olympic Games SaiTai training of two hours,Chinese gymnastics team manager HuangYuBin in personal micro blog confirmation,Arm injured TengHaiBin out London Olympic Games。Another source says,GuoWeiYang will replace TengHaiBin teams。


About a week ago TengHaiBin in Northern Ireland training with the team when he left forearm injured,Although persists that day with the group SaiTai training,But obviously arm can not hold up,All of the project practice without a to succeed。

  队伍刚结束赛台训练时,黄玉斌似乎还有所保留,表示是否换人要看练完后海滨伤臂的反应。但两个小时后,他就发出微博说:“意外受伤使滕海滨错失了参加本届奥运会的机会,但是对于他长期以来的坚持和付出,我们都非常感动,他的精神值得我们所有人学习和赞扬!体操队的成绩是所有人共同努力的结果,请大家为我们加油! ”

Just after the team SaiTai training,HuangYuBin seems to have retained,To see whether substitution said after practice the arms of the injury reaction。But two hours later,He is a micro bo said:“Accidental injury, make TengHaiBin missed the opportunity to attend the games,But for his long persistence and pay,We were all moved,His spirit is worth us all learning and praise!The result is the national joint effort,Please everybody cheer us! ”


According to gymnastics team inside information,The original in Northern Ireland on GuoWeiYang has rushed to London。He needs in gymnastics 28, take the time to adapt to before the start of the environment and space,To his time already very nervous。

  作为一名体操全能老将,滕海滨命运多舛。2004年雅典奥运会时,被誉为“中国男队的下一个领军人物”的他在男团决赛中出现重大失误,雅典之后,这个瘦小内敛的北京男孩一度沉寂,也未能入选北京奥运会阵容。 27岁的年纪,意味着他不太可能还有参加奥运会的机会。

As a gymnastics all-around veteran,TengHaiBin star-crossed lovers。The 2004 Olympic Games in Athens,Is known as“China boasts next leader”He appeared in the final in NanTuan blunder,After the Athens,The little boy of the collect inside Beijing once the silence,Also not being included in the Beijing Olympic Games squad。 27 years old,Means that he is unlikely to have the opportunity to take part in the Olympic Games。


Rookie GuoWeiYang and TengHaiBin perimeter player with,Also is this year the national championship all-around champion。He traveled with the team at the world championships last year,But for poor performance was finally temporary standards。


滕海滨历届奥运会回顾 TengHaiBin review of previous Olympic Games


雅典的悲喜,永远的痛 Athens soliloquy,Forever of pain


The Athens Olympic Games,TengHaiBin in the four projects play,But in the three project appear blunder,This led to China in NanTuan lost。Dramatic is,In individual event,China several important players and for all the gold medal,And TengHaiBin got the pommel horse gold medal。


北京奥运无缘大名单 Beijing Olympic Games for no big list


YangWei、LiXiaoPeng、Xiao HuangXu etc and first team,Keep to the Beijing Olympic Games。Rings of Chen yibing,And the floor exercise and horizontal bar of the two new ZouKai emerge,State TengHaiBin decline of natural squeeze into Beijing Olympic Games first team。


伦敦奥运,无奈落选 The London games,But lost the election


TengHaiBin in the London games previous training in carelessly hit a bare forearm。Manager HuangYuBin want to let him competing,But helpless injury situation is serious beyond normal game level,China team in July 25 officially make let GuoWeiYang replace his decision。
