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BBC开幕式吐槽走红网络 英式幽默博人一笑--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网7月28日电 随着伦敦奥运会的开幕式圆满举行,英国BBC电台两位主播的吐槽体解说迅速走红网络。英国主播与开幕式上以“憨豆”先生为代表的“幽默客”们遥相呼应,就为您引用一些,博您一乐:

Beijing July 28--along with the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games held in London a,BBC radio two anchor vomit tub commentary quickly popular network。British broadcaster and the opening ceremony to“bean”As a representative of Mr“Humor guest”Echo each other at the,For you some quotes,Bo you a joy:


中国 China:他们的旗手,太!高!了!中国一直有篮球运动员做旗手的传统,中国的刘翔之前退赛了,希望这届他好运吧! ”当然,BBC也忍不住低声猜测:“不知道他们把我们的开幕式和他们自己的对比以后怎么想?”

“They the flag-bearer of,too!high!the!China has been basketball player do flag-bearer tradition,Liu xiang of China before out of the race,Hope that the good luck with him! ”Of course,BBC also cannot help but low voice guess:“Don't know they put our opening ceremony and their own after contrast to how?”


Also convey poking fun“The tongue of the China”:“see,That is China,The scene broke the thunderous ovation。They seemed to move away the kitchen(Here is spitting slot like tomato and egg clothes、Also vomit trough the Chinese delegation powerful diet logistics),We in Beijing to experience。


冰岛: Iceland:“冰岛的运动员来了。这次他们那个名字很长的火山没有爆发。所以他们按时来到伦敦了。祝贺他们! ”

“Iceland's athletes。This time they that name long volcanic no outbreaks。So they came to London on time。Congratulations to them! ”


    April 2010,Iceland has the Philippines and glacier ice near Della a volcano eruption,Volcanic ash lead to European countries were closed the airport。


多米尼加: The Dominican:“接下来是多米尼加队。绝美的岛屿,绝美的国度啊!就像他们自己国歌里唱的一样。可是他们的奥运代表团只有2个人哦。 ”

“Next is the Dominican team。Absolutely beautiful island,Absolutely beautiful country ah!As they sing the national anthem。But their Olympic team only two people well。 ”


朝鲜 North Korea:“希望我们今晚用对了国旗……”

“Hope tonight we use to the flag......”


In the 25 north Korea and Colombia's women's football in the group stage,Before the match by the organizing committee to big screen is introduced when players on both sides,South Korean flag shows in the wrong north Korean players photo。A mistake for north Korea's wrath,The team once refused to take part in the game。


西班牙: Spain:“男足怎么会输给日本的啊?哎哟,对着镜头那位发型真不错! ”西班牙之前在男足小组赛中,以0:1负于日本,爆出“冷门”。

“How did the men to Japan?Alas!,The lens of the hair is so good! ”Spain in the group stage before the men,Lost 1-0 Japan,came“unpopular”。


瑞士: Switzerland:“快找费德勒!哎哟不对,他明天有比赛今晚没来。 ”

“Quickly find federer!Alas! Wrong,He had a match tomorrow tonight didn't come。 ”


蒙古: Mongolia:“他们有世界上最冷的首都,咱还抱怨啥呢? ”

“They have the most in the world capital of the cold,I also complained about what? ”


利比亚: Libya:“战火中的利比亚,祝好运一整年啊亲!”

“The war for Libya,Good luck all year ah pro!”


索马里: somalia:“终于战胜海盗闯出来参加奥运会的大盗!”

“Finally win over pirates burst out of the thieves to take part in the Olympic Games!”


考克群岛: Cork islands:“他们要是拿金牌了,就会放‘上帝阻击新西兰’,呵呵呵”

“If they take gold medal,Will put‘God helping New Zealand’,Ha ha ha”


不丹: Bhutan:“世界上最后一个接收到电视信号的国家!”

“The world's last to receive television signal of the country!”


百慕大: Bermuda:“哪届奥运会都不能没了他们的短裤。”

“In which Olympic Games were not without their shorts。”


毛利坦尼亚: Maori tania:“要是拿金牌了运动员不唱国歌也没事,他们国歌没歌词!” (完)

“If take gold medal athletes do not sing the national anthem is ok,Their national anthem no lyrics!” (finish)
