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伦敦奥运充斥戏剧性场面 韩国选手静坐有历史--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网8月5日电 据外电报道,奥运会上的失败让人心酸,但是遭遇不公正,无论是真实的还是想象的,都是撕心裂肺的痛苦。2012年奥运会充满了有争议的裁决:击剑赛场上出现的技术故障,自行车赛后金银牌互换,以及首次有八名羽毛球运动员因有违奥运精神而不是比赛规则被取消比赛资格,引起争议。

Beijing August 5, as dispatches from foreign news agencies report,The failure of the Olympic Games make people very sad,But has no justice,Whether real or imagined,Are all tore heart crack lung of pain。The 2012 Olympic Games full of controversial ruling:Fencing appear on field technical failure,Bicycle JinYinPai exchange after the game,And the first eight badminton players against the Olympic spirit and not because of the game rules are disqualified,controversial。


Make a mistake of the national flag embarrassed let north Korea players anger,The London games during the these impressive moment that people's enthusiasm into a protest、angry、Disappointed and angry。

  很多金牌的争夺带有戏剧性效果,韩国女子重剑选手申雅岚(Shin A-lam)女子重剑半决赛结束后瘫坐在击剑场痛哭一个小时,抗议因裁判判罚不公而无缘决赛。

Many of the gold medal for dramatic effect,South Korean women's epee ShenYaLan players(Shin A-lam)Women's epee after the semi-final slumped into a fencing field cry hours,Because the referee gave a protest against injustice and for the final。


In Glasgow football ground on north Korea to Colombia's women's preliminary contest,The game screen that South Korea's national flag wrong as north Korea's national flag,But South Korea and north Korea's enemies,Wrath north Korea collective strike。

  伊朗拳击手阿里·马扎赫瑞(Ali Mazaheri)由于被取消参赛资格愤然冲出拳击场。英国女队在本可以夺金的场地自行车女子团体竞速赛中被取消参赛资格后,队员彭德尔顿(Victoria Pendleton)难以置信的抱住脑袋,随后在采访时强忍住泪水。

Iranian boxer ali mazar-e HeRui(Ali Mazaheri)Because be disqualified in anger rushed out of the boxing game。British women team in this can gold bikes in the women's team JingSuSai be disqualified,Pendleton players(Victoria Pendleton)Incredible embrace of the head,Then in the interview fought to hold the tears。

  “很多运动员和他们的团队都为有可能的结果做好了打算,”英国胡佛汉顿大学运动心理学教授安德鲁·莱恩(Andrew Lane)说,“但是这些非同寻常的判罚却是无法应对的。”

“Many athletes and their team for possible results ready plan,”British university of wolverhampton sports psychology professor Andrew Ryan(Andrew Lane)said,“But these extraordinary decisions is unable to cope with。”


奥运历史上的戏剧化场面 The dramatic scenes in Olympic history


Made for dramatic effect,London is not previous games and compared。

  1998年的汉城奥运会上,韩国拳击手Jung-Il Byun战败后十分愤怒,在拳击台上呆了67分钟不愿离开,组委会决定关掉所有的灯把他留在黑暗中。

1998 Seoul Olympic Games,South Korea boxer Jung-Il Byun after the defeat of very angry,In the ring for 67 minutes don't want to leave,The organizing committee decided to turn off all the lights put him in the dark。

  然而,历届奥运会的“愤怒之王”还属古巴跆拳道选手马托斯(Angel Valodia Matos),他因在北京奥运会的比赛中治疗时间过长被取消比赛资格,恼羞成怒的他竟一脚踢向主裁判的脸部。他也因此被终身禁赛。

however,Of previous Olympic Games“King of the anger”Cuba is MaTuoSi taekwondo player(Angel Valodia Matos),He was in Beijing Olympic Games treatment in a long time be disqualified,He has become angry from embarrassment of a kick to the referee's face。He therefore are also suspended for life。


London games some players emotional expression is found from the discontent。

  韩国剑手申雅岚本以为自己已打败对手德国选手海德曼(Britta Heidemann),但裁判在最后时刻把计时器从0秒调整至1秒,而在这1秒之内申雅岚遭到攻击,不幸出局。

HanGuoJian hand ShenYaLan thought I already beat his opponent Germany's hedman(Britta Heidemann),But the referee at the last moment the timer from 0 SEC adjustment to 1 second,And in this 1 seconds ShenYaLan attacked,Unfortunately out。


If directly out of fencing field,Means that she accepted the result。Her long and lonely waiting for the results,Sometimes quiet,Sometimes eyeful tears。ShenYaLan sat slumped in the spotlight on the sword of cry on pictures into London Olympic Games first week of one of the most moving scenes。

  在开幕式前两天,朝鲜女足因赛方错用韩国国旗愤然离场,返回更衣室,致使比赛延误了一个多小时。《太阳报》用了一个“Bad Korea Move” 这样一个半开玩笑的标题,尽管把这两个敌对国家的国旗弄错的责任在于组织方。

Two days before the opening ceremony,North Korea for the wrong party with South Korea in anger leaves the national flag,Back to the dressing room,The game was delayed more than a hour。《The sun》With a“Bad Korea Move” The title of this one and a half joking,Although the two hostile to the national flags of the responsibility of the party organization is wrong。

  重量级拳击手马扎赫瑞的抗议虽然时间短,但更激烈。裁判以马扎赫瑞在与对手古巴选手何塞-拉杜埃特-戈麦斯(Jose Larduet Gomez)比赛中不断抱住对手为由,取消了马扎赫瑞的比赛资格,还没等裁判举起对方的手宣布胜利,马扎赫瑞就愤怒地离开拳击场。

Heavyweight boxer mazar-e HeRui protest even though time is short,But the more intense。The HeRui mazar-e over rival Cuban players jose radu ella-gomez's(Jose Larduet Gomez)Game on the continuous hold opponents,Canceled the HeRui mazar-e disqualified,Before the referee up each other's hand declared victory,HeRui is angry to leave mazar-e boxing game。


“This is acted in collusion with good,”This name Iran's roar to say,“This is the trap。”


The international amateur boxing association maintenance the referee's decision,Although the Olympic Games more than a boxing results and other controversial,And there is a turkmen the referee calls for wrong and was kicked out of the Olympics。


泪洒拳击场 Tears spilled boxing game

  也是在拳击项目上,安哥拉代表团团长Antonio Monteiro对该国拳击教练大发雷霆,因为拳击教练忘了让该国唯一的拳击选手、91公斤级选手图姆拜·希尔瓦(Tumba Silva)去进行赛前称重,从而导致该选手自动丧失参赛资格。

Also in boxing projects,Angola delegation to the country's boxing coach Antonio Monteiro furious,Boxing coach forgot to let the country because the only the boxer、91 kg category player paestum worship hill watts(Tumba Silva)To go for a pre-match weighing,Leading to the player to be automatic disqualification。


“The athlete inconsolable,”Monteiro said,“He cry like a child。”


In the London of these dramatic events happen,The audience plays a large role。


When the failure to win in the south Korean judo player judge ZhaoJunHao beat Japan's old sea swamp kuang shi,London ExCel stadium a boos。Be astonished by the boos of judges decided to let the jury for arbitration,The jury to an unprecedented will overturn the competition result。


Perhaps other athletes can from the failure ZhaoJunHao was sentenced to learn something。


Although he is very vague about the results of the change,But he has no objection,Also refused to critique the referee,But leave calmly the judo field。“I think I have won,”He said,“We both got the bronze,So I'm very happy。”
