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China news agency London August 4 (Reuters) problem:Salute to the Olympic veterans
中新社记者 沈嘉
China news agency reporter ShenJia
当丹麦羽毛球名将彼得 盖德面对来自年轻对手的大力劈杀时,一个扑救不及,跪倒在地,他的最后一次奥运之旅就此结束。
When the Danish badminton's Peter gade face comes from young opponent when PiSha vigorously,A save less,Kneel down in,His last Olympic trip ended。
With 35 years old“old”for,Once against China DuiShu generation badminton players playing gade,In the exit won the applause when the tide。This is the people to run arena veterans salute。
The Olympic table tennis competition also has three such veteran。USES, 46,,The 43-year-old seve,And 43, PuLiMoLaCi。From the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games table tennis project at the Olympic Games start,Each Olympic Games will appear their figure。
When USES、seve、PuLiMoLaCi first stood in the Olympic stage,The Olympic table tennis champion ZhangJiKe xinke men and women and LiXiaoXia just was born。
Three veteran is already out,They are still worth the highest respect:After the Olympic stage,Itself is the biggest incentive for generations,The best explanation to the spirit of sports。The playground legend veteran,With their superb skill,Promote the sports technique and concept of innovation,Make coruscate gives stronger vitality。
The Olympics,Veterans often become the team“Spiritual leader”。Wang zhizhi, 35,、MiaoLiJie 31,,The Olympic Games were the Chinese male、Women's basketball teams in the“Dinghai adsolute being needle”。The former teammates some has high sit stand,And they are still fighting in above field。Although the physical strength and state had not peak,But the mentality and experience let them help the team inspire more strong combat effectiveness。
And led the Chinese men's gymnastics team won the gold medal in the Olympic Games group of Chen yibing,The words he“Is not the strongest of the captain”,“But we must be the most united team。”After the game critics said,Gymnastic team“Flowing champions of the blood”。this“Champions blood”,It is through the veterans generation to generation down。
In the history of the Olympic Games in the immortal legend,There are many is today's veteran、The young king of writing。
In the Olympic Games on the performance of the curtain call pit veteran Michael Phelps,Has made 17 pieces of individual gold medal in the Olympics,Total MEDALS 21 pieces,become“The first person in Olympic history”。Able to witness the birth of a great achievement,How people is not the happiness。
The Olympic veteran curtain call may accompany and desolate、Sorry to,But they left legend game won't die。besides,They have a group of,Continue to compose the another legend,Such as shot boundary Olympic“Six dynasties patriarch”Wang yifu,Retirement as the head coach of the team,Not only bring out a batch of young gun king,More become active players hope as example。
And the old China“The three musketeers”Sigfusson of,Four degrees Olympic impact gold nurse a grievance and return,Give him the generation of Chinese man fleuret gives the tragedy color。The retirement of sigfusson as coach,The Olympic Games,The disciple thunder finally stood the Olympic podium of the roof。
The Olympic veterans not only transfer through sports man's spiritual kernel,Also let people see beyond the sports,About life、Learning about life。
“People should enjoy every day life,Not calories,Today is not negotiate a couple of deals,These all shouldn't control your life。When you really enjoy life,Your face will also revealed a meet,It was the best。”71 years old and still hold the Olympics of the Japanese ride technique China tianjin wide said。
If a person has a firm goal and powerful generous heart,Life will be to belong to his personal“dressage”。This also is many Olympic veterans a respected wisdom nuclear。
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